
03-29 05:19
Comparison of virtual reality exergaming and home exercise programs in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome and scapular dyskinesis: Short term effect
03-29 05:19
Discovery of a Small Molecule Drug Candidate for Selective NKCC1 Inhibition in Brain Disorders
03-29 05:19
Safety and effectiveness of hormonal treatment versus hormonal treatment with vigabatrin for infantile spasms (ICISS): a randomised, multicentre, open-label trial
03-29 05:19
Active exergames to improve cognitive functioning in neurological disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis
03-29 05:19
Treadmill interventions in children under six years of age at risk of neuromotor delay
03-29 05:19
Serum metabolite profiles of habitual diet: evaluation by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis
03-29 05:19
Urine Metabolite Profiles and Nutrient Intake Based on 4-Day Weighed Food Diary in Habitual Vegans, Vegetarians, and Omnivores
03-29 05:19
Breast cancer: assessing response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy by using US-guided near-infrared tomography
03-29 05:19
Two-step reconstruction method using global optimization and conjugate gradient for ultrasound-guided diffuse optical tomography
03-29 05:19
Pathologic response prediction to neoadjuvant chemotherapy utilizing pretreatment near-infrared imaging parameters and tumor pathologic criteria
03-29 05:19
Noninvasive monitoring of breast cancer during neoadjuvant chemotherapy using optical tomography with ultrasound localization
03-29 05:19
Optimal probe design for breast imaging using near-infrared diffused light
03-29 05:19
Effect of the chest wall on breast lesion reconstruction
03-29 05:19
Light shadowing effect of large breast lesions imaged by optical tomography in reflection geometry
03-29 05:19
Imaging heterogeneous absorption distribution of advanced breast cancer by optical tomography
03-29 05:19
Early-stage invasive breast cancers: potential role of optical tomography with US localization in assisting diagnosis
03-29 05:19
Evaluation of hepatic venous congestion: proposed indication criteria for hepatic vein reconstruction
03-29 05:19
Functional networks reemerge during recovery of consciousness after acute severe traumatic brain injury
03-29 05:19
Functional Networks in Disorders of Consciousness
03-29 05:19
Functional MRI Motor Imagery Tasks to Detect Command Following in Traumatic Disorders of Consciousness
03-29 05:19
Early detection of consciousness in patients with acute severe traumatic brain injury
03-29 05:19
Rectal paracetamol has a significant morphine-sparing effect after hysterectomy
03-29 05:19
Effect of prehabilitation on objectively measured physical fitness after neoadjuvant treatment in preoperative rectal cancer patients: a blinded interventional pilot study
03-29 05:19
Timing of surgery following neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer - A comparison of magnetic resonance imaging at two time points and histopathological responses
03-29 05:19
The effects of exercise on pain, fatigue, insomnia, and health perceptions in patients with operable advanced stage rectal cancer prior to surgery: a pilot trial

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