- US Clinical Trials Registry
- Clinical Trial NCT06802185
A Bioequivalence Study of Advil Dual Action Liquid Filled Capsules (125 mg/250 mg) Versus Advil Dual Action Caplets (125 mg/250 mg) and Bioavailability Assessment of Advil Dual Action Liquid Filled Capsules (125 mg/250 mg) and Advil Liqui-Gels (200 mg) in Healthy Adult Subjects
A Randomized, Open Label, Single Oral Dose, Four Treatment, Four Period, Four Sequence, Crossover Bioequivalence Study of Advil Dual Action Liquid Filled Capsules (125 mg/250 mg) vs Advil Dual Action Caplets (125 mg/250 mg) in Healthy Adult Subjects Under Fasted Conditions, and Bioavailability Assessment of Advil Dual Action Liquid Filled Capsules (125 mg/250 mg) Under Fed Conditions and Advil Liqui-Gels (200 mg) Under Fasted Conditions
Study Overview
Detailed Description
Study Type
Enrollment (Estimated)
- Phase 1
Contacts and Locations
Study Contact
- Name: Haleon Response Center
- Phone Number: +441932 95 95 00
- Email: ww.clinical-trial-register@haleon.com
Study Locations
West Bend, Wisconsin, United States, 53095
- Spaulding Clinical
- Trupti P Indurkar
- Phone Number: 347-574-0355
- Email: trupti.indurkar@spauldingclinical.com
Participation Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
Ages Eligible for Study
- Adult
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Inclusion Criteria:
- Participant provision of a signed and dated informed consent document indicating that the participant has been informed of all pertinent aspects of the study before any assessment is performed.
- Participant is male or female who, at the time of screening, is between the ages of 18 and 55 years, inclusive. An effort will be made to include similar proportions of males and females in the study.
- Participant who is willing and able to comply with scheduled visits, treatment plan, laboratory tests, and other study procedures.
- A participant in good general and mental health with, in the opinion of the investigator or medically qualified designee, no clinically significant or relevant abnormalities in medical history or upon the physical examination, blood pressure (BP) and pulse rate measurement, 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) or clinical laboratory tests, or condition, that would impact the participant's safety, wellbeing or the outcome of the study, if they were to participate in the study, or affect the participant's ability to understand and follow study procedures and requirements.
- Body Mass Index (BMI) of 18.5 to 30.0 kilogram per meter square (kg/m^2); and a total body weight more than or equal to (>=) 50.0 kilograms (kg) for males and >= 45.0 kg for females at screening.
- Female participant of childbearing potential and at risk for pregnancy must agree to use a highly effective method of contraception throughout the study and for at least 30 days after the last dose of assigned treatment.
Exclusion Criteria:
- A participant who is an employee of the investigational site, either directly involved in the conduct of the study or a member of their immediate family; or an employee of the investigational site otherwise supervised by the investigator; or, a Haleon employee directly involved in the conduct of the study or a member of their immediate family.
- A participant who has participated in other studies (including non-medicinal studies) involving investigational product(s) within 30 days prior to study entry and/or intends to participate in any other study during participation in this study.
- A participant with, in the opinion of the investigator or medically qualified designee, an acute or chronic medical or psychiatric condition or laboratory abnormality that may increase the risk associated with study participation or investigational product administration or may interfere with the interpretation of study results and, in the judgment of the investigator or medically qualified designee, would make the participant inappropriate for entry into this study.
- Pregnant female participant as confirmed by a positive pregnancy test or intending to become pregnant over the duration of the study.
- Breastfeeding female participant.
- Known or suspected intolerance or hypersensitivity to the study materials (or closely related compounds) or any of their stated ingredients.
- Any history of asthma, urticaria, or other significant allergic diathesis or allergic reaction to any other pain reliever/fever reducer. Participant with uncomplicated seasonal allergic rhinitis can be accepted if expected allergy season is clearly outside enrollment/treatment period.
- Diagnosis of long QT syndrome or QT corrected for heart rate by Fridericia's cube root formula (QTcF) more than (>) 450 milliseconds (msec) for males and >470 msec for females at screening.
- Vital sign abnormalities (systolic BP lower than 90 or over 140 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), diastolic BP lower than 50 or over 90 mmHg, or pulse rate less than 50 or over 100 beats per minute) unless determined by the Investigator or medically qualified designee to be not clinically significant. Vital signs may be repeated at the discretion of the Investigator or medically qualified designee.
