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The Effect of Spa Treatment on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (BPCeaux)

2015年3月24日 更新者:Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nīmes
The primary objective of this study is to measure and compare the number of exacerbations (moderate or severe) between the two groups of randomized patients with and without thermal treatment). An exacerbation is defined by an increase in symptoms which justifies a unscheduled medical action: increased daily treatment and / or use of corticosteroids, and / or antibiotic therapy. Exacerbations are documented via prescriptions, hospitalisation reports or unscheduled visits.






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  • 不适用




      • Aix les Bains、法国、73100
        • Private practice: Karim Berkani
      • Amélie les Bains Palalda、法国、66110
        • Private practice: Jean Hérété
      • Briey、法国、54150
        • Private practice: Pierre Ethève
      • Ceret、法国、66400
        • Private practice: Marc Bellier
      • Perpignan、法国、66000
        • Private practice: Pierre Olivier
      • Saint Amand les Eaux、法国、59230
        • Private practice: Muriel Nouvelle





40年 至 80年 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • The patient must have given his/her informed and signed consent
  • The patient must be insured or beneficiary of a health insurance plan
  • The patient must have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Obstructive ventilation problem: Tiffeneau index (expiratory volume in one second / slow vital capacity) < 70%
  • Expiratory volume in one second < 80% of the theoretical value
  • Reversibility < 12% after inhalation of bronchodilators
  • Smokers or ex smokers
  • Available for study monitoring
  • Has access to diagnostic, medical and therapeutic care according to the best, current criteria (see the recommendations of the French Language Pseumologist Society)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • The patient is participating in another study
  • The patient has participated in another study in the past 12 months
  • The patient is in an exclusion period determined by a previous study
  • The patient is under judicial protection, under tutorship or curatorship
  • The patient refuses to sign the consent
  • It is impossible to correctly inform the patient
  • The patient is in military service (unavailable for monitoring)
  • Patient is on parole or otherwise has their liberty restricted by administrative or judiciary decision
  • The patient is pregnant, or does not have contraception
  • The patient is breastfeeding
  • Patient has neoplastic disease
  • Patient has asthma
  • Patient has another, evolving pulmonary disease (tuberculosis, pulmonary interstitium disease, active or recent pulmonary infection)
  • Patient has a clinical history indicating asthma or another respiratory disease (in particular bronchiectasis, pneumoconiosis and other occupational diseases, history of pulmonary neoplasia, HIV, immunosuppressive therapy including corticosteroids in the long term
  • Patient has respiratory insufficiency
  • Hypereosinophilic patient (the number of polynuclear eosinophils is > 0.5 giga/l; confirmed on 2 hemograms)
  • Recent psychiatric trouble (less than 1 year)
  • Takes illegal drugs
  • Patient does not have pneumological care according to the standards set by the French Language Pneumologist Society





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


The patients randomized into this arm of the study will not have spa therapy.
实验性的:Spa Therapy
The patients randomized into this arm of the study will have 3 weeks of spa therapy
3 weeks of spa therapy



Number of exacerbations
大体时间:12 months after the beginning of treatment
Exacerbation = increase in symptoms (IS) justifying an unprogrammed therapeutic intervention (TI). An IS = increase in >=2 of the following minor symptoms for >= 2 consecutive days (CD): (i) dyspnea, (ii) volume or (iii) purulence of sputum. Or an increase in any 1 of the following major symptoms associated with any of the minor symptoms for at least 2 CD: (a) sore throat, (b) cold, (c) fever, (d) coughing, (e) wheezing. A TI = systemic corticoids and/or antibiotics. An exacerbation is defined as severe if TI is accompanied by a hospital stay > 24h, and as "moderate" otherwise.
12 months after the beginning of treatment


