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COaching Lifestyle Intervention for FErtility (COLIFE)

2021年8月6日 更新者:Maritta Poyhonen-Alho、Helsinki University Central Hospital
In Finland, every third woman is overweight (BMI>25) and 11,5% obese (BMI>30). Cohort and national studies reveal that 46% of fertile-aged men have BMI≥25 and 20% BMI≥30. Overweight has negative impact on both female and male fertility and weakens markedly the results of infertility treatments. In this study, 780 infertile couples will be randomized to control group (conventional infertility treatment) and lifestyle intervention arm undergoing 4 sessions of video-mediated motivational interview, anthropometric measurements, laboratory tests and epigenetic samples. Economic evaluation of the intervention will also be performed.






注册 (预期的)



  • 不适用









18年 至 40年 (成人)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • infertility
  • BMI 27-34.9 kg/m2

Exclusion Criteria:

  • no mobile device available
  • evident sperm defect or ovarian tube block
  • hinder for fluent treatment schedule due to the subjec´s obstacle (inadequate language skills, major time table problems)





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


Motivational interview
Life Style intervention including physical activity, diet, sleep and stress



Behavior change
大体时间:6 months
score from 1 to 4: (smoking + daily vegetable, fruit and berry use >500g + BMI 19-27 + 150 min of moderate exercise/week) No=0, Yes=1 measured at the beginning, at 3 and 6 months
6 months
Live birth rate
大体时间:3 years
Number of live children born
3 years
Weight change
大体时间:6 months
weight in kg measured without shoes and with light clothing at the beginning, at 3 and 6 months
6 months