- Unwilling or unable to comply with the Lifestyle Considerations described in this protocol.
Use of any medication (including over the counter medications and herbal remedies) within 2 weeks or within less than 10 times the elimination half-life of the respective drug (whichever is longer) before first scheduled study drug administration, or is anticipated to require any concomitant medication during that period or at any time throughout the study. Allowed treatments are:
1. systemic contraceptives as long as female participant is on stable treatment for at least 3 months before first scheduled study drug administration and continues treatment throughout the study.
- Evidence or history of clinically significant laboratory abnormality, hematological, renal, endocrine, pulmonary, cardiovascular, hepatic, psychiatric, neurologic, or allergic disease in the opinion of the Investigator, or medically qualified designee that may increase the risk associated with study participation.
- Any history of long-term treatment with carbamazepine, phenobarbitone, phenytoin, primidone, rifampicin, St John's Wort or other drugs that induce liver enzymes.
- Clinically relevant chronic or acute infectious illnesses or febrile infections within 2 weeks prior to start of the study.
Any surgical or medical condition which may significantly alter the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of any drug substance including, but not limited to any of the following:
- History of major gastrointestinal tract surgery such as gastrectomy, gastroenterostomy, bowel resection, gastric bypass, gastric stapling or gastric banding (note: this is not applicable for minor abdominal surgery without significant tissue resection, example, appendectomy and herniorrhaphy);
- History of inflammatory bowel disease or gastrointestinal bleeding including peptic ulcers;
- History or current evidence of renal disease or impaired renal function at screening as demonstrated by an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than (<) 80 milliliters per minute per 1.73 meter^2 (ml/min/1.73 m^2) during screening (using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration formula)
- History or current evidence of ongoing hepatic disease or impaired hepatic function at screening.
- A participant will be excluded if more than one of the following lab value deviations are found: 1) aspartate transaminase (AST) (>= 1.2 upper limit of normal [ULN]), alanine transaminase (ALT) (>=1.2 ULN), 2) gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) (>=1.2 ULN), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (>=1.2 ULN), 3) total bilirubin (>2.00 milligrams per deciliter [mg/dL]) or creatine kinase (>=3 ULN). A single deviation from the above values is acceptable and will not exclude the participant, unless specifically advised by the investigator, or medically qualified designee;
- Evidence of urinary obstruction (example, due to benign prostate hyperplasia) or difficulty in voiding at screening;
- History or clinical evidence (on physical examination) at screening of pancreatic injury or pancreatitis.
- Any vaccination, including Coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 vaccine, within 14 days prior to the first dose.
- History of drug abuse within 1 year prior to screening or recreational use of soft drugs (such as marijuana) within 1 month or hard drugs (such as cocaine, phencyclidine [PCP], crack, opioid derivatives including heroin, and amphetamine derivatives) within 3 months prior to dosing.
- History of alcohol abuse within 1 year prior to screening or regular use of alcohol within 6 months prior to screening that exceeds 10 units for women or 15 units for men of alcohol per week (1 unit = 340 milliliters (mL) of beer 5 percent (%), 140 mL of wine 12%, or 45 mL of distilled alcohol 40%).
- Positive urine drug screen or urine alcohol test at screening or Day -1.
- Positive cotinine test at screening or Day -1
- Participant reported regular consumption of beverages or food containing xanthine derivatives or xanthine-related compounds (example, coffee, tea, caffeine-containing sodas and chocolate), equivalent to >= 500 milligrams (mg) xanthine per day.
- Current smoker, defined as the use of tobacco or nicotine products during the 3 months prior to screening until admission to the unit.
- Participant reports consumption of any drug metabolizing enzyme (example, Cytochrome P450 3A4 [CYP3A4] or other cytochrome P450 enzymes) inducing or inhibiting aliments, beverages or food supplements (example, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, star fruit, St. John's Wort etcetera [etc.]) within 2 weeks prior to admission to the unit.
- Positive results in any of the serology tests for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigen (Ag) and antibody (Ab), Hepatitis C virus antibody (HCV-Ab), hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb) (immunoglobulin [Ig]G + IgM).
- Performance of strenuous physical exercise (body building, high performance sports) from 2 weeks prior to admission and does not agree to refrain throughout the entire study.
- Allergy to skin disinfecting agents, tape, or latex rubber, whenever appropriate substitutions cannot be applied or in the Investigator's or medically qualified designee's opinion may pose a risk to the participant.
