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Behavioral Sleep Intervention in Adult Family Homes

12. Juni 2012 aktualisiert von: Sue McCurry, University of Washington

Efficacy of Behavioral Interventions to Improve Sleep in Adult Family Homes

Sleep disturbances are widespread among demented residents of board and care homes and are a leading cause for transfer into nursing homes. This study is a randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of a 4-week Sleep Education Program (SEP) for demented residents of board and care homes who are experiencing sleep disturbances. Residents of adult family homes (board and care homes with 2-6 residents) will be randomized into SEP or usual care control. Analysis of outcomes will determine whether the SEP is feasible and effective in adult family home settings, and whether the SEP delays transition into higher levels of institutional care.





Intervention / Behandlung

Detaillierte Beschreibung

This study addresses the clinical problem of sleep and nighttime behavioral disturbances in older adults with dementia living in board and care homes. Board and care facilities provide room and board, 24-hour supervision, and assistance with personal care tasks for two or more residents not related to the owner or operator. Many elderly persons who need residential care choose board and care facilities over the alternatives because of their small size and homelike environment.

Adult family homes (AFHs) are small board and care homes with 2-6 residents. Sleep and nighttime behavioral disturbances such as wandering, getting out of bed repeatedly, and day/night confusion are widespread among demented residents of AFHs, and are a leading cause for transfer into nursing homes. However, little is known about how best to treat these problems. Adult family homes vary widely in their type of ownership, staffing schedules, physical environment, resident eligibility criteria, physician access, level of family involvement, and ratio of private/public pay clients. There have been no sleep intervention studies conducted in AFHs, and strategies that have been shown to improve sleep in community-dwelling or nursing home patients may not be feasible or effective in AFH settings. Residents of AFHs have higher rates of functional and health problems that can contribute to sleep disturbances than do community-dwelling patients, and paid caregivers have demanding on-the-job responsibilities and schedules not typically faced by family caregivers. In contrast to skilled nursing facilities, AFH employees often live 24-hours on-site, have limited training in dementia care, and have no licensed health care professionals supervising day-to-day activities. Identification of strategies that could be used as part of a staff educational program to manage sleep and nighttime behavioral disturbances in this unique environment is sorely needed. If successful, such strategies would help residents remain in a less restrictive environment for a longer time, and enhance resident quality of life.

The goal of the project is test the efficacy of a 4-session behavioral intervention for improving sleep and reducing nighttime behavioral disturbances in dementia residents of adult family homes compared to AFH residents in a usual care control condition. This project builds upon previous research conducted by the Principal Investigator showing that brief behavioral interventions can improve sleep of persons with Alzheimer's disease who are living in the community with family caregivers. It applies rigorous methodology to determine whether these interventions are equally feasible and effective in adult family home settings, and whether they delay transition into higher levels of institutional care.



Einschreibung (Tatsächlich)



  • Phase 2

Kontakte und Standorte

Dieser Abschnitt enthält die Kontaktdaten derjenigen, die die Studie durchführen, und Informationen darüber, wo diese Studie durchgeführt wird.


    • Washington
      • Seattle, Washington, Vereinigte Staaten, 98105
        • University of Washington


Forscher suchen nach Personen, die einer bestimmten Beschreibung entsprechen, die als Auswahlkriterien bezeichnet werden. Einige Beispiele für diese Kriterien sind der allgemeine Gesundheitszustand einer Person oder frühere Behandlungen.


Studienberechtigtes Alter

  • Kind
  • Erwachsene
  • Älterer Erwachsener

Akzeptiert gesunde Freiwillige


Studienberechtigte Geschlechter



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Probable or possible AD diagnosis
  • Two or more sleep problems on the Sleep Disorders inventory
  • Sleep problems occurring three or more times per week
  • Living in an Adult Family Home with owner/operator and staff willing to participate

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Previously diagnosed primary sleep disorder, e.g. sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome


Dieser Abschnitt enthält Einzelheiten zum Studienplan, einschließlich des Studiendesigns und der Messung der Studieninhalte.

Wie ist die Studie aufgebaut?