Infertility treatments, number
大体时间:3 years
Number of infertility treatments needed for a live birth
3 years
Infertility treatments, mode
大体时间:3 years
Mode of infertility treatments needed for a live birth (including ovulation induction, insemination, IVF, ICSI)
3 years
Miscarriage rate
大体时间:3 years
Number of miscarriages
3 years
大体时间:0 months
Measured without shoes (cm)
0 months
大体时间:0 months
Measured without shoes and with light clothing (kg)
0 months
大体时间:3 months
Measured without shoes and with light clothing (kg)
3 months
大体时间:6 months
Measured without shoes and with light clothing (kg)
6 months
Body mass index
大体时间:0 months
Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters
0 months
Body mass index
大体时间:3 months
Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters
3 months
Body mass index
大体时间:6 months
Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters
6 months
Body composition
大体时间:0 months
Bioimpedance method
0 months
Body composition
大体时间:3 months
Bioimpedance method
3 months
Body composition
大体时间:6 months
Bioimpedance method
6 months
Waist circumference
大体时间:0 months
measured at midpoint between the lower margin of the last palpable rib and the top of the iliac crest (cm)
0 months
Waist circumference
大体时间:3 months
measured at midpoint between the lower margin of the last palpable rib and the top of the iliac crest (cm)
3 months
Waist circumference
大体时间:6 months
measured at midpoint between the lower margin of the last palpable rib and the top of the iliac crest (cm)
6 months
Self-reported physical activity
大体时间:0 months
Minutes per week, International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form
0 months
Self-reported physical activity
大体时间:6 months
Minutes per week, International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form
6 months
Physical activity
大体时间:0 months
Amount of weekly physical activity, data from Oura ring 3-dimensional accelerometer
0 months
Physical activity
大体时间:3 months
Amount of weekly physical activity, data from Oura ring 3-dimensional accelerometer
3 months
Physical activity
大体时间:6 months
Amount of weekly physical activity, data from Oura ring 3-dimensional accelerometer
6 months
Maximal oxygen uptake
大体时间:0 months
Functional aerobic capacity prediction model (N-Ex BMI) by Johnson et al 1990
0 months
Maximal oxygen uptake
大体时间:3 months
Functional aerobic capacity prediction model (N-Ex BMI) by Johnson et al 1990
3 months
Maximal oxygen uptake
大体时间:6 months
Functional aerobic capacity prediction model (N-Ex BMI) by Johnson et al 1990
6 months
Dietary content
大体时间:0 months
FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a)
0 months
Dietary content
大体时间:6 months
FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a)
6 months
Dietary patterns
大体时间:0 months
FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a)
0 months
Dietary patterns
大体时间:6 months
FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a)
6 months
大体时间:0 months
Plasma folate concentration
0 months
大体时间:6 months
Plasma folate concentration
6 months
大体时间:0 months
Plasma vitamin-D concentration
0 months
大体时间:6 months
Plasma vitamin-D concentration
6 months
大体时间:0 months
Plasma zinc concentration
0 months
大体时间:6 months
Plasma zinc concentration
6 months
大体时间:0 months
Amount of daily carbohydrates in diet , FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
0 months
大体时间:6 months
Amount of daily carbohydrates in diet, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
6 months
大体时间:0 months
Amount of daily proteins in diet, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
0 months
大体时间:6 months
Amount of daily proteins in diet, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
6 months
大体时间:0 months
Alcohol consumption per week, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
0 months
大体时间:6 months
Alcohol consumption per week, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
6 months
n-3 fatty acids
大体时间:0 months
Amount of daily n-3 fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
0 months
n-3 fatty acids
大体时间:6 months
Amount of daily n-3 fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
6 months
n-6 fatty acids
大体时间:0 months
Amount of daily n-6 fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
0 months
n-6 fatty acids
大体时间:6 months
Amount of daily n-6 fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
6 months
Saturated fatty acids
大体时间:0 months
Amount of daily saturated fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
0 months
Saturated fatty acids
大体时间:6 months
Amount of daily saturated fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
6 months
Monounsaturated fatty acids
大体时间:0 months
Amount of daily monounsaturated fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
0 months
Monounsaturated fatty acids
大体时间:6 months
Amount of daily monounsaturated fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
6 months
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
大体时间:0 months
Amount of daily polyunsaturated fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
0 months
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
大体时间:6 months
Amount of daily polyunsaturated fatty acids, FinTerveys dietary questionnaire (https://thl.fi/documents/189940/4779595/FT17_FFQ_ENG_paino.pdf/4a2ef46b-272e-4bb4-827c-e1cb1314f09a
6 months
大体时间:0 months
Quality of sleep, Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire (BNSQ)
0 months
大体时间:6 months
Quality of sleep, Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire (BNSQ)
6 months
Sleep, measured
大体时间:0 months
Quality, sleep disruptions, total sleep duration registered by Oura ring application
0 months
Sleep, measured
大体时间:3 months
Quality, sleep disruptions, total sleep duration registered by Oura ring application
3 months
Sleep, measured
大体时间:6 months
Quality, sleep disruptions, total sleep duration registered by Oura ring application
