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Comparison of Pulse Wave and Blood Pressure Measurements Before, During and After Ergometry in Healthy Women

Comparison of Pulse Wave and Blood Pressure Parameters Before, During and After Exercise Ergometry in Healthy Female Subjects - a Randomized, Controlled, Single-blind Study

The objective of this randomized, controlled single blind study is to compare pulse wave and blood pressure measurements before, during and after exercise ergometry in healthy female subjects.

Przegląd badań




Szczegółowy opis

In a randomized single-blind study design the investigators explore how well blood pressure parameters calculated using a Pulse Transit Time-based method (device: SOMNOtouchTM RESP) match blood pressure parameters measured by a classic upper arm blood pressure cuff (BOSO-TM-2430 ) under standardized load conditions (ergometry).

In 30 healthy female subjects (age 18 - 40 years), cardiovascular parameters before, during and after a standardized load on a bicycle ergometer (half-lying position) are recorded with three different devices (BOSO-TM-2430 versus SOMNOtouchTM RESP versus GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100) and compared.

Primary outcome is the difference of the systolic blood pressure values between the devices BOSO-TM-2430 versus SOMNOtouchTM RESP during the three phases.

The BOSO-TM-2430 blood pressure cuff is applied randomized to the arm with the previously determined higher or lower systolic blood pressure mean difference. The subjects are blinded to the results of the measurements during ergometry.

After a pre-rest period of 12 minutes, the subjects are physically strained on the ergometer for 48 minutes (6 minutes loading phase followed by a 2-minute rest phase; 30 watts increase every 8 minutes up to a maximum load of 180 watts), followed by a 12-minute rest period. Measurements are taken every two minutes with the BOSO-TM-2430; data acquisition with the SOMNOtouchTM RESP and GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 devices takes place continuously over a total duration of 72 minutes.

Typ studiów


Zapisy (Rzeczywisty)



  • Nie dotyczy

Kontakty i lokalizacje

Ta sekcja zawiera dane kontaktowe osób prowadzących badanie oraz informacje o tym, gdzie badanie jest przeprowadzane.

Lokalizacje studiów

    • Baden Württemberg
      • Filderstadt, Baden Württemberg, Niemcy, 70794
        • Arcim Institute

Kryteria uczestnictwa

Badacze szukają osób, które pasują do określonego opisu, zwanego kryteriami kwalifikacyjnymi. Niektóre przykłady tych kryteriów to ogólny stan zdrowia danej osoby lub wcześniejsze leczenie.

Kryteria kwalifikacji

Wiek uprawniający do nauki

18 lat do 40 lat (Dorosły)

Akceptuje zdrowych ochotników


Płeć kwalifikująca się do nauki



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Signed informed consent
  • Healthy at the time of the examinations
  • Inconspicuous anamnesis regarding cardiovascular diseases and bronchial asthma
  • resting heart rate 50 to 100 beats per minute
  • Normal blood pressure or appropriately treated and controlled hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≤ 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure ≤ 90 mmHg)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Acute or chronic (especially cardiovascular) diseases, including cardiac arrhythmia and vegetative regulatory disorders (recorded via anamnesis)
  • Taking allopathic medication: digitalis, beta blockers, antiarrhythmics
  • Bronchial asthma (recorded by anamnesis)
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Heart diseases NYHA class IV
  • Blood pressure side difference ≥ 10mmHg
  • Fever (> 37,5°C)

Plan studiów

Ta sekcja zawiera szczegółowe informacje na temat planu badania, w tym sposób zaprojektowania badania i jego pomiary.

Jak projektuje się badanie?

Szczegóły projektu

  • Główny cel: Podstawowa nauka
  • Przydział: Randomizowane
  • Model interwencyjny: Przydział równoległy
  • Maskowanie: Pojedynczy

Broń i interwencje

Grupa uczestników / Arm
Interwencja / Leczenie
Eksperymentalny: Higher Blood Pressure
BOSO-TM-2430 blood pressure cuff is applied to the upper arm with the previously determined higher systolic blood pressure. Intervention: Ergometry H

After a pre-rest period of 12 minutes, the subjects are physically strained on the ergometer for 48 minutes (6 minutes loading phase followed by a 2-minute rest phase; 30 watts increase every 8 minutes up to a maximum load of 180 watts), followed by a 12-minute rest periodmaximum load of 180 watts), followed by a 15-minute post-rest period.

BOSO-TM-2430 blood pressure cuff is applied to the upper arm with the previously determined higher systolic blood pressure (reference parameter).

SOMNOtouchTM RESP and GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 are accordingly applied to the arm with the previously determined lower systolic blood pressure.

Eksperymentalny: Lower Blood Pressure
BOSO-TM-2430 blood pressure cuff is applied to the upper arm with the previously determined lower systolic blood pressure. Intervention: Ergometry L

After a pre-rest period of 12 minutes, the subjects are physically strained on the ergometer for 48 minutes (6 minutes loading phase followed by a 2-minute rest phase; 30 watts increase every 8 minutes up to a maximum load of 180 watts), followed by a 12-minute rest periodmaximum load of 180 watts), followed by a 15-minute post-rest period.

BOSO-TM-2430 blood pressure cuff is applied to the upper arm with the previously determined lower systolic blood pressure (reference parameter).

SOMNOtouchTM RESP and GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 are accordingly applied to the arm with the previously determined higher systolic blood pressure.

Co mierzy badanie?

