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Parents as the Agent of Change for Childhood Obesity (PAAC)

30. listopadu 2015 aktualizováno: Kerri Boutelle, University of California, San Diego
The overall intent of this study is to explore a promising mode for delivering treatment for childhood obesity via parent education only, and to evaluate the cost effectiveness compared to the current gold standard treatment of parent-and-child dual education.

Přehled studie

Detailní popis

This study is a randomized clinical trial in which 150 overweight 8-12 year old children and their parent will be randomly assigned by the gender of the child to one of two conditions; a parent-only intervention or a parent + child intervention. Both treatment arms will provide behavioral treatment for childhood obesity for 5 months, and participants will be followed for 18-months post-treatment. Assessments will occur at baseline, immediately post-treatment, 6-12- and 18-months post-treatment. The overall intent of this study is to explore a promising mode for delivering treatment for childhood obesity (parent-only), and to evaluate the cost effectiveness compared to the current gold standard treatment of parent + child. Results of these studies will be utilized as evidence to recommend changes in the standard treatment for childhood obesity. This program of research is critical for exploring and developing interventions that mobilize parents to intervene with their overweight and obese children. The timing of this research is optimal given the increase in childhood obesity in the United States, and the need for disseminative intervention and prevention programs.

Typ studie


Zápis (Aktuální)



  • Nelze použít

Kontakty a umístění

Tato část poskytuje kontaktní údaje pro ty, kteří studii provádějí, a informace o tom, kde se tato studie provádí.

Studijní místa

    • California
      • La Jolla, California, Spojené státy, 92093
        • UCSD Center for Healthy Eating and Activity Research (CHEAR)

Kritéria účasti

Výzkumníci hledají lidi, kteří odpovídají určitému popisu, kterému se říká kritéria způsobilosti. Některé příklady těchto kritérií jsou celkový zdravotní stav osoby nebo předchozí léčba.

Kritéria způsobilosti

Věk způsobilý ke studiu

8 let až 12 let (Dítě)

Přijímá zdravé dobrovolníky


Pohlaví způsobilá ke studiu



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Overweight child 8-12 years of age and above the 95th% for age and gender
  • An overweight (BMI > 25) parent willing to participate and attend all treatment meetings
  • Eligible parent who can read at a minimum of an 8th grade level
  • Family willing to commit to 5 months of treatment attendance, and follow-up for 18 months post-treatment.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Major child psychiatric disorder diagnoses
  • Child diagnoses of a serious current physical disease (such as diabetes) for which physician supervision of diet and exercise prescription are needed (self-report)
  • Family with restrictions on types of food, such as food allergies, religious, or ethnic practices that limit the foods available in the home
  • Child with physical difficulties that limit the ability to exercise
  • Child with an active eating disorder (based on EDE interview)
  • Families where children or parents are involved in swimming or weight training more than 5 hours per week
  • Major parent psychiatric disorder

Studijní plán

Tato část poskytuje podrobnosti o studijním plánu, včetně toho, jak je studie navržena a co studie měří.

Jak je studie koncipována?

Detaily designu

  • Primární účel: Léčba
  • Přidělení: Randomizované
  • Intervenční model: Paralelní přiřazení
  • Maskování: Žádné (otevřený štítek)

Zbraně a zásahy

Skupina účastníků / Arm
Intervence / Léčba
Experimentální: Parent-only Group
Treatment will be administered to parents of the overweight child. Parent-only group treatment will include all of the same skills and techniques to promote weight loss, but the information will be delivered only to the parent. Participation of the children assigned to the parent-only treatment arm will be limited to the baseline and follow-up assessments.
Parent-only group will include the same skills and techniques to promote weight loss as given to the parent + child group, but the information will be delivered only to the parent. Parent group will be compared to the parent group of the parent + child treatment arm. The focus will be on implementing skills learned to assist the child in weight management. The treatment length is set for 12 weekly meetings and bi-monthly meetings during months 4 and 5. Each group session will be 60-min including weigh-ins. Group meetings focus on behavior change, weight loss, healthy eating and activity for the overweight child and parent.
Ostatní jména:
  • Parents as the Agent of Change for Childhood Obesity (PAAC)
Aktivní komparátor: Parent + child Group
The treatment for participants in the parent + child arm will be administered in two separate groups, one for the parents and one for the child.
The treatment for participants in the parent + child group will be administered in two separate groups, one for the parents and one for the child. Treatment will include the same skills and techniques to promote weight loss as given to the parent-only group, but the information will be delivered to both the parent and child. The treatment length, session schedule, treatment content and follow-up assessments are same as the parent-only group.
Ostatní jména:
  • Parents as the Agent of Change for Childhood Obesity (PAAC)

