Norwegian University Hospital starts a clinical trial of the efficacy of goal focused, non-pharmacological treatment for persons with ADHD/ADD

Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA

University Hospital, Akershus is starting a new clinical trial of the Efficacy of Goal Focused, Non-Pharmacological Treatment for Persons With ADHD/ADD.

The study aims to improve the understanding of non-pharmacological treatments of ADHD with a particular emphasis on coping with executive problems. Executive functions can be defined as those abilities necessary to formulate goals, carry them out effectively and enabling a person to engage successfully in independent, purposive, self-serving behavior.

The intervention consists of:

  • Eight psycho-educative group sessions focusing on Goal Management Training (GMT), a method aiming to enhance goal directed behavior, developed by Levine and colleagues in 2011.
  • Four individual sessions where the participants are guided through the process of formulation individual goals for improving functioning in everyday life. The method used for goal setting is Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS), developed by Kiresuk and Sherman in 1968.
  • Bi-weekly telephone follow up the first three months preceding the group sessions, focusing on the attainment of GAS-goals.

The adult participants with ADHD/ADD are recruited from the outpatient psychiatric health care clinic, DPS Nedre Romerike at Akershus University Hospital.

Patients with diagnosis of Hyperkinetic disorder, ADHD or ADD can be enrolled inti tis study. Both patients recently diagnosed at DPS and patients previously diagnosed can be included.

The study will take place at the Akershus University Hospital, DPS Nedre Romerike, Postboks 1000.

Akershus University Hospital (Akershus universitetssykehus, abbreviated Ahus) is a Norwegian public university hospital in the Greater Oslo Region. It is located in the Lørenskog municipality in the region of Viken, just east of the Norwegian capital Oslo.

The Hospital aims to ensure that both the research and teaching at the hospital maintains a high professional level, and that the basis of the activity must be the hospitals own patient population. The research aims to provide results that are useful for both diagnosis and treatment. It should be progressive by adopting the opportunities that modern medicine and technology offers, and be cost effective.

For more details:

Clinical Research News

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