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Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Support Groups and Veterans

10 de setembro de 2013 atualizado por: Heather Bloom, Emory University

Impact of ICD Support Groups in Veterans Receiving Internal Cardioverter Defibrillators

In this study, we will compare the quality of life in veterans having ICD who attend the ICD support groups to those who do not. We ask them to answer a set of quality of life questionnaires at baseline and then at 3,6,9 and 12 month visits. These questionnaires would be analyzed to assess if attending support groups made a difference. These results will be compared to a similar study done at Emory University on non veterans.

Visão geral do estudo

Descrição detalhada

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a major clinical problem, responsible for 400,000 deaths annually in the US(2) Ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia (VF/VT) is the most common arrhythmia associated with SCD(3). ICD implantation is the only preventive treatment, and clinical trials have clearly established the efficacy of ICD placement for both primary and secondary prevention of SCD(4). Since 1996, ICD implantation has increased dramatically, from 20,000 per year, to 200,000 implanted per year in the US.

Patients are likely to experience varying degrees of psychological, social and physical adjustment both leading up to and following ICD implant. Poor quality of life and depression are common in patients with ICD(5). Anxiety is particularly common, with approximately 24 - 87% of ICD recipients experiencing increased symptoms of anxiety after implantation and diagnostic rates for clinically significant anxiety disorders ranging from 13-38%(6). The occurrence of ICD shocks is generally faulted for this psychological distress, but its causal influence is confounded by the presence of a life threatening medical condition. Depressive symptoms are reported in 24-33% of ICD patients(7). ICD shock related fears are universal and may be the most pervasive psychosocial adjustment challenge ICD patients face.

The literature suggests that ICD recipient QOL is not as high as that among recipients of more benign cardiac devices such as pacemakers. Concerns about ICD shocks and the negative effect of ICDs on patients' sense of control, social interactions, driving, sexuality, capacity to work, and ability to engage in leisure activities appear to adversely influence ICD recipients' perception of health and well being(8).

Support groups are a popular adjunctive treatment for ICD patients because they provide an efficient conduit for patient education spanning the biopsychosocial domains.(9) The active ingredients of support groups probably centre on the universality of many patient concerns and the sharing of information and strategies to deal effectively with these concerns. Dickerson et al found that ICD recipients and their support persons coped with traumatic experience of sudden cardiac death by using story telling in the support group to work through the anxiety and place the event into a manageable explanation(10). Clinical nurse specialist (CNS) - facilitated support group are beneficial if offered, especially if they contact the ICD recipients early during hospitalization and making them aware of this resource(11).

Tipo de estudo


Inscrição (Real)


Critérios de participação

Os pesquisadores procuram pessoas que se encaixem em uma determinada descrição, chamada de critérios de elegibilidade. Alguns exemplos desses critérios são a condição geral de saúde de uma pessoa ou tratamentos anteriores.

Critérios de elegibilidade

Idades elegíveis para estudo

  • Filho
  • Adulto
  • Adulto mais velho

Aceita Voluntários Saudáveis


Gêneros Elegíveis para o Estudo


Método de amostragem

Amostra Não Probabilística

População do estudo

Patients of primary care cardiology clinics at the Atlanta VAMC


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Screen for enrollment into 2 groups - ICD support group and non ICD support group, consented, baseline set of QOL questionnaires

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patients that experience varying degrees of psychological, social and physical adjustment both leading up to and following ICD.
  • Poor quality of life and depression.

Plano de estudo

Esta seção fornece detalhes do plano de estudo, incluindo como o estudo é projetado e o que o estudo está medindo.

Como o estudo é projetado?

Detalhes do projeto

  • Modelos de observação: Controle de caso
  • Perspectivas de Tempo: Prospectivo

Coortes e Intervenções

Grupo / Coorte
Patients with ICDs who attend the ICD Support Groups.
Patients with ICDs who do not attend the ICD support groups.

O que o estudo está medindo?

Medidas de resultados primários

Medida de resultado
All veterans visiting the Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Center will be screened and enrolled into 2 groups: ICD support group and Non ICD support group.
Prazo: Documented nine months after the time of enrollment.
Documented nine months after the time of enrollment.

Medidas de resultados secundários

Medida de resultado
This study is observational. It entails questionnaires after enrollment regarding assessing the baseline quality of life in the Veterans on ICDs.
Prazo: Quality of life questionnaires at 3, 6 and 12 mos follow ups
Quality of life questionnaires at 3, 6 and 12 mos follow ups

Colaboradores e Investigadores

É aqui que você encontrará pessoas e organizações envolvidas com este estudo.



  • Investigador principal: Heather L Bloom, MD, FACC, Emory University IRB

Datas de registro do estudo

Essas datas acompanham o progresso do registro do estudo e os envios de resumo dos resultados para Os registros do estudo e os resultados relatados são revisados ​​pela National Library of Medicine (NLM) para garantir que atendam aos padrões específicos de controle de qualidade antes de serem publicados no site público.

Datas Principais do Estudo

Início do estudo

1 de julho de 2008

Conclusão Primária (Real)

1 de junho de 2010

Conclusão do estudo (Real)

1 de junho de 2010

Datas de inscrição no estudo

Enviado pela primeira vez

16 de fevereiro de 2009

Enviado pela primeira vez que atendeu aos critérios de CQ

17 de fevereiro de 2009

Primeira postagem (Estimativa)

18 de fevereiro de 2009

Atualizações de registro de estudo

Última Atualização Postada (Estimativa)

12 de setembro de 2013

Última atualização enviada que atendeu aos critérios de controle de qualidade

10 de setembro de 2013

Última verificação

1 de setembro de 2013

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Ensaios clínicos em Fibrilação ventricular

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