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Primary Technology Enhanced Care in Hypertension (PTEC)

keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2018 päivittänyt: Valerie Teo, National Healthcare Group Polyclinics

Evaluation of Clinical Pathways for Patients With Hypertension on Follow-up in the Polyclinics

This study evaluates the impact of the use of a technology-enabled home blood pressure monitor amongst hypertensive patients in primary care. Half of the patients will receive the blood pressure monitor for home monitoring, while the other half will receive usual care at the polyclinic. The hypothesis is tele-monitoring along with nurse led tele-support and medical review (i.e. tele-treatment) can enhance primary care management of hypertension by improving patient outcomes and reducing health costs.

Tutkimuksen yleiskatsaus




Yksityiskohtainen kuvaus

A literature review on telemedicine in primary care indicated that tele-monitoring can enhance primary care management of hypertension (HT) by improving patient outcomes and reducing health costs. In addition, technology-enabled blood pressure (BP) self-monitoring interventions have even better BP control outcomes if (i) nurse led tele-support and (ii) medication review (i.e. tele-treatment) are added.

This study comprises 2 phases:

Phase 1: Intervention phase This will be an open label (unblinded), parallel, non-randomized, quasi-experimental study conducted within 1 study site. Patients who are under the care of 2 clinical teams, called teamlets (comprising 2 family physicians, a care coordinator and a care manager who is a nurse), will be recruited into the study.

Patients under the care of 1 teamlet will be allocated to the intervention group, while those under the care of the other teamlet will be allocated to the usual care group.

One key modality for this study will be the use of a network-based home blood pressure monitor to provide patient-led tele-monitoring for BP levels for patients in the intervention group. The monitor will be loaned to patients in the intervention group, who will be asked to monitor their blood pressure at least once every week using the network based home blood pressure monitor, which automatically uploads measured blood pressure readings to the MyHealthSentinel (MHS) portal for care managers (CM) in the teamlet to review blood pressure readings.

The network-based home blood pressure monitor will be used to enhance nurse-led tele-support in the following ways:

  1. the CM will access the MHS portal to review the patient's blood pressure and provide updates to the patient on blood pressure control.
  2. If a patient's blood pressure is elevated, using the established protocols, the CM can titrate medications over the phone and provide follow up tele-consultation and necessary treatment in 2 to 4 weeks to assess subsequent blood pressure levels and side effects. The titration of medication is part of usual care and is managed by the ordering physician. Patients will be contacted after dose titration to see whether his or her blood pressure has improved. The care manager will also use the same phone call to check whether patients followed the titrated medication dosage.

Patients in the usual care group will continue to be followed up and managed as per usual, there will be no additional clinical intervention provided to patients in this group.

At 6 months after recruitment into the study, the patients' clinical outcomes will be measured. Specific outcome variables are as follows:

(i) blood pressure after 6 months, (ii) Proportion of HT patients with controlled BP at each month and (iii) Time to BP control (only if medications review is done). The above variables will be extracted from Electronic Medical Records database, as well as the MHS portal to derive the above mentioned outcome variables along with additional variables to be extracted.

A questionnaire will be administered to both groups at the first study visit and at the visit after 6 months to survey patients on their sodium intake, quality of life, beliefs about medication, medication adherence, and satisfaction with the care provided.

Patients in both arms will receive reimbursement at the end of study participation.

Phase 2: Qualitative phase A sub-group of patients (control group and intervention group) and teamlet staff, will be invited to participate in one-to-one semi-structured in-depth interviews and/or focus group discussions (FGDs), to find out their experience with the managing blood pressure via telemonitoring or physical clinic visit. All interviews and FGDs will be audio-recorded and later transcribed. Transcripts will not contain any personal data. Field notes will be taken during the interviews and memos written after the completion of interview. Both deductive and inductive approaches will be adopted to analyze the collected data using elements of thematic analysis and constant comparison approaches.



Ilmoittautuminen (Odotettu)



  • Ei sovellettavissa

Yhteystiedot ja paikat

Tässä osiossa on tutkimuksen suorittajien yhteystiedot ja tiedot siitä, missä tämä tutkimus suoritetaan.


