The study of effects of a supplement based on sea urchin eggs with echinochroma A on long-COVID patients

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The researcher Fernando Saldarini is conducting the clinical trial COVID-19 Sequelae: Treatment and Monitoring. A Dietary Supplement Based on Sea Urchin Eggs With Echinochroma A.

The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy and efficiency of a nutraceutical from sea urchin eggs with Echinochrome A in the inflammation of tissues in subjects with long Corona Virus (COVID) syndome

It is planned to include 60 participants.

Actual study start date is September 22, 2021. The researchers expect to complete the study by September 22, 2022.

One primary outcome measure is changes in sleep behaviors over time-points (baseline, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks) via The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is the most widely used sleep questionnaire in adults, consisting of 24 questions. The first 19 questions are answered by the evaluated person taking into account what they have experienced during the last month. Resultados de traducción Sleep quality index (PSQI).

The location of the study is Buenos Aires, Argentina, and further details can be found here:

Clinical Research News