- Any condition not identified in the protocol that in the opinion of the investigator or medically qualified designee would confound the evaluation and interpretation of the study data or may put the participant at risk.
- Donation of plasma within 7 days prior to dosing or donation or loss of 500 mL or more of whole blood within 8 weeks prior to dosing.
- Hemoglobin value <12.0 grams per deciliter [g/dL] for males and <11.5 g/dL for females, may repeat at discretion of the Investigator or medically qualified designee at screening or day -1.
- Participant who has previously been enrolled in this study.
- Participant has unsuitable veins for multiple venipunctures/cannulations as assessed by the investigator or delegate at screening.
Study Plan
How is the study designed?
Design Details
- Primary Purpose: Other
- Allocation: Randomized
- Interventional Model: Crossover Assignment
- Masking: None (Open Label)
Arms and Interventions
Participant Group / Arm |
Intervention / Treatment |
Experimental: Sequence 1: Treatment A + Treatment B + Treatment C + Treatment D
Participants will receive a single oral dose of 2 ADA liquid filled capsules (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 1 (Treatment A), followed by a single oral dose of 2 ADA Caplets (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 2 (Treatment B), followed by a single oral dose of 2 ADA liquid filled capsules (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fed conditions, 30 minutes after a high-fat high calorie meal on Day 1 of Period 3 (Treatment C) and further followed by a single oral dose of 2 Advil Liqui-gels (ibuprofen 200 mg) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 4 (Treatment D).
There will be a washout period of at least 3 days between each treatment.
ADA liquid filled capsules containing 125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen.
ADA Caplets containing 125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen.
Advil Liqui-gels containing 200 mg ibuprofen.
Experimental: Sequence 2: Treatment B + Treatment D + Treatment A + Treatment C
Participants will receive a single oral dose of 2 ADA Caplets (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 1 (Treatment B), followed by a single oral dose of 2 Advil Liqui-gels (ibuprofen 200 mg) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 2 (Treatment D), followed by a single oral dose of 2 ADA liquid filled capsules (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 3 (Treatment A) and further followed by a single oral dose of ADA liquid filled capsules (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fed conditions, 30 minutes after a high-fat high calorie meal on Day 1 of Period 4 (Treatment C).
There will be a washout period of at least 3 days between each treatment.
ADA liquid filled capsules containing 125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen.
ADA Caplets containing 125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen.
Advil Liqui-gels containing 200 mg ibuprofen.
Experimental: Sequence 3: Treatment C + Treatment A + Treatment D + Treatment B
Participants will receive a single oral dose of 2 ADA liquid filled capsules (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fed conditions, 30 minutes after a high-fat high calorie meal on Day 1 of Period 1 (Treatment C), followed by a single oral dose of 2 ADA liquid filled capsules (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 2 (Treatment A), followed by a single oral dose of 2 Advil Liqui-gels (ibuprofen 200 mg) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 3 (Treatment D) and further followed by a single oral dose of 2 ADA Caplets (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 4 (Treatment B).
There will be a washout period of at least 3 days between each treatment.
ADA liquid filled capsules containing 125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen.
ADA Caplets containing 125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen.
Advil Liqui-gels containing 200 mg ibuprofen.
Experimental: Sequence 4: Treatment D + Treatment C + Treatment B + Treatment A
Participants will receive a single oral dose of 2 Advil Liqui-gels (ibuprofen 200 mg) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 1 (Treatment D), followed by a single oral dose of 2 ADA liquid filled capsules (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fed conditions, 30 minutes after a high-fat high calorie meal on Day 1 of Period 2 (Treatment C), followed by a single oral dose of 2 ADA Caplets (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 3 (Treatment B), and further followed by a single oral dose of 2 ADA liquid filled capsules (125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen) under fasted conditions on Day 1 of Period 4 (Treatment A).
There will be a washout period of at least 3 days between each treatment.
ADA liquid filled capsules containing 125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen.
ADA Caplets containing 125 mg ibuprofen and 250 mg acetaminophen.
Advil Liqui-gels containing 200 mg ibuprofen.
What is the study measuring?