      • Singapore, Singapore, 569666
        • Rekrytointi
        • Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic
        • Ottaa yhteyttä:
        • Ottaa yhteyttä:
        • Päätutkija:
          • Valerie Teo


Tutkijat etsivät ihmisiä, jotka sopivat tiettyyn kuvaukseen, jota kutsutaan kelpoisuuskriteereiksi. Joitakin esimerkkejä näistä kriteereistä ovat henkilön yleinen terveydentila tai aiemmat hoidot.


Opintokelpoiset iät

21 vuotta - 99 vuotta (Aikuinen, Vanhempi Aikuinen)

Hyväksyy terveitä vapaaehtoisia


Sukupuolet, jotka voivat opiskella



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Adult patients
  • Patients with hypertension only, or hypertension and hyperlipidemia
  • Patients who are cared for by teamlets
  • Patients who are technology savvy and are able and willing to use telemedicine devices, or have a family member who is willing to assist in using telemedicine for blood pressure control
  • Clinic teams who are directly involved in patient care

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patients who have cognitive impairment
  • Pregnant patients
  • Patients with hypertension and other chronic illnesses other than hyperlipidemia, such as diabetes.
  • Patients with a history of ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, transient ischemic attack, atrial fibrillation and renal impairment.


Tässä osiossa on tietoja tutkimussuunnitelmasta, mukaan lukien kuinka tutkimus on suunniteltu ja mitä tutkimuksella mitataan.

Miten tutkimus on suunniteltu?

Suunnittelun yksityiskohdat

  • Ensisijainen käyttötarkoitus: Terveyspalvelututkimus
  • Jako: Ei satunnaistettu
  • Inventiomalli: Rinnakkaistehtävä
  • Naamiointi: Ei mitään (avoin tarra)

Aseet ja interventiot

Osallistujaryhmä / Arm
Interventio / Hoito
Ei väliintuloa: Control
Usual care of 3 to 6-monthly clinic visit
Kokeellinen: Intervention
Network-based home blood pressure monitor (Fora P20b Blood Pressure Monitor) and telephone consult with care team
A network-based home blood pressure monitor will be loaned to patients in the intervention group, who will be asked to monitor their blood pressure at least once every week using the network based home blood pressure monitor, which automatically uploads measured blood pressure readings to the portal for care managers (CM) to review blood pressure readings and provide updates to the patient on blood pressure control. If a patient's blood pressure is elevated, the CM can titrate medications over the phone and provide follow up tele-consultation and necessary treatment.
Muut nimet:
  • Fora P20b Blood Pressure Monitor

Mitä tutkimuksessa mitataan?

Ensisijaiset tulostoimenpiteet

Toimenpiteen kuvaus
Blood pressure control
Aikaikkuna: 6 months
Change in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (in mmHg) after 6 months. Readings will be obtained monthly from the MHS portal.
6 months