Podstawowe miary wyniku

Miara wyniku
Opis środka
Ramy czasowe
Difference of the systolic blood pressure
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Primary outcome is the difference of the systolic blood pressure values between the devices BOSO-TM-2430 versus SOMNOtouchTM RESP during the three phases
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes

Miary wyników drugorzędnych

Miara wyniku
Opis środka
Ramy czasowe
Diastolic Blood Pressure (SOMNOtouchTM RESP)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg) measured with the SOMNOtouchTM RESP device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Mean Arterial Blood Pressure (SOMNOtouchTM RESP)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Mean Arterial Blood Pressure (mm Hg) measured with the SOMNOtouchTM RESP device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Pulse Pressure (SOMNOtouchTM RESP)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Pulse Pressure (mm Hg) measured with the SOMNOtouchTM RESP device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Heartrate (SOMNOtouchTM RESP)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Heartrate (beats per minute, bpm) measured with the SOMNOtouchTM RESP device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Oxygen saturation (SpO2, SOMNOtouchTM RESP)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Oxygen saturation (% SpO2) measured with the SOMNOtouchTM RESP device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Pulse-Transit-Time (PTT, SOMNOtouchTM RESP)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Pulse-Transit-Time (PTT, ms) measured with the SOMNOtouchTM RESP device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Systolic Blood Pressure measured with the device BOSO-TM-2430
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) measured with the BOSO-TM-2430 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Diastolic Blood Pressure measured with the device BOSO-TM-2430
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) measured with the BOSO-TM-2430 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Mean Arterial Blood Pressure measured with the device BOSO-TM-2430
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Mean Arterial Blood Pressure (mmHg) measured with the BOSO-TM-2430 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Pulse Pressure measured with the device BOSO-TM-2430
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Pulse Pressure (mmHg) measured with the BOSO-TM-2430 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Heartrate measured with the device BOSO-TM-2430
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Heartrate (beats per minute, bpm) measured with the BOSO-TM-2430 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Pulse Transit Time (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Pulse Transit Time (PTT, ms) measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Perfusion Index (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Perfusion Index (PI) measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Peak to Peak Time (PPT) (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Peak to Peak Time (PPT, ms) measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
SlopeInW1 (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
SlopeInW1 measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
SlopeInW2 (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
SlopeInW2 measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
SlopeInW3 (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
SlopeInW3 measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
SlopeInW4 (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
SlopeInW4 measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
StiffnessIndex (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
StiffnessIndex measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
ReflectionIndex (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
ReflectionIndex measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
TimeTX (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
TimeTX (ms) measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
TimeTY (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
TimeTY (ms) measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotTYTX (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotTYTX measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
AreaAX (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
AreaAX measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
AreaAY (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
AreaAY measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotAYAX (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotAYAX measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
AreaAV (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
AreaAV measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
AreaAW (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
AreaAW measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotAWAV (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotAWAV measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotTVTW (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotTVTW measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
TimeTV (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
TimeTV (ms) measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
TimeTW (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
TimeTW (ms) measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
MinT1 (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Minimum of the pulse wave measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device at the beginning of the first peak
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
MinT2 (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Minimum of the pulse wave measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device at the beginning of the second peak
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
MaxT1 (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Maximum of the pulse wave measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device at the maximum of the first peak
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
MaxT2 (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Maximum of the pulse wave measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device at the maximum of the second peak
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
QuotHRRespRate (GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100)
Ramy czasowe: Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes
Quotient of heart and respiratory rates measured with the GeTeMed Vitaguard 3100 device
Physiological parameters are measured continuously (SOMNOtouchTM RESP) and every 2 minutes (BOSO-TM-2430) for a total duration of 72 minutes

Współpracownicy i badacze

Tutaj znajdziesz osoby i organizacje zaangażowane w to badanie.



  • Dyrektor Studium: Jan Vagedes, MD, ARCIM Institute, Im Haberschlai 7, 70794 Filderstadt, Germany

Daty zapisu na studia

Daty te śledzą postęp w przesyłaniu rekordów badań i podsumowań wyników do ClinicalTrials.gov. Zapisy badań i zgłoszone wyniki są przeglądane przez National Library of Medicine (NLM), aby upewnić się, że spełniają określone standardy kontroli jakości, zanim zostaną opublikowane na publicznej stronie internetowej.

Główne daty studiów

Rozpoczęcie studiów (Rzeczywisty)

29 stycznia 2019

Zakończenie podstawowe (Rzeczywisty)

17 maja 2019

Ukończenie studiów (Rzeczywisty)

17 maja 2019

Daty rejestracji na studia

Pierwszy przesłany

2 stycznia 2019

Pierwszy przesłany, który spełnia kryteria kontroli jakości

3 stycznia 2019

Pierwszy wysłany (Rzeczywisty)

4 stycznia 2019

Aktualizacje rekordów badań

Ostatnia wysłana aktualizacja (Rzeczywisty)

7 sierpnia 2019

Ostatnia przesłana aktualizacja, która spełniała kryteria kontroli jakości

6 sierpnia 2019

Ostatnia weryfikacja

1 sierpnia 2019

Więcej informacji

Terminy związane z tym badaniem

Inne numery identyfikacyjne badania

  • ERG_03

Informacje o lekach i urządzeniach, dokumenty badawcze

Bada produkt leczniczy regulowany przez amerykańską FDA


Bada produkt urządzenia regulowany przez amerykańską FDA


Te informacje zostały pobrane bezpośrednio ze strony internetowej clinicaltrials.gov bez żadnych zmian. Jeśli chcesz zmienić, usunąć lub zaktualizować dane swojego badania, skontaktuj się z register@clinicaltrials.gov. Gdy tylko zmiana zostanie wprowadzona na stronie clinicaltrials.gov, zostanie ona automatycznie zaktualizowana również na naszej stronie internetowej .

Badania kliniczne na Ergometry H
