Canadian Public Research University launches Couple HOPES wht hepls Overcome PTSD and Enhance Satisfaction

Photo by Sydney Rae

The York University is commencing recruitment for the clinical trial of the Couple HOPES (Helping Overcome PTSD and Enhance Satisfaction).

The condition is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

A new clinical trial is recruiting patients in the following locations: Canada.

The trial officially began on the January 1, 2021 and is planned to complete on August 31, 2021.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) will be a severe problem in Canada in the wake of COVID-19, especially for Military Members, Veterans, First Responders, and Healthcare Workers (MVFH). However, gold standard face-to-face PTSD treatments do not meet current MVFH needs, which requires virtual interventions and minimal healthcare resources. Recognizing the need for a virtual, low-resource PTSD intervention for MVFH with PTSD and their loved ones, the investigators developed Couple HOPES (Helping Overcome PTSD and Enhance Satisfaction). Couple HOPES is a secure, online self-help intervention for those with PTSD and their partners ( However, MVFH are now particularly likely to be exposed to traumas related to COVID-19. It is essential to identify if Couple HOPES is safe and helpful for couples involving MVFH with COVID-19-related PTSD specifically. This project will therefore test the efficacy of Couple HOPES compared to a delayed waitlist control in 70 couples wherein one member is a MVFH with COVID-19-related PTSD. The investigators will examine if Couple HOPES is helpful in improving PTSD symptoms and relationship satisfaction for such couples, and if it is more or less helpful to this end for these couples compared to those with other forms of trauma exposure. 70 couples including a MVFH with COVID-19-related PTSD, will be randomly assigned to receive Couple HOPES or to a waitlist. PTSD symptoms and relationship satisfaction will be measured ~weekly during the intervention and one month after it. Related problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, healthcare use) will be measured before, in the middle of, after, and one month after, the intervention.

The population that can be enrolled into this study includes:

  • Individual who is a Canadian military member, veteran, first responder or healthcare worker with clinically significant levels of PTSD symptoms related to COVID-19
  • Must be willing to be audio-recorded for coaching sessions
  • Intimate partner willing to participant and complete intervention modules together
  • Access to high speed internet

The link to the complete study profile:

Clinical Research News

Bevorstehende klinische Studien
