The clinical study of SJOV vs. HFNO for hypoxia during procedural sedation at high altitudes

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The company Peking University People's Hospital is commencing recruitment for the clinical trial of the SJOV vs. HFNO for Hypoxia During Procedural Sedation at High Altitudes.

The trial officially began on the July 22, 2022 and is planned to complete on December 30, 2022.

This study aims to compare the effect of the use of supraglottic jet oxygenation and ventilation (SJOV) with high-flow nasal oxygen therapy (HFNO) on reducing the rate of hypoxia during gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures in deeply sedated patients at high altitudes.

Inclusion Criteria: 1. 18 years or older; 2. underwent routine gastrointestinal endoscopy under procedural sedation; 3. consented to participate in this trial. Exclusion Criteria: 1. infection of the upper airway; 2. anatomical abnormalities of the face, nose, and upper airway; 3. coagulopathies; 4. anticipated or known difficult airway; 5. known allergy against propofol, soybeans, and egg; 6. absence from the high-altitude environment during the past 3 months.

Tibet Autonomous Region People's Hospital is the collaborator in this clinical trial.

The link to the complete study profile:

Clinical Research News

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