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Testing a Secondary Prevention Intervention for HIV-Positive Black Young Men Who Have Sex With Men

28 juillet 2017 mis à jour par: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The proposed research study aims to conduct a culturally-based secondary prevention intervention targeted toward HIV-positive Black young men who have sex with men (B-YMSM) to explore (1) feasibility and acceptability (Trial 1 and Trial 2) and (2) evidence of potential efficacy (Trial 2). The primary outcomes will be health promotion behaviors (i.e., treatment adherence, sexual risk reduction, reduction in substance use behaviors, and HIV status disclosure). Psychosocial factors (i.e. self-esteem, critical consciousness, and socio-political awareness) will be examined as secondary outcomes.

Aperçu de l'étude



Les conditions

Description détaillée

First, the protocol team will finalize the development and manualization of Health 4 Life (H4L) a comparison intervention, which will serve as the basis of comparison for Mobilizing Our Voices for Empowerment (MOVE), the treatment intervention. H4L will be a health promotion and life skills intervention to account for time and attention. Following this the protocol team will then implement Trial 1. In this trial, the intervention specialist and a "peer buddy" (intervention co-facilitator) from one AMTU will conduct one wave of both MOVE and H4L. The team will then conduct an analysis of the process data and revise the two interventions (MOVE and H4L). Upon revising the interventions, the protocol team will implement Trial 2. In this trial, the protocol co-chairs and the interventionist from Trial 1 will train interventionists and peer buddies from four new AMTUs; these interventionists and peer buddies will run the revised MOVE and H4L interventions. Each site will be designated as either a treatment or comparison site, and they will conduct two waves of their assigned intervention. The team at that time will conduct data analyses and then modify and manualize the final version of MOVE and H4L.

Type d'étude


Inscription (Réel)



  • N'est pas applicable

Contacts et emplacements

Cette section fournit les coordonnées de ceux qui mènent l'étude et des informations sur le lieu où cette étude est menée.

Lieux d'étude

    • California
      • Los Angeles, California, États-Unis, 90027
        • Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
    • Illinois
      • Chicago, Illinois, États-Unis, 60612
        • Stroger Hospital and the CORE Center
    • New York
      • The Bronx, New York, États-Unis, 10467
        • Montefiore Medical Center
    • Tennessee
      • Memphis, Tennessee, États-Unis, 38105
        • St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
    • Texas
      • Houston, Texas, États-Unis, 77030
        • Baylor College of Medicine - Texas Children's Hospital

Critères de participation

Les chercheurs recherchent des personnes qui correspondent à une certaine description, appelée critères d'éligibilité. Certains exemples de ces critères sont l'état de santé général d'une personne ou des traitements antérieurs.

Critère d'éligibilité

Âges éligibles pour étudier

16 ans à 24 ans (Enfant, Adulte)

Accepte les volontaires sains


Sexes éligibles pour l'étude


La description

To be considered eligible for enrollment into Trial 1 and Trial 2, an individual must meet the criteria listed below:

  • Receives services at one of the selected AMTU sites or one of their community partners;
  • Biological male at birth and self identifies as male gender at the time of consent;
  • Self identifies as "Black" (including Black/African-American, Black Latino, Black/Afro-Caribbean, Black/African immigrant, or any self-identified member of the African Diaspora);
  • HIV-infected as documented by medical record review or verification with referring medical professional;
  • Between the ages of 16-24 years, inclusive, at the time of consent;
  • HIV-infected through sexual behavior;
  • At least one sexual encounter involving oral or anal sex with a male partner in the past year;
  • Ability to understand both written and spoken English;
  • Willingness to participate in a group-based intervention with other HIV-positive B-YMSM and agree to respect the privacy of other group members;
  • Willingness and ability to attend the first group session on any of the date chosen by the site staff and;
  • Willingness to provide signed informed consent or assent with parental/legal guardian permission as applicable.

To be considered eligible for enrollment, an individual must not meet any of the criteria listed below.

  • Active psychiatric condition that in the opinion of the site personnel would interfere with the ability to give true informed consent and to adhere to the study requirements;
  • Visibly distraught and/or visibly emotionally unstable (i.e., exhibiting suicidal, homicidal, or violent behavior);
  • Active drug or alcohol use or dependence that, in the opinion of the site personnel, would interfere with the ability to give true informed consent and to adhere to the study requirements;
  • Acute illness that, in the opinion of the treating clinician, would interfere with the participant's ability to adhere to the protocol requirements and/or interfere with the protocol objectives.
  • Previous participation in ATN 090, "Development of a Secondary Prevention Intervention Targeting HIV-Positive Black Young Men Who have Sex with Men." (NOTE: YAB members from ATN090 cannot participate in ATN 104)
  • Previous participation in Trial 1 of ATN104 and;
  • Current enrollment in any other behavioral intervention study or program. Any cases that are uncertain require Protocol Team approval.