  • Hauptzweck: Behandlung
  • Zuteilung: Zufällig
  • Interventionsmodell: Parallele Zuordnung
  • Maskierung: Single

Waffen und Interventionen

Teilnehmergruppe / Arm
Intervention / Behandlung
Experimental: 1
Sleep Education Program: The Sleep Education Program (SEP) is conducted by a licensed MS- or PhD-level mental health professional experienced in working with persons with dementia and their caregivers. The therapist meets with the AFH owner/operator and staff for four weekly sessions at the AFH. The SEP content includes information about the causes of sleep problems in dementia, and provides staff with assistance in developing customized resident behavioral sleep plans focused on environmental (light and noise), dietary (eliminating caffeine and excessive nighttime fluids), and sleep scheduling (reducing afternoon/ evening napping; consistent, appropriate bed and rising times) factors that are commonly associated with resident nighttime awakenings. A written manual is used.
The Sleep Education Program (SEP) is conducted by a licensed MS- or PhD-level mental health professional experienced in working with persons with dementia and their caregivers. The therapist meets with the AFH owner/operator and staff for four weekly sessions at the AFH. The SEP content includes information about the causes of sleep problems in dementia, and provides staff with assistance in developing customized resident behavioral sleep plans focused on environmental (light and noise), dietary (eliminating caffeine and excessive nighttime fluids), and sleep scheduling (reducing afternoon/ evening napping; consistent, appropriate bed and rising times) factors that are commonly associated with resident nighttime awakenings. A written manual is used.
Placebo-Komparator: 2
Routine medical care
The Sleep Education Program (SEP) is conducted by a licensed MS- or PhD-level mental health professional experienced in working with persons with dementia and their caregivers. The therapist meets with the AFH owner/operator and staff for four weekly sessions at the AFH. The SEP content includes information about the causes of sleep problems in dementia, and provides staff with assistance in developing customized resident behavioral sleep plans focused on environmental (light and noise), dietary (eliminating caffeine and excessive nighttime fluids), and sleep scheduling (reducing afternoon/ evening napping; consistent, appropriate bed and rising times) factors that are commonly associated with resident nighttime awakenings. A written manual is used.

Was misst die Studie?

Primäre Ergebnismessungen

Ergebnis Maßnahme
Actigraphy sleep estimates
Zeitfenster: 6 months
6 months

Mitarbeiter und Ermittler

Hier finden Sie Personen und Organisationen, die an dieser Studie beteiligt sind.


  • Hauptermittler: Susan M McCurry, Ph.D., University of Washington


Diese Daten verfolgen den Fortschritt der Übermittlung von Studienaufzeichnungen und zusammenfassenden Ergebnissen an ClinicalTrials.gov. Studienaufzeichnungen und gemeldete Ergebnisse werden von der National Library of Medicine (NLM) überprüft, um sicherzustellen, dass sie bestimmten Qualitätskontrollstandards entsprechen, bevor sie auf der öffentlichen Website veröffentlicht werden.

Haupttermine studieren


1. Juni 2006

Primärer Abschluss (Tatsächlich)

1. August 2009

Studienabschluss (Tatsächlich)

1. August 2009


Zuerst eingereicht

26. Oktober 2006

Zuerst eingereicht, das die QC-Kriterien erfüllt hat

26. Oktober 2006

Zuerst gepostet (Schätzen)

29. Oktober 2006


Letztes Update gepostet (Schätzen)

14. Juni 2012

Letztes eingereichtes Update, das die QC-Kriterien erfüllt

12. Juni 2012

Zuletzt verifiziert

1. Juni 2012

Mehr Informationen

Begriffe im Zusammenhang mit dieser Studie

Diese Informationen wurden ohne Änderungen direkt von der Website clinicaltrials.gov abgerufen. Wenn Sie Ihre Studiendaten ändern, entfernen oder aktualisieren möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an register@clinicaltrials.gov. Sobald eine Änderung auf clinicaltrials.gov implementiert wird, wird diese automatisch auch auf unserer Website aktualisiert .

Klinische Studien zur Demenz

Klinische Studien zur Sleep Education Program
