
11 Nov
Proteocyte Diagnostics pursues on early prediction of Oral Cancer by S100A7
11 Nov
IRCCS San Raffaele started a new clinical trial of Advanced Immune Gene and Cell Therapies for Liver Metastases
10 Nov
Government of Canada signs another agreement for COVID-19 antigen rapid tests
10 Nov
Research university started a clinical trial of a self-evaluation tool for Cognitive Deficits in the Acute Stage after Stroke
10 Nov
The Government of Canada finalizes regulations to improve air quality and protect human health
10 Nov
73rd World Health Assembly set to strengthen preparedness for health emergencies
10 Nov
Clinical trial of enetic and environmental influences on development of type 2 Diabetes in childhood begins in Canada
10 Nov
COVID-19's lasting toll on mental health
10 Nov
Biopharmaceutical company investigates the safety of drug Roxadustat for treatment of Anemia
10 Nov
Italian hospital provides genomic profiles analysis in children with Sarcomas
10 Nov
Plasma in non-hospitalised Mild or Moderate COVID-19 patients clinical trial begins in Spain
10 Nov
University Hospital studies Impact of Arterial Cannulation Site on Vasopressor Requirement During Cardiac Surgery
10 Nov
Ophthalmology hospital started a new clinical trial of Bimodal and Coaxial High Resolution Ophtalmic Imaging
10 Nov
Spanish Institute launches RGS@Home project: Personalized 24/7 Home Care Post-stroke
10 Nov
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Monoclonal Antibody for Treatment of COVID-19
10 Nov
University of Leicester is about to start a clinical trial for patients with Tissue Models for Invasive Disease
10 Nov
WHO Director-General calls on world to "choose health" at resumed 73rd World Health Assembly in the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife
10 Nov
FDA Encourages Manufacturers to Clearly Declare All Uses of Sesame in Ingredient List on Food Labels
09 Nov
Active You: feasibility of a unique physical activity program to prevent diabetes and heart disease
09 Nov
University Hospital of Lyon is about to start a clinical trial for patients with Lyon registry of Stroke treated by Thrombolysis or Thrombectomy
09 Nov
Government of Canada announces agreement with Government of Yukon to support essential air access to remote communities
09 Nov
Call for independent scientific experts to join EMA's Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC)
09 Nov
Spanish Hospital evaluates sexual and vaginal health in breast cancer women receiving aromatase inhibitors before and after CO2 laser therapy
09 Nov
German University Medicine provides screening for COVID-19 in teachers, childcare educators, pupils and preschoolers
09 Nov
French University Hospital is involved in post-intensive care follow-up of patients hospitalized for an acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by COVID-19

Clinical Research News

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