Co je měření studie?

Primární výstupní opatření

Měření výsledku
Popis opatření
Časové okno
To evaluate the efficacy of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on the body weight of the target child
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
The primary hypothesis is that the parent-only treatment will produce a decrease in the target child's weight (BMI for age percentile/BMI_Z) that is not inferior to the parent + child treatment immediately following treatment.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To evaluate the efficacy of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on the body weight of the target child
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
The primary hypothesis is that the parent-only treatment will produce a decrease in the target child's weight (BMI for age percentile/BMI_Z) that is not inferior to the parent + child treatment at post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the efficacy of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on the body weight of the target child
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
The primary hypothesis is that the parent-only treatment will produce a decrease in the target child's weight (BMI for age percentile/BMI_Z) that is not inferior to the parent + child treatment at post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit

Sekundární výstupní opatření

Měření výsledku
Popis opatření
Časové okno
To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
We predict that the parent-only treatment will be more cost-effective than the parent + child group, as measured by calculating cost effectiveness ratios from both third party payer and limited societal perspectives at post-treatment visit (after 5-month treatment).
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's dietary quality
Časové okno: At post-treatment (after 6-month treatment)
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's dietary quality that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaire measures specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment (after 6-month treatment)
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's exercise behavior
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's exercise behavior that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's quality of life
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's quality of life consisting of physical comfort, body esteem, social life, and family relations that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's psychosocial measures
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's psychosocial measures, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parent's adherence
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the parent's adherence that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by group attendance and adherence to behavior recommendations.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parenting style
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the parenting style that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parent's weight loss
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce parent weight loss (as measured by BMI) that is not inferior to the parent + child treatment.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating change in target child's and parent's weight
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
A decrease in BMI percentile for age for target child and a decrease in BMI for parent will be evaluated.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating compliance
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
Compliance will be measured by group attendance and adherence to behavior recommendations.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating changes in household food environment
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
Changes in household food environment will be evaluated by assessing questionnaires specific for household food environment (Food Shelf Inventory).
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatment by evaluating change in parenting style
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
Changes in parenting style will be evaluated by assessing questionnaires that are specific to parenting style for child and parent.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatment by evaluating changes in target child's and parent's psychosocial functioning
Časové okno: At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
Changes in the target child's and parent's psychosocial functioning will be evaluated by assessing questionnaire measures specific to child and parent psychosocial functioning.
At post-treatment visit (after 6-month treatment)
To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
We predict that the parent-only treatment will be more cost-effective than the parent + child group, as measured by calculating cost effectiveness ratios from both third party payer and limited societal perspectives at post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's dietary quality
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's dietary quality that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaire measures specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's dietary quality
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's dietary quality that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaire measures specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's exercise behavior
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's exercise behavior that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's exercise behavior
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's exercise behavior that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's quality of life
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's quality of life consisting of physical comfort, body esteem, social life, and family relations that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's quality of life
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's quality of life consisting of physical comfort, body esteem, social life, and family relations that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's psychosocial measures
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's psychosocial measures, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on target child's and parent's psychosocial measures
Časové okno: A post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the target child's and parent's psychosocial measures, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
A post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parent's adherence
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the parent's adherence that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by group attendance and adherence to behavior recommendations.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parent's adherence
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the parent's adherence that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by group attendance and adherence to behavior recommendations.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parenting style
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the parenting style that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parenting style
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce an effect on the parenting style that will support weight loss, of which is not inferior to the parent + child treatment. The effect will be measured by assessing questionnaires specific for child and parent.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parent's weight loss
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce parent weight loss (as measured by BMI) that is not inferior to the parent + child treatment.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To compare effect of parent-only treatment versus parent + child treatment on parent's weight loss
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
We hypothesize that the parent-only treatment will produce parent weight loss (as measured by BMI) that is not inferior to the parent + child treatment.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating change in target child's and parent's weight
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
A decrease in BMI percentile for age for target child and a decrease in BMI for parent will be evaluated.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating change in target child's and parent's weight
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
A decrease in BMI percentile for age for target child and a decrease in BMI for parent will be evaluated.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating compliance
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
Compliance will be measured by group attendance and adherence to behavior recommendations.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating compliance
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
Compliance will be measured by group attendance and adherence to behavior recommendations.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating changes in household food environment
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
Changes in household food environment will be evaluated by assessing questionnaires specific for household food environment (Food Shelf Inventory).
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatments by evaluating changes in household food environment
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
Changes in household food environment will be evaluated by assessing questionnaires specific for household food environment (Food Shelf Inventory).
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatment by evaluating change in parenting style
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
Changes in parenting style will be evaluated by assessing questionnaires that are specific to parenting style for child and parent.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatment by evaluating change in parenting style
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
Changes in parenting style will be evaluated by assessing questionnaires that are specific to parenting style for child and parent.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatment by evaluating changes in target child's and parent's psychosocial functioning
Časové okno: At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
Changes in the target child's and parent's psychosocial functioning will be evaluated by assessing questionnaire measures specific to child and parent psychosocial functioning.
At post-treatment 6-month follow-up visit
To evaluate the predictors of success in childhood obesity treatment by evaluating changes in target child's and parent's psychosocial functioning
Časové okno: At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit
Changes in the target child's and parent's psychosocial functioning will be evaluated by assessing questionnaire measures specific to child and parent psychosocial functioning.
At post-treatment 18-month follow-up visit

