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Transitional Rehabilitation in CABG Patients

10. července 2021 aktualizováno: Michael J. Toth, Ph.D., University of Vermont

Novel Transitional Rehabilitation Care in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Patients

The goal of this research study is to understand whether an at-home exercise program started soon after CABG surgery, and continuing for 4 weeks following discharge from the hospital, can preserve or improve physical function.

Přehled studie

Detailní popis

Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is a common surgical procedures and an important treatment option for coronary artery disease. The post-surgery period of rest and recovery is associated with cardiorespiratory and skeletal muscle deconditioning. The goal of this research study is to understand whether an at-home exercise program started soon after CABG surgery, and continuing for 4 weeks following discharge from the hospital, can serve as a bridge between surgery and the start of cardiac rehabilitation to preserve or improve physical function. Volunteers will be randomly assigned to receive neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) of their quadriceps muscles or not to receive NMES (control group). Volunteers will be evaluated prior to CABG, upon discharge and 4 weeks Post-CABG surgery. Assessments will include measurements of physical function by the Short Physical Performance Battery, 6 min walk tests and body composition analysis, as well as assessment of subjective physical functional capacity and quality of life using the Medical Outcomes Short form 36. Additionally, accelerometry will be used to monitor weight-bearing physical activity during the 4 week treatment phase.

Typ studie


Zápis (Aktuální)



  • Nelze použít

Kontakty a umístění

Tato část poskytuje kontaktní údaje pro ty, kteří studii provádějí, a informace o tom, kde se tato studie provádí.

Studijní místa

    • Vermont
      • Burlington, Vermont, Spojené státy, 05405
        • University of Vermont College of Medicine

Kritéria účasti

Výzkumníci hledají lidi, kteří odpovídají určitému popisu, kterému se říká kritéria způsobilosti. Některé příklady těchto kritérií jsou celkový zdravotní stav osoby nebo předchozí léčba.

Kritéria způsobilosti

Věk způsobilý ke studiu

50 let až 80 let (Dospělý, Starší dospělý)

Přijímá zdravé dobrovolníky


Pohlaví způsobilá ke studiu



Inclusion Criteria:

  • 50-80 yrs of age
  • ambulatory
  • scheduled for coronary artery bypass graft surgery
  • able to provide informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

  • rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory/autoimmune disease
  • cancer, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer
  • exercise limiting peripheral vascular disease
  • neuromuscular disease or neuromuscular dysfunction associated with cerebrovascular event
  • body mass index >38 kg/m2
  • valvular heart disease not corrected surgically
  • lower extremity blood clot or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator

Studijní plán

Tato část poskytuje podrobnosti o studijním plánu, včetně toho, jak je studie navržena a co studie měří.

Jak je studie koncipována?

Detaily designu

  • Primární účel: Podpůrná péče
  • Přidělení: Randomizované
  • Intervenční model: Paralelní přiřazení
  • Maskování: Žádné (otevřený štítek)

Zbraně a zásahy

Skupina účastníků / Arm
Intervence / Léčba
Žádný zásah: Řízení
Žádná kontrola léčby
Experimentální: Treatment
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
bilateral quadriceps exercise with neuromuscular electrical stimulation

Co je měření studie?

Primární výstupní opatření

Měření výsledku
Popis opatření
Časové okno
Short Physical Performance Battery
Časové okno: 4 weeks
Short Physical Performance Battery is composed of three tasks assessing balance, gait speed, and ability to stand from a chair. Units on a scale for each domain range from of 0-4 for a total score of 0 to 12, with a higher score indicating better physical function.
4 weeks

