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Cetuximab in Patients With Lung Adenocarcinoma Receiving Erlotinib That Have Developed "Acquired Resistance" to Erlotinib

13 de abril de 2015 atualizado por: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

A Phase I/II Trial of Cetuximab in Patients With Lung Adenocarcinoma Receiving Erlotinib That Have Developed "Acquired Resistance" to Erlotinib

The purpose of this study is to test if cetuximab (Erbitux) can shrink lung cancers that initially became smaller after taking erlotinib and then started to get bigger despite continuing treatment. Cetuximab is a medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug administration for treatment of head and neck and colon cancer. The goal of the phase I portion of this trial is to find out the highest dose of cetuximab that can be taken together with erlotinib. This study will also give an idea of how well cetuximab shrinks lung cancer when given with erlotinib.

The purpose of this study is to test if cetuximab (Erbitux) can shrink lung cancers that initially became smaller after taking erlotinib or gefitinib and then started to get bigger despite continuing treatment. Cetuximab is a medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug administration for treatment of head and neck and colon cancer. The goal of this phase is to determine if cetuximab given with erlotinib causes lung cancers to shrink in size.

Visão geral do estudo



Intervenção / Tratamento

Tipo de estudo


Inscrição (Real)



  • Fase 2
  • Fase 1

Contactos e Locais

Esta seção fornece os detalhes de contato para aqueles que conduzem o estudo e informações sobre onde este estudo está sendo realizado.

Locais de estudo

    • New Jersey
      • Basking Ridge, New Jersey, Estados Unidos
        • Memoral Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
    • New York
      • Commack, New York, Estados Unidos, 11725
        • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center @ Suffolk
      • New York, New York, Estados Unidos, 10065
        • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
      • Rockville Centre, New York, Estados Unidos, 11570
        • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Center
      • Sleepy Hollow, New York, Estados Unidos, 10591
        • Memoral Sloan Kettering Cancer Center at Phelps

Critérios de participação

Os pesquisadores procuram pessoas que se encaixem em uma determinada descrição, chamada de critérios de elegibilidade. Alguns exemplos desses critérios são a condição geral de saúde de uma pessoa ou tratamentos anteriores.

Critérios de elegibilidade

Idades elegíveis para estudo

18 anos e mais velhos (Adulto, Adulto mais velho)

Aceita Voluntários Saudáveis


Gêneros Elegíveis para o Estudo



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Pathologic evidence of lung adenocarcinoma confirmed at MSKCC
  • Measurable (RECIST) indicator lesions not previously irradiated
  • Radiographic progression by RECIST during treatment with erlotinib
  • Received treatment with erlotinib throughout the one month prior to enrollment
  • Received treatment with erlotinib for >3 months
  • At least one of the following:
  • Previously received treatment with erlotinib, gefitinib, or an investigational EGFR TK inhibitor (patients may have received other treatments subsequently including radiation or chemotherapy) and had a radiographic partial or complete response to treatment as defined by RECIST criteria
  • A documented mutation in EGFR exons 19 or 21.
  • Karnofsky performance status ≥ or = to 70%
  • Total bilirubin: within normal institutional limits. AST/(SGOT)/ALT(SGPT)< or = to 2.5 X institutional upper limit of normal (ULN)
  • Signed informed consent
  • Effective contraception *
  • Age > 18 years old *Sexually active women of childbearing potential must use an effective method of birth control during the course of the study, in a manner such that risk of failure is minimized. Prior to study enrollment, women of childbearing potential (WOCBP) must be advised of the importance of avoiding pregnancy during trial participation and the potential risk factors for an unintentional pregnancy. In addition, men enrolled on this study should understand the risks to any sexual partner of childbearing potential and should practice an effective method of birth control. All WOCBP MUST have a negative pregnancy test within two weeks prior to first receiving investigational product. If the pregnancy test is positive, the patient must not receive investigational product and must not be enrolled in the study. In addition, all WOCBP should be instructed to contact the Investigator immediately if they suspect they might be pregnant (e.g., missed or late menstrual period) at any time during study participation. The Investigator must immediately notify BMS in the event of a confirmed pregnancy in a patient participating in the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • CNS lesions which are symptomatic and/or requiring escalating doses of corticosteroids.
  • Uncontrolled intercurrent illness including, but not limited to, ongoing or active infection, symptomatic congestive heart failure, unstable angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, or psychiatric illness/social situations that would limit compliance with study requirements.
  • Prior cetuximab or panitumumab. Prior severe infusion reaction to a monoclonal antibody.
  • Current grade 2 or greater skin toxicity on erlotinib therapy
  • Radiotherapy ≤ or = to 14 days prior to enrollment
  • Any investigational agent or therapy ≤ or = to 30 days before enrollment
  • Systemic chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, or experimental or approved proteins/antibodies (except erlotinib) ≤ or = to 30 days before enrollment
  • Women who are pregnant or lactating.
  • Known positive test(s) for human immunodeficiency virus infection, hepatitis C virus, acute or chronic active hepatitis B infection
  • Major surgery within 28 days or minor surgery within 14 days of study enrollment
  • Men or women of child-bearing potential (women who are post-menopausal < 52 weeks, not surgically sterilized, or not abstinent) not consenting to use adequate contraception (per institutional standard of care) during the course of the study and after the last investigational product(s) administration (24 weeks for women, 4 weeks for men)

Plano de estudo

Esta seção fornece detalhes do plano de estudo, incluindo como o estudo é projetado e o que o estudo está medindo.

Como o estudo é projetado?

Detalhes do projeto

  • Finalidade Principal: Tratamento
  • Modelo Intervencional: Atribuição Paralela
  • Mascaramento: Nenhum (rótulo aberto)

Armas e Intervenções

Grupo de Participantes / Braço
Intervenção / Tratamento
Experimental: 1
In the phase I portion, patients will be enrolled in cohorts of 3-6 patients;receiving daily erlotinib 100 mg along with cetuximab given every 2 weeks beginning at 250mg/m2 IV. Following the initial dose, for dose levels 1 and 2 (250 mg/m2 and 375 mg/m2) patients will receive treatment every 2 weeks with cetuximab over 60 minutes. For dose level 3 (500 mg/m2) patients will receive treatment every 2 weeks with cetuximab over 120 minutes. The infusion rate of cetuximab should never exceed 10 mg/minute (5 mL/min). The dose may subsequently be reduced for individual patients, depending on a patient's toxicity.
The phase I portion will accrue as many as 3 cohorts of 3-6 patients; receiving erlotinib 100 mg daily along with escalating doses of cetuximab administered every 2 weeks beginning at 250mg/m2 IV without a loading dose. Subsequent cetuximab dose levels will be 375 mg/m2, and 500 mg/m2, administered IV every 2 weeks. Patients will have baseline CT, labs and ECG done within 2 weeks of study entry. Three patients will be enrolled per dose level. Patients will be monitored for toxicity weekly for the first 5 weeks, and every 2 weeks thereafter. Patients will be monitored for response by CT in the fourth week of combined therapy and every 8 weeks. All patients in this portion of the trial will receive intravenous cetuximab every two weeks at the MTD (to be determined in phase I portion) and daily erlotinib on an outpatient basis and will obtain clinical re-evaluation and radiographic re-imaging on a schedule similar to that followed in the phase I portion

O que o estudo está medindo?

Medidas de resultados primários

Medida de resultado
Descrição da medida
The Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) of Cetuximab Given Every 