change in the BODE score
大体时间:3 weeks
3 weeks
change in SF36 questionnaire scores
大体时间:3 weeks
the SF36 quality of life questionnaire
3 weeks
Cost (€)
大体时间:3 weeks
Costs are evaluated from the point of view of payers associated with the pathology.
3 weeks
C reactive protein (mg/l)
大体时间:3 weeks
blood work
3 weeks
Eosiniphil count (thou/ml)
大体时间:3 weeks
blood work
3 weeks
Number of exacerbations
大体时间:3 weeks
Exacerbation = increase in symptoms (IS) justifying an unprogrammed therapeutic intervention (TI). An IS = increase in >=2 of the following minor symptoms for >= 2 consecutive days (CD): (i) dyspnea, (ii) volume or (iii) purulence of sputum. Or an increase in any 1 of the following major symptoms associated with any of the minor symptoms for at least 2 CD: (a) sore throat, (b) cold, (c) fever, (d) coughing, (e) wheezing. A TI = systemic corticoids and/or antibiotics. An exacerbation is defined as severe if TI is accompanied by a hospital stay > 24h, and as "moderate" otherwise.
3 weeks
change in the BODE score
大体时间:3 months
3 months
change in the BODE score
大体时间:6 months
6 months
change in the BODE score
大体时间:9 months
9 months
change in the BODE score
大体时间:12 months
12 months
change in SF36 questionnaire scores
大体时间:3 months
the SF36 quality of life questionnaire
3 months
change in SF36 questionnaire scores
大体时间:6 months
the SF36 quality of life questionnaire
6 months
change in SF36 questionnaire scores
大体时间:9 months
the SF36 quality of life questionnaire
9 months
change in SF36 questionnaire scores
大体时间:12 months
the SF36 quality of life questionnaire
12 months
Cost (€)
大体时间:3 months
Costs are evaluated from the point of view of payers associated with the pathology.
3 months
Cost (€)
大体时间:6 months
Costs are evaluated from the point of view of payers associated with the pathology.
6 months
Cost (€)
大体时间:9 months
Costs are evaluated from the point of view of payers associated with the pathology.
9 months
Cost (€)
大体时间:12 months
Costs are evaluated from the point of view of payers associated with the pathology.
12 months
Number of exacerbations
大体时间:3 months
Exacerbation = increase in symptoms (IS) justifying an unprogrammed therapeutic intervention (TI). An IS = increase in >=2 of the following minor symptoms for >= 2 consecutive days (CD): (i) dyspnea, (ii) volume or (iii) purulence of sputum. Or an increase in any 1 of the following major symptoms associated with any of the minor symptoms for at least 2 CD: (a) sore throat, (b) cold, (c) fever, (d) coughing, (e) wheezing. A TI = systemic corticoids and/or antibiotics. An exacerbation is defined as severe if TI is accompanied by a hospital stay > 24h, and as "moderate" otherwise.
3 months
Number of exacerbations
大体时间:6 months
Exacerbation = increase in symptoms (IS) justifying an unprogrammed therapeutic intervention (TI). An IS = increase in >=2 of the following minor symptoms for >= 2 consecutive days (CD): (i) dyspnea, (ii) volume or (iii) purulence of sputum. Or an increase in any 1 of the following major symptoms associated with any of the minor symptoms for at least 2 CD: (a) sore throat, (b) cold, (c) fever, (d) coughing, (e) wheezing. A TI = systemic corticoids and/or antibiotics. An exacerbation is defined as severe if TI is accompanied by a hospital stay > 24h, and as "moderate" otherwise.
6 months
Number of exacerbations
大体时间:9 months
Exacerbation = increase in symptoms (IS) justifying an unprogrammed therapeutic intervention (TI). An IS = increase in >=2 of the following minor symptoms for >= 2 consecutive days (CD): (i) dyspnea, (ii) volume or (iii) purulence of sputum. Or an increase in any 1 of the following major symptoms associated with any of the minor symptoms for at least 2 CD: (a) sore throat, (b) cold, (c) fever, (d) coughing, (e) wheezing. A TI = systemic corticoids and/or antibiotics. An exacerbation is defined as severe if TI is accompanied by a hospital stay > 24h, and as "moderate" otherwise.
9 months




  • 研究主任:Nicolas Molinari, PhD、Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Nimes
  • 首席研究员:Jean Victor Hérété, MD、Amélie les Bains


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  • LOCAL/2010/NM-02
  • 2010-A00693-36 (其他标识符:RCB number)

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Spa therapy的临床试验