Toissijaiset tulostoimenpiteet

Toimenpiteen kuvaus
Time to blood pressure control
Aikaikkuna: 6 months
Trend of time taken for blood pressure to be controlled if medication review is done. Readings will be obtained monthly from the MHS portal. This will be measured in hours, days or months.
6 months
Proportion of participants with controlled blood pressure
Aikaikkuna: 6 months
Change in proportion of participants with controlled blood pressure, measured by systolic & diastolic blood pressure, at each month. This will be measured in percentage.
6 months
Healthcare utilization of participants
Aikaikkuna: 6 & 12 months
Trend of utilization of healthcare services by participants. These include number of hospitalizations, doctor consultations, nurse consultations, teleconsultations, treatment & procedures, screening, laboratory tests, pharmacy services. These information will be obtained from the electronic medical records.
6 & 12 months
Healthcare costs incurred by participants
Aikaikkuna: 6 & 12 months
Change in costs of healthcare services utilized by participants. These include administrative costs, costs of doctor consultations, nurse consultations, teleconsultations, treatment & procedures, medications, screening, laboratory tests, pharmacy services. These information will be obtained from institution's Finance system and the electronic medical records. All amounts will be in Singapore dollars.
6 & 12 months
Number of medications prescribed to participants
Aikaikkuna: 6 months
Change in number of medications prescribed to participants during the course of study participation. This information will be obtained from the electronic medical records.
6 months
Type of medications prescribed to participants
Aikaikkuna: 6 months
Change in type of medications prescribed to participants during the course of study participation, e.g. antihypertensive drug class. This information will be obtained from the electronic medical records.
6 months
Quality of life of participants
Aikaikkuna: 6 months
Change in quality of life of participants. This will be measured by the 5-level EuroQol 5-dimension questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L) which will be completed by participants at the baseline visit and 6-month phone call. The scale measures self-reported health outcomes. Each of the 5 domains will be coded from 1 to 5, and the final 5-digit health state will be converted into a single index value to facilitate calculation of quality-adjusted life years (QALY).
6 months
Medication adherence
Aikaikkuna: 6 months
Change in medication adherence of participants. This will be measured by self-report through a questionnaire with 4-point Likert scale, adapted from the Hill-Bone Compliance to High Blood Pressure Therapy Scale. Total score for each patient will be from 4 to 12, with higher scores reflecting poorer adherence to medication. This will be completed at the baseline visit and 6-month phone call.
6 months
Patient satisfaction
Aikaikkuna: 6 months
Patient satisfaction with telemonitoring or usual care will be measured by a self-reported questionnaire on a 6-point Likert scale which will be completed at the 6-month phone call. Total score for each patient will be from 6 to 30 with higher scores reflecting better satisfaction.
6 months

Yhteistyökumppanit ja tutkijat

Täältä löydät tähän tutkimukseen osallistuvat ihmiset ja organisaatiot.



  • Päätutkija: Valerie Teo, National Healthcare Group Polyclinics

Julkaisuja ja hyödyllisiä linkkejä

Tutkimusta koskevien tietojen syöttämisestä vastaava henkilö toimittaa nämä julkaisut vapaaehtoisesti. Nämä voivat koskea mitä tahansa tutkimukseen liittyvää.

Opintojen ennätyspäivät

Nämä päivämäärät seuraavat ClinicalTrials.gov-sivustolle lähetettyjen tutkimustietueiden ja yhteenvetojen edistymistä. National Library of Medicine (NLM) tarkistaa tutkimustiedot ja raportoidut tulokset varmistaakseen, että ne täyttävät tietyt laadunvalvontastandardit, ennen kuin ne julkaistaan ​​julkisella verkkosivustolla.

Opi tärkeimmät päivämäärät

Opiskelun aloitus (Todellinen)

Maanantai 17. syyskuuta 2018

Ensisijainen valmistuminen (Odotettu)

Sunnuntai 30. kesäkuuta 2019

Opintojen valmistuminen (Odotettu)

Tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2019

Opintoihin ilmoittautumispäivät

Ensimmäinen lähetetty

Maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

Ensimmäinen toimitettu, joka täytti QC-kriteerit

Torstai 4. lokakuuta 2018

Ensimmäinen Lähetetty (Todellinen)

Tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2018

Tutkimustietojen päivitykset

Viimeisin päivitys julkaistu (Todellinen)

Torstai 11. lokakuuta 2018

Viimeisin lähetetty päivitys, joka täytti QC-kriteerit

Keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2018

Viimeksi vahvistettu

Maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

Lisää tietoa

Tähän tutkimukseen liittyvät termit

Muita asiaankuuluvia MeSH-ehtoja

Muut tutkimustunnusnumerot

  • 2018/00785

Lääke- ja laitetiedot, tutkimusasiakirjat

Tutkii yhdysvaltalaista FDA sääntelemää lääkevalmistetta


Tutkii yhdysvaltalaista FDA sääntelemää laitetuotetta


Nämä tiedot haettiin suoraan verkkosivustolta clinicaltrials.gov ilman muutoksia. Jos sinulla on pyyntöjä muuttaa, poistaa tai päivittää tutkimustietojasi, ota yhteyttä register@clinicaltrials.gov. Heti kun muutos on otettu käyttöön osoitteessa clinicaltrials.gov, se päivitetään automaattisesti myös verkkosivustollemme .

Kliiniset tutkimukset Hypertensio
