이 페이지는 자동 번역되었으며 번역의 정확성을 보장하지 않습니다. 참조하십시오 영문판 원본 텍스트의 경우.

Ipilimumab Induction in Patients With Melanoma Brain Metastases Receiving Stereotactic Radiosurgery

2021년 4월 20일 업데이트: University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center
This is a study to test the efficacy of using standard immune therapy for melanoma prior to stereotactic radiosurgery (ipilimumab induction), as compared to stereotactic radiosurgery followed by immune therapy. The study's hypothesis is that ipilimumab induction is as good as or better than controlling brain metastases as compared to stereotactic radiosurgery followed by immune therapy.

연구 개요

상세 설명

This is a randomized Phase II selection study investigating the use of ipilimumab induction prior to stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), versus no induction, for melanoma brain metastases. Participants will be randomized to Arm A "Induction" (two doses of ipilimumab prior to SRS, two doses of ipilimumab after SRS) versus Arm B "No induction" (SRS first, followed by 4 doses of ipilimumab). Participants will undergo multiple dynamic contrast-enhanced MRIs of the brain and submit blood samples for immune testing.

연구 유형


등록 (실제)



  • 2 단계

연락처 및 위치

이 섹션에서는 연구를 수행하는 사람들의 연락처 정보와 이 연구가 수행되는 장소에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.

연구 장소

    • Michigan
      • Ann Arbor, Michigan, 미국, 48109
        • University of Michigan Hospital


연구원은 적격성 기준이라는 특정 설명에 맞는 사람을 찾습니다. 이러한 기준의 몇 가지 예는 개인의 일반적인 건강 상태 또는 이전 치료입니다.

자격 기준

공부할 수 있는 나이

18년 이상 (성인, 고령자)

건강한 자원 봉사자를 받아들입니다


연구 대상 성별



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Patients with a histologically-confirmed diagnosis of melanoma who have imaging findings suggestive of 1 to 4 brain metastases
  • At least one lesion in the brain that is measurable, which is defined as ≥5 x 5mm (Prior craniotomy and surgical resection is allowed, as long as there is at least one remaining measurable lesion in the brain)
  • Patients must be candidates for stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and planning to undergo SRS
  • Patients must be candidates for ipilimumab as determined by the treating physician
  • Patients must be neurologically asymptomatic, or very minimally symptomatic, as judged by the treating physicians
  • At least 3 weeks has elapsed from any prior therapy, and the patient has recovered from side effects to ≤ grade 1 toxicities per Common Terminology Criteria (CTC) for Adverse Events
  • Age > or = 18 years old
  • Performance status of ECOG of 0 or 1 (ECOG is the Eastern Oncology Cooperative Group Scoring system used to quantify cancer patients' general well-being and activities of daily life; scores range from 0 to 5 where 0 is perfect health and 5 is death)
  • Adequate organ and marrow function: alanine aminotransferase (ALT ) < 2.5x's upper limit of normal (ULN) of the institutional normal reference range, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) < 2.5x's ULN of the institutional normal reference range, Bilirubin < 1.5x's ULN of the institutional normal reference range, Creatinine < 2.0 milligrams per deciliter, Platelets > 50,000 per microliter
  • Women of child-bearing potential must agree to use adequate contraception, defined as complete abstinence from intercourse with men or two methods
  • Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Previous radiotherapy to the lesion(s) of interest, including prior treatment with whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT). Prior treatment with SRS is allowed if the index lesion(s) is in a different, non-contiguous location than the previously treated lesion.
  • Patients who have previously received ipilimumab, PD-1 inhibitors or PD-L1 inhibitors are excluded due to the potential of effects on primary outcome
  • Patients who require WBRT or surgery at the time of enrollment
  • Neurologic symptoms or imaging findings that necessitate the use of steroids on the day of enrollment or in the prior 7 days
  • Highly suspicious magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or cerebrospinal fluid evidence of leptomeningeal metastases, unless all measurable disease is localized and SRS is considered the treatment of choice
  • Concurrent treatment with any other anti-neoplastic drug or concurrent participation in another therapeutic clinical trial
  • Patients unable to undergo or tolerate MRI scans (presence of cardiac pacemaker, implanted cardiac defibrillator, aneurysm clips, history of allergic reaction/hypersensitivity to gadolinium)
  • Women who are pregnant or are nursing
  • Patients with absolute lymphocyte count of <500 cells/microliter, who are known to be HIV positive, who have clinically significant active autoimmune disease, or are receiving immunosuppression following solid organ or stem cell transplant

공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

연구는 어떻게 설계됩니까?