Plan d'étude

Cette section fournit des détails sur le plan d'étude, y compris la façon dont l'étude est conçue et ce que l'étude mesure.

Comment l'étude est-elle conçue ?

Détails de conception

  • Objectif principal: La prévention
  • Répartition: Randomisé
  • Modèle interventionnel: Affectation à un seul groupe
  • Masquage: Aucun (étiquette ouverte)

Armes et Interventions

Groupe de participants / Bras
Intervention / Traitement
Comparateur actif: H4L Comparison Intervention
Health 4 Life (H4L) is a comparison intervention which will serve as the basis of comparison for Mobilizing Our Voices for Empowerment (MOVE), the treatment intervention. H4L will be a health promotion and life skills intervention to account for time and attention.
Expérimental: MOVE Intervention
MOVE involves four sessions. Sessions 1 and 2 occur over a two-day time frame and are each one day long (approximately 8 hours in length). They will: lay the groundwork for the intervention; provide HIV and other sexual health-related information; introduce critical consciousness; Sessions 1 and 2 will begin the enhancement of critical consciousness and the action-reflection-action cycle. Sessions 3 and 4 are also one-day sessions each (approximately 8 hours in length) and will be administered at one month intervals following the completion of sessions 1 and 2. These sessions will be used to provide continued enhancement of critical consciousness and guided support, feedback, and social reinforcement for behavior change and self-efficacy related to increasing health-promoting behaviors and reducing HIV-related health risk behaviors.

Que mesure l'étude ?

Principaux critères de jugement

Mesure des résultats
Description de la mesure
Finalize and manualize a critical consciousness based intervention for HIV positive B-YMSM
Délai: 2 years
To finalize and manualize Mobilizing Our Voices for Empowerment (MOVE) resulting in an intervention with evidence of potential efficacy in reducing sexual risk and substance use behaviors and promoting treatment adherence and HIV status disclosure, as well as self-esteem, critical consciousness, and socio-political awareness. At the same time a non-critical consciousness intervention Health 4 Life (H4L) which will be used as comparison will also be finalized and manualized. H4L is primarily a health promotion and life skills intervention for HIV-positive B-YMSM.
2 years

Collaborateurs et enquêteurs

C'est ici que vous trouverez les personnes et les organisations impliquées dans cette étude.

Les enquêteurs

  • Chaise d'étude: Gary Harper, PhD, DePaul University

Publications et liens utiles

La personne responsable de la saisie des informations sur l'étude fournit volontairement ces publications. Il peut s'agir de tout ce qui concerne l'étude.

Liens utiles

Dates d'enregistrement des études

Ces dates suivent la progression des dossiers d'étude et des soumissions de résultats sommaires à ClinicalTrials.gov. Les dossiers d'étude et les résultats rapportés sont examinés par la Bibliothèque nationale de médecine (NLM) pour s'assurer qu'ils répondent à des normes de contrôle de qualité spécifiques avant d'être publiés sur le site Web public.

Dates principales de l'étude

Début de l'étude

1 avril 2012

Achèvement primaire (Réel)

1 juin 2014

Achèvement de l'étude (Réel)

1 juin 2014

Dates d'inscription aux études

Première soumission

14 décembre 2012

Première soumission répondant aux critères de contrôle qualité

14 décembre 2012

Première publication (Estimation)

18 décembre 2012

Mises à jour des dossiers d'étude

Dernière mise à jour publiée (Réel)

1 août 2017

Dernière mise à jour soumise répondant aux critères de contrôle qualité

28 juillet 2017

Dernière vérification

1 mars 2016

Plus d'information

Ces informations ont été extraites directement du site Web clinicaltrials.gov sans aucune modification. Si vous avez des demandes de modification, de suppression ou de mise à jour des détails de votre étude, veuillez contacter register@clinicaltrials.gov. Dès qu'un changement est mis en œuvre sur clinicaltrials.gov, il sera également mis à jour automatiquement sur notre site Web .

Essais cliniques sur VIH

Essais cliniques sur H4L Comparison Intervention