Sekundární výstupní opatření

Měření výsledku
Popis opatření
Časové okno
6 Minute Walk Distance
Časové okno: 4 weeks
6 MW was developed to assess cardiopulmonary fitness in patients with lung and cardiac disease, and has been validated in cardiac surgery patients. It assesses the distance that a patient can walk in 6 minutes time around a standard course.
4 weeks
Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 - Physical Function
Časové okno: Hospital discharge and 4-weeks post-discharge
The Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 is a questionnaire that assesses self-reported health and physical functional status. There are 36 questions that reflect eight sub-domains of health included in this questionnaire. Scores for each domain represent weighted sums of the questions in each sub-domain. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. This sub-domain focused on limitations in physical function due to health problems. Lower scores represent more physical function disability, while higher scores represent less disability.
Hospital discharge and 4-weeks post-discharge
Medical Outcome Short Form 36 - Role Physical
Časové okno: Hospital discharge and 4-weeks post-discharge
The Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 is a questionnaire that assesses self-reported health and physical functional status. There are 36 questions that reflect eight sub-domains of health included in this questionnaire. Scores for each domain represent weighted sums of the questions in each sub-domain. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. This sub-domain focused on limitations in usual role activities because of physical health problems. Lower scores represent more disability, while higher scores represent less disability.
Hospital discharge and 4-weeks post-discharge
Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 - Bodily Pain
Časové okno: Hospital discharge and 4-week post-discharge
The Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 is a questionnaire that assesses self-reported health and physical functional status. There are 36 questions that reflect eight sub-domains of health included in this questionnaire. Scores for each domain represent weighted sums of the questions in each sub-domain. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. This sub-domain focused on bodily pain. Lower scores represent more pain, while higher scores represent less pain.
Hospital discharge and 4-week post-discharge
Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 - General Health
Časové okno: Hospital discharge and 4-week post-discharge
The Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 is a questionnaire that assesses self-reported health and physical functional status. There are 36 questions that reflect eight sub-domains of health included in this questionnaire. Scores for each domain represent weighted sums of the questions in each sub-domain. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. This sub-domain focused on self-reported general health. Lower scores represent worse health, while higher scores represent better health.
Hospital discharge and 4-week post-discharge
Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 - Vitality
Časové okno: Hospital discharge and 4-weeks post-discharge
The Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 is a questionnaire that assesses self-reported health and physical functional status. There are 36 questions that reflect eight sub-domains of health included in this questionnaire. Scores for each domain represent weighted sums of the questions in each sub-domain. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. This sub-domain focused on vitality (energy and fatigue). Lower scores represent less vitality, while higher scores represent more vitality.
Hospital discharge and 4-weeks post-discharge
Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 - Social Function
Časové okno: Hospital discharge and 4-weeks post-discharge
The Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 is a questionnaire that assesses self-reported health and physical functional status. There are 36 questions that reflect eight sub-domains of health included in this questionnaire. Scores for each domain represent weighted sums of the questions in each sub-domain. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. This sub-domain focuses on limitations in social activities because of physical or emotional problems. Lower scores represent more more limitations, while higher scores represent less lmitations.
Hospital discharge and 4-weeks post-discharge
Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 - Role Emotional
Časové okno: Hospital discharge and 4-week discharge
The Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 is a questionnaire that assesses self-reported health and physical functional status. There are 36 questions that reflect eight sub-domains of health included in this questionnaire. Scores for each domain represent weighted sums of the questions in each sub-domain. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. This sub-domain focuses on limitations in usual role activities because of emotional problems. Lower scores represent more limitations, while higher scores represent less limitations.
Hospital discharge and 4-week discharge
Medical Outcomes Short Form 36
Časové okno: Hospital discharge and 4-week post-discharge
The Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 is a questionnaire that assesses self-reported health and physical functional status. There are 36 questions that reflect eight sub-domains of health included in this questionnaire. Scores for each domain represent weighted sums of the questions in each sub-domain. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. This measure represents the total computed score across all sub-domains. Lower scores represent worse overall health, while higher scores represent better health.
Hospital discharge and 4-week post-discharge
Physical Activity
Časové okno: Daily from discharge to 4-week post-discharge evaluation
Physical activity was measured throughout the intervention in control and treatment groups and data. Data were analyzed by regression analysis to obtain the best fit line for the data and to compute a slope of the change in step count with day post-discharge to examine whether groups differed in their rate of recovery of weight-bearing activity (ie, walking).
Daily from discharge to 4-week post-discharge evaluation

Spolupracovníci a vyšetřovatelé

Zde najdete lidi a organizace zapojené do této studie.

Publikace a užitečné odkazy

Osoba odpovědná za zadávání informací o studiu tyto publikace poskytuje dobrovolně. Mohou se týkat čehokoli, co souvisí se studiem.

Termíny studijních záznamů

Tato data sledují průběh záznamů studie a předkládání souhrnných výsledků na ClinicalTrials.gov. Záznamy ze studií a hlášené výsledky jsou před zveřejněním na veřejné webové stránce přezkoumány Národní lékařskou knihovnou (NLM), aby se ujistily, že splňují specifické standardy kontroly kvality.

Hlavní termíny studia

Začátek studia (Aktuální)

1. září 2017

Primární dokončení (Aktuální)

24. října 2019

Dokončení studie (Aktuální)

24. října 2019

Termíny zápisu do studia

První předloženo

26. března 2019

První předloženo, které splnilo kritéria kontroly kvality

26. března 2019

První zveřejněno (Aktuální)

27. března 2019

Aktualizace studijních záznamů

Poslední zveřejněná aktualizace (Aktuální)

3. srpna 2021

Odeslaná poslední aktualizace, která splnila kritéria kontroly kvality

10. července 2021

Naposledy ověřeno

1. července 2021

Více informací

Termíny související s touto studií

Plán pro data jednotlivých účastníků (IPD)

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Informace o lécích a zařízeních, studijní dokumenty

Studuje lékový produkt regulovaný americkým FDA


Studuje produkt zařízení regulovaný americkým úřadem FDA


produkt vyrobený a vyvážený z USA


Tyto informace byly beze změn načteny přímo z webu clinicaltrials.gov. Máte-li jakékoli požadavky na změnu, odstranění nebo aktualizaci podrobností studie, kontaktujte prosím register@clinicaltrials.gov. Jakmile bude změna implementována na clinicaltrials.gov, bude automaticky aktualizována i na našem webu .

Klinické studie na neuromuscular electrical stimulation