디자인 세부사항

  • 주 목적: 치료
  • 할당: 무작위
  • 중재 모델: 병렬 할당
  • 마스킹: 없음(오픈 라벨)

무기와 개입

참가자 그룹 / 팔
개입 / 치료
활성 비교기: B: No induction
Participants will undergo stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) followed 2-3 weeks later by ipilimumab, which is given once every 3 weeks for a total of 4 doses.
Ipilimumab 3mg/kg given intravenously over 90 minutes, every 3 weeks for a total of 4 doses.
Stereotactic radiosurgery is a type of focused radiation therapy. It requires the placement of a metal frame on the head for several hours.
실험적: A: Induction
Patients will receive 2 doses of ipilimumab, which is given once every 3 weeks, prior to stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), followed by 2 more doses of ipilimumab, for a total of 4 doses.
Ipilimumab 3mg/kg given intravenously over 90 minutes, every 3 weeks for a total of 4 doses.
Stereotactic radiosurgery is a type of focused radiation therapy. It requires the placement of a metal frame on the head for several hours.

연구는 무엇을 측정합니까?

주요 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Local Control Rate
기간: 6 months

The number of patients in each arm who are free from progression in the index (radiated) lesions in the brain at 6 months.

Immune related response criteria was used to assess response to treatment. Immune-related Progressive Disease (irPD) in this trial is defined as an increase in tumor burden ≥25% relative to nadir (minimum recorded tumor burden), with confirmation by a repeat, consecutive assessment no less than 4 weeks from the date first documented.

6 months

2차 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Overall Survival Rate
기간: Up to 5 years
Number of participants alive at 5 years after enrollment.
Up to 5 years
Regional (Intracranial) Control Rate
기간: 6 months
The proportion of patients in each arm who are free from progression in the index (radiated) lesions and free from new brain metastases at 6 months.
6 months
Intracranial Response Rate
기간: Up to 12 months
Response of treated (irradiated) brain metastases to combination therapy with ipilimumab and stereotactic radiosurgery using immune-related response criteria.
Up to 12 months
Time to Progression
기간: From date of enrollment to up to 2 years
Time to progression in the brain due to treated metastases or new brain metastases. Immune-related Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors (irRECIST) was used to assess response. Progression was defined as an increase in tumor burden ≥25% relative to nadir (minimum recorded tumor burden), with confirmation by a repeat, consecutive assessment no less than 4 wk from the date first documented.
From date of enrollment to up to 2 years

기타 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Imaging Correlates on Dynamic-contrast Enhanced MRI of the Brain
기간: 6 months
Exploratory endpoints: Interval changes in dynamic MRI parameters such as perfusion, blood volume, vascular permeability (Ktrans), and diffusion tensor imaging; the change in 3D tumor volume.
6 months
Immune Correlates
기간: 6 months
Exploratory endpoints: Interval changes in immune markers in the blood
6 months

공동 작업자 및 조사자

여기에서 이 연구와 관련된 사람과 조직을 찾을 수 있습니다.


  • 수석 연구원: Christopher Lao, M.D., University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center

연구 기록 날짜

이 날짜는 ClinicalTrials.gov에 대한 연구 기록 및 요약 결과 제출의 진행 상황을 추적합니다. 연구 기록 및 보고된 결과는 공개 웹사이트에 게시되기 전에 특정 품질 관리 기준을 충족하는지 확인하기 위해 국립 의학 도서관(NLM)에서 검토합니다.

연구 주요 날짜

연구 시작

2014년 4월 1일

기본 완료 (실제)

2016년 8월 1일

연구 완료 (실제)

2020년 7월 1일

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최초 제출

2014년 3월 24일

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처음 게시됨 (추정)

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연구 기록 업데이트

마지막 업데이트 게시됨 (실제)

2021년 5월 12일

QC 기준을 충족하는 마지막 업데이트 제출

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마지막으로 확인됨

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추가 정보

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Ipilimumab에 대한 임상 시험