Spolupracovníci a vyšetřovatelé

Zde najdete lidi a organizace zapojené do této studie.


  • Vrchní vyšetřovatel: Kerri Boutelle, PhD, UCSD

Publikace a užitečné odkazy

Osoba odpovědná za zadávání informací o studiu tyto publikace poskytuje dobrovolně. Mohou se týkat čehokoli, co souvisí se studiem.

Obecné publikace

Termíny studijních záznamů

Tato data sledují průběh záznamů studie a předkládání souhrnných výsledků na ClinicalTrials.gov. Záznamy ze studií a hlášené výsledky jsou před zveřejněním na veřejné webové stránce přezkoumány Národní lékařskou knihovnou (NLM), aby se ujistily, že splňují specifické standardy kontroly kvality.

Hlavní termíny studia

Začátek studia

1. listopadu 2010

Primární dokončení (Aktuální)

1. července 2015

Dokončení studie (Aktuální)

1. července 2015

Termíny zápisu do studia

První předloženo

17. srpna 2010

První předloženo, které splnilo kritéria kontroly kvality

8. září 2010

První zveřejněno (Odhad)

9. září 2010

Aktualizace studijních záznamů

Poslední zveřejněná aktualizace (Odhad)

2. prosince 2015

Odeslaná poslední aktualizace, která splnila kritéria kontroly kvality

30. listopadu 2015

Naposledy ověřeno

1. listopadu 2015

Více informací

Tyto informace byly beze změn načteny přímo z webu clinicaltrials.gov. Máte-li jakékoli požadavky na změnu, odstranění nebo aktualizaci podrobností studie, kontaktujte prosím register@clinicaltrials.gov. Jakmile bude změna implementována na clinicaltrials.gov, bude automaticky aktualizována i na našem webu .

Klinické studie na Parent-only Group