Primary Outcome Measures
Outcome Measure |
Measure Description |
Time Frame |
Maximum Observed Post-dose Concentration (Cmax) for Ibuprofen Under Fasted Conditions (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules [Treatment A] vs. ADA Caplet [Treatment B])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cmax is defined as the maximum observed post-dose concentration for ibuprofen obtained without interpolation.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Cmax.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration Versus Time Curve Calculated from Time 0 to the Last Measurable Sampling Time Point, t (AUC[0-t]) for Ibuprofen Under Fasted Conditions (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules [Treatment A] vs. ADA Caplet [Treatment B])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days
AUC(0-t) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to the last measurable sampling time point, t, computed using the linear trapezoidal rule.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-t).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days
Cmax for Acetaminophen Under Fasted Conditions (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules [Treatment A] vs. ADA Caplet [Treatment B])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cmax is defined as the maximum observed post-dose concentration for acetaminophen obtained without interpolation.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Cmax.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-t) for Acetaminophen Under Fasted Conditions (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules [Treatment A] vs. ADA Caplet [Treatment B])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-t) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to the last measurable sampling time point, t, computed using the linear trapezoidal rule.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-t).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cmax for Ibuprofen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fed Conditions [Treatment C] vs. ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cmax is defined as the maximum observed post-dose concentration for ibuprofen obtained without interpolation.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Cmax.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-t) for Ibuprofen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fed Conditions [Treatment C] vs. ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-t) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to the last measurable sampling time point, t, computed using the linear trapezoidal rule.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-t).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration Versus Time Curve Calculated From Time 0 to Infinity (AUC[0-inf]) for Ibuprofen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fed Conditions [Treatment C] vs. ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
AUC(0-inf) = AUC(0-t) + C(t)/λz where C(t) is the concentration at the last measurable sampling time point and λz is the terminal elimination rate constant.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-inf).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cmax for Acetaminophen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fed Conditions [Treatment C] vs. ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cmax is defined as the maximum observed post-dose concentration for acetaminophen obtained without interpolation.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Cmax.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-t) for Acetaminophen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fed Conditions [Treatment C] vs. ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-t) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to the last measurable sampling time point, t, computed using the linear trapezoidal rule.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-t).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) for Acetaminophen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fed Conditions [Treatment C] vs. ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A])
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
AUC(0-inf) = AUC(0-t) + C(t)/λz where C(t) is the concentration at the last measurable sampling time point and λz is the terminal elimination rate constant.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-inf).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Secondary Outcome Measures
Outcome Measure |
Measure Description |
Time Frame |
Percentage of AUC(0-inf) Obtained by Extrapolation (%AUCex) for Ibuprofen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
%AUCex is defined as the percentage of AUC(0-inf) obtained by extrapolation, calculated as (1-[AUC0-t/AUC0-inf]) *100.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of %AUCex.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) for Ibuprofen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
AUC(0-inf) = AUC(0-t) + C(t)/λz where C(t) is the concentration at the last measurable sampling time point and λz is the terminal elimination rate constant.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-inf).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Terminal Elimination Rate Constant (λz) for Ibuprofen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
λz is defined as the terminal elimination rate constant computed as the negative of the slope of the regression line of ln(C[t]) on time.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of λz.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Time of the Maximum Observed Post-dose Concentration (tmax) for Ibuprofen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of tmax.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Elimination Half-life (t1/2) for Ibuprofen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
t1/2 is defined as the elimination half-life computed as t1/2 = ln(2)/λz where λz is the terminal elimination rate constant.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of t1/2.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Apparent Volume of Distribution (Vz/F) for Ibuprofen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Vz/F is defined as the apparent volume of distribution, as calculated by the dose administered/(λz *AUC0-inf) where λz is the terminal elimination rate constant and AUC(0-inf) is the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Vz/F.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Apparent Total Clearance (Cl/F) for Ibuprofen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cl/F is defined as the apparent total clearance, as calculated by the dose administered/AUC0-inf where AUC(0-inf) is the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Cl/F.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
%AUCex for Acetaminophen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
%AUCex is defined as the percentage of AUC(0-inf) obtained by extrapolation, calculated as (1-[AUC0-t/AUC0-inf]) *100.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of %AUCex.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) for Acetaminophen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
AUC(0-inf) = AUC(0-t) + C(t)/λz where C(t) is the concentration at the last measurable sampling time point and λz is the terminal elimination rate constant.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-inf).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
λz for Acetaminophen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
λz is defined as the terminal elimination rate constant computed as the negative of the slope of the regression line of ln(C[t]) on time.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of λz.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
tmax for Acetaminophen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of tmax.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
t1/2 for Acetaminophen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
t1/2 is defined as the elimination half-life computed as t1/2 = ln(2)/λz where λz is the terminal elimination rate constant.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of t1/2.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Vz/F for Acetaminophen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Vz/F is defined as the apparent volume of distribution, as calculated by the dose administered/(λz *AUC0-inf) where λz is the terminal elimination rate constant and AUC(0-inf) is the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Vz/F.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cl/F for Acetaminophen (Treatment A, Treatment C, Treatment B and Treatment D)
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cl/F is defined as the apparent total clearance, as calculated by the dose administered/AUC0-inf where AUC(0-inf) is the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Cl/F.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cmax for Ibuprofen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A] vs. Advil Liqui-gel Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment D]
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Cmax is defined as the maximum observed post-dose concentration for ibuprofen obtained without interpolation.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of Cmax.
