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Determining the Severity of Physical Symptoms Displayed and Their Level of Perceived Readiness for Discharge After Birth

2020年12月4日 更新者:Aysegul Durmaz

Determining the Severity of Physical Symptoms Displayed by Mothers Receiving Personalized Care and Their Level of Perceived Readiness for Discharge After Birth

H1a: There is a difference between the severity of physical symptoms displayed by puerperal women who received routine and personalized care during the early postpartum period.

H1b: There is a difference between the levels of readiness for discharge among puerperal women who received routine and personalized care during the early postpartum period.

H0a: There is no difference between the severity of physical symptoms displayed by puerperal women who received routine and personalized care during the early postpartum period.

H0b: There is no difference between the levels of readiness for discharge among puerperal women who received routine and personalized care during the early postpartum period.



This single-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted between the February and December of 2019. The study was carried out at tertiary care hospital in Turkey. The population of this study consisted of the puerperal women who performed vaginal birth at the maternity unit of a hospital.

Considering the possibility that participants of the sample might be lost or abandon the study, 120 mothers who met the criteria of inclusion to experimental (E) (n=60) and control (C) (n=60) groups were included and assigned to both groups using the permuted block randomization method.The investigators randomly allocated the participants either to the intervention group (which received the personalized care), or to control group (which received the routine care). The mothers in the experimental group (60) were administered personalized care while those in the control group (60) were given the routine care.

The pre-test procedure was performed when the mothers' statuses were stabilized one hour after the admittance to the maternity service. The post-test procedure was conducted one hour before the discharge. Routine care was provided to the mothers in both groups. Routine care means the standard care service provided to mothers following the birth. The standard postpartum basic care components were determined based on the guides and protocols of the hospital. There are three core components of postpartum care regarding the routine care service.

The data were collected using the ''Personal Information Form'', ''Postpartum Physical Symptom Severity Scale'' and ''Perceived Readiness for Discharge After Birth Scale-Form for New Mothers (PRDABS-FNM)''.

Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) Statistics 22 software. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage values) were used to assess the results. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to review the goodness of fit to normal distribution.



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      • Kutahya、火鸡、43000
        • Kütahya Health Science University





18年 及以上 (成人、年长者)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • To receive personalized care
  • To have vaginal birth
  • To have singleton birth
  • To be within the early postpartum period (the first 24 hours)
  • Not have complications childbirth
  • Not have chronic diseases or mental disorders
  • Older than 18 years
  • To voluntary to participate
  • To know how to read, write and speak in Turkish
  • To stay within this study until the end
  • To fully complete questionnaire
  • To have a newborn with no complications
  • To have a healthy baby

Exclusion Criteria:

  • To receive routine care
  • To received theoretical training,
  • Not have vaginal birth
  • Having multiple birth
  • Not to be within the early postpartum period (the first 24 hours)
  • Having complications childbirth
  • Having chronic diseases or mental disorders
  • Younger than 18 years
  • To refuse to participate
  • Not knowing how to read, write and speak Turkish
  • To leave early this study
  • Not fill the questionnaire
  • Having a newborn with complications
  • Having a baby in need of medical care





  • 主要用途:支持治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:单身的


实验性的:Experimental Group
The mothers in the experimental group (60) were administered.
A clinical and standardized workflow was created for both experimental and control groups. This standardized workflow: consisted of services which included the management of basic medications, routine care regarding the postpartum period, newborn care and health education. After the standardized clinic workflow was formed, a personalized care plan was developed for the experimental group. Each care procedure was shared with the participants in the experimental group. Moreover, all potential alternative care plans were presented to the participants.
无干预:Control Group
The mothers in the control group (60) were given the routine care.



Pre- Test Severity of Physical Symptoms
大体时间:1 hour after the admittance to the maternity service
Postpartum Physical Symptom Severity Scale; this 4-point Likert scale has 18 items aiming to determine the physical postpartum symptoms. The scale is scored as 0 (none), 1 (mild), 2 (moderate) and 3 (severe). The scale assesses the physical symptoms, such as perineum pain, insomnia, constipation, backpain, headache, hemorrhoid, arthralgia, numbness in hands and feet, vaginal discharge and infection, vaginal bleeding, urinary tract infections, dizziness, varicose vein in legs, urinary incontinence, feeling cold abnormally or coldness in hands and feet, and it evaluates the severity of these symptoms. The total scale score varies between 0 and 54. An increase in the score obtained from the scale indicates high severity of physical postpartum symptoms.
1 hour after the admittance to the maternity service
Pre-Test Readiness for Discharge After Birth
大体时间:1 hour after the admittance to the maternity service
Perceived Readiness for Discharge After Birth Scale-Form for New Mothers (PRDABS-FNM); This is a scale assessing the readiness for discharge by mothers' perceptions. It consists of four subdimensions and 23 items. The first item is answered dichotomously (yes/no). The items between 2 and 23 are calculated through the Likert type points ranging from 0 to 10. The subdimensions consisted of 1. Care skills, 2. Expected support; 3. Strength and ability to cope; 4. Stress control and knowledge of accessing help. The lowest and highest scores are 0 and 220. High scores indicate women's readiness for discharge.
1 hour after the admittance to the maternity service


Post-Test Severity of Physical Symptoms
大体时间:1 hour before the discharge
Postpartum Physical Symptom Severity Scale; this 4-point Likert scale has 18 items aiming to determine the physical postpartum symptoms. The scale is scored as 0 (none), 1 (mild), 2 (moderate) and 3 (severe). The scale assesses the physical symptoms, such as perineum pain, insomnia, constipation, backpain, headache, hemorrhoid, arthralgia, numbness in hands and feet, vaginal discharge and infection, vaginal bleeding, urinary tract infections, dizziness, varicose vein in legs, urinary incontinence, feeling cold abnormally or coldness in hands and feet, and it evaluates the severity of these symptoms. The total scale score varies between 0 and 54. An increase in the score obtained from the scale indicates high severity of physical postpartum symptoms.
1 hour before the discharge
Post-Test Severity of Physical Symptoms
大体时间:1 hour before the discharge
Perceived Readiness for Discharge After Birth Scale-Form for New Mothers (PRDABS-FNM); This is a scale assessing the readiness for discharge by mothers' perceptions. It consists of four subdimensions and 23 items. The first item is answered dichotomously (yes/no). The items between 2 and 23 are calculated through the Likert type points ranging from 0 to 10. The subdimensions consisted of 1. Care skills, 2. Expected support; 3. Strength and ability to cope; 4. Stress control and knowledge of accessing help. The lowest and highest scores are 0 and 220. High scores indicate women's readiness for discharge.
1 hour before the discharge




  • 首席研究员:Aysegul Durmaz、KSBU





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  • Personalized Phy. Symp. Disc.

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