6 months
Stress recovery
大体时间:0 months
Night-time heart rate variability regisered by Oura ring application
0 months
Stress recovery
大体时间:3 months
Night-time heart rate variability registered by Oura ring application
3 months
Stress recovery
大体时间:6 months
Night-time heart rate variability registered by Oura ring application
6 months
Anxiety and depression
大体时间:0 months
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
0 months
Anxiety and depression
大体时间:3 months
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
3 months
医院焦虑抑郁量表 (HADS)
Fertility quality of life
大体时间:0 months
FertiQoL International Questionnaire
0 months
Fertility quality of life
大体时间:6 months
FertiQoL International Questionnaire
6 months
大体时间:0 months
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) Questionnaire
0 months
大体时间:6 months
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) Questionnaire
6 months
Self-determined motivation for physical activity
大体时间:0 months
Behavioral Regulations for Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-3, Markland, D. & Tobin, 2004). Includes the subscales: Amotivation, External regulation, Introjected regulation, Identified regulation, Integrated regulation, Intrinsic regulation.
0 months
Self-determined motivation for physical activity
大体时间:6 months
Behavioral Regulations for Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-3, Markland, D. & Tobin, 2004). Includes the subscales: Amotivation, External regulation, Introjected regulation, Identified regulation, Integrated regulation, Intrinsic regulation
6 months
Intention and action planning for physical activity; Intention to increase physical activity
大体时间:0 months
Three (adapted) items from the Health Action Process Approach Questionnaire, (Schwarzer R. Modeling health behaviour change: how to predict and modify the adoption and maintenance of health behaviors. Appl Psychol, 2008; 57:1-29)
0 months
Intention and action planning for physical activity; Intention to increase physical activity
大体时间:6 months
Three (adapted) items from the Health Action Process Approach Questionnaire (Schwarzer R. Modeling health behaviour change: how to predict and modify the adoption and maintenance of health behaviors. Appl Psychol, 2008; 57:1-29)
6 months
Self-efficacy for physical activity
大体时间:0 months
18-item scale developed by Albert Bandura (Bandura A. 2006). Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales. In: Pajares F, Urdan T (eds)Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents. Information Age, Charlotte, pp 307-337)
0 months
Self-efficacy for physical activity
大体时间:6 months
18-item scale developed by Albert Bandura (Bandura A. 2006). Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales. In: Pajares F, Urdan T (eds)Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents. Information Age, Charlotte, pp 307-337)
6 months
Pregnancy complications
大体时间:3 years
Number of pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, hypertension, fetal growth disorders, preterm birth)
3 years
Delivery complications
大体时间:3 years
Number of delivery complications (cesarean section, assisted vaginal delivery, hemorrhage)
3 years
Neonatal outcome
大体时间:3 years
Birth weight, cord pH, Apgar score
3 years
Body composition of the newborn
大体时间:At birth
Bioimpedance method
At birth
Growth of the child
大体时间:Up to 16 years of age
From the records of the national child care centers and schools
Up to 16 years of age
Sperm epigenetic profile
大体时间:0 months
Determination of heritable phenotype
0 months
Sperm epigenetic profile
大体时间:6 months
Determination of heritable phenotype
6 months
大体时间:0 months
0 months
大体时间:6 months
6 months
Sperm oxidative stress
大体时间:0 months
the Male infertility Oxidative System test (MiOXSYS)
0 months
Sperm oxidative stress
大体时间:6 months
the Male infertility Oxidative System test (MiOXSYS)
6 months
A cost-utility of the intervention
大体时间:3 years
analysis based on WHOQOL-BREF Questionnaire and FertiQoL, relating the quality-adjusted life years (QALYS) to the costs of the intervention
3 years
QALY baseline
大体时间:0 months
WHOQOL-BREF Questionnaire and FertiQoL International Questionnaire
0 months
QALY end point
大体时间:6 months
WHOQOL-BREF Questionnaire and FertiQoL International Questionnaire
6 months
大体时间:3 years
3 years
Static postural balance
大体时间:0 months
Absolute reach distance measured on balance board, cm (FTC Functional training Company GmbH, AM Haag 10 D-82166 Gräfelfing Germany)
0 months
Static postural balance
大体时间:1st trimester of pregnancy
Absolute reach distance measured on balance board, cm (FTC Functional training Company GmbH, AM Haag 10 D-82166 Gräfelfing Germany)
1st trimester of pregnancy
Static postural balance
大体时间:2nd trimester of pregnancy
Absolute reach distance measured on balance board, cm (FTC Functional training Company GmbH, AM Haag 10 D-82166 Gräfelfing Germany)
2nd trimester of pregnancy
Static postural balance
大体时间:3rd trimester of pregnancy
Absolute reach distance measured on balance board, cm (FTC Functional training Company GmbH, AM Haag 10 D-82166 Gräfelfing Germany)
3rd trimester of pregnancy
Static postural balance
大体时间:3 months postpartum
Absolute reach distance measured on balance board, cm (FTC Functional training Company GmbH, AM Haag 10 D-82166 Gräfelfing Germany)
3 months postpartum
Perception of stress
大体时间:0 months
Perceived Stress Scale by Sheldon Cohen
0 months
Perception of stress
大体时间:3 months
Perceived Stress Scale by Sheldon Cohen
3 months
Perception of stress
大体时间:6 months
Perceived Stress Scale by Sheldon Cohen
6 months
Personality dimensions
大体时间:0 months
The Big Five Personality Test
0 months
Personality dimensions
大体时间:6 months
The Big Five Personality Test
6 months




  • 首席研究员:Juha Tapanainen, professor、Helsinki University Central Hospital


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Life Style的临床试验