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-t) for Ibuprofen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A] vs. Advil Liqui-gel Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment D]
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-t) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to the last measurable sampling time point, t, computed using the linear trapezoidal rule.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-t).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) for Ibuprofen (ADA Liquid Filled Capsules Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment A] vs. Advil Liqui-gel Under Fasted Conditions [Treatment D]
Time Frame: Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
AUC(0-inf) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve calculated from time 0 to infinity.
AUC(0-inf) = AUC(0-t) + C(t)/λz where C(t) is the concentration at the last measurable sampling time point and λz is the terminal elimination rate constant.
Blood samples will be collected at indicated timepoints for the analysis of AUC(0-inf).
Pre-dose (within 1 hour prior to dosing) and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 8,10,12,16,20, and 24 hours post dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Number of Participants Reporting Ease of Swallowing: Categorical Response
Time Frame: Post Dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Immediately after dosing, participants will be asked to evaluate the ease of swallowing to assess the acceptability of each treatment.
Participants will be asked to provide a categorical response (Agree/Disagree) to the question "Do you agree or disagree that the product is Easy to swallow?".
Number of participants providing response to the question will be reported.
Post Dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Number of Participants Reporting Ease of Swallowing on a 5-Point Ordinal Scale
Time Frame: Post Dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
Immediately after dosing, participants will be asked to rank the ease of swallowing of each product on a 5-point ordinal scale with scores ranging from 1 to 5 where 1=not easy to swallow; 2=somewhat easy to swallow; 3=average to swallow; 4=above average to swallow; 5=very easy to swallow.
Higher score indicates more ease in swallowing.
Post Dose on Day 1 in each treatment period (each period is of 3 days)
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- 300219
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Clinical Trials on Pain
University Hospital Schleswig-HolsteinZealand University Hospital; European Regional Development Fund; Design School...CompletedPain, Acute | Pain, Chronic | Pain Measurement | Pain, CancerGermany
Flowonix MedicalApproved for marketingBack Pain | Leg Pain | Trunk Pain | Intractable Pain | Arm Pain
Dow University of Health SciencesRecruitingLow Back Pain | Chronic Low-back Pain | Low Back Pain, Mechanical | Mechanical Low Back Pain | Pain, Chronic | Pain, Back | Lower Back Pain Chronic | CLBP - Chronic Low Back PainPakistan
George Washington UniversityRecruitingCervical Fusion | Pain, Back | Pain, Neck | Myofacial PainUnited States
Universitat Jaume ICompletedPain, Acute | Pain, Chronic | OncologySpain
Kocaeli UniversityCompleted
Atatürk Chest Diseases and Chest Surgery Training...RecruitingPostoperative Pain | Postoperative Pain, Acute | Postoperative Pain, Chronic | VATSTurkey
Atatürk Chest Diseases and Chest Surgery Training...RecruitingPostoperative Pain | Thoracotomy | Postoperative Pain, Acute | Postoperative Pain, ChronicTurkey
Janssen Research & Development, LLCCompletedPain, Radiating | Pain, Burning | Pain, Crushing | Pain, Migratory | Pain, SplittingUnited States, France, Spain, Poland, Portugal
susanne beckerSNSFCompletedLow Back Pain | Pain, Acute | Pain, ChronicSwitzerland
Clinical Trials on ADA Liquid Filled Capsules (Test Product)
Future University in EgyptCompleted
JLLC NatiVitaNational Anti Doping Laboratory, BelarusNot yet recruiting
Betta Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.Completed
Laboratorios Andromaco S.A.CompletedBioequivalenceIndia
Actavis Inc.Completed
Actavis Inc.Completed
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., McNeil Consumer...Johnson & Johnson Consumer and Personal Products WorldwideCompleted
Actavis Inc.CompletedHealthyUnited States
Actavis Inc.Completed
Actavis Inc.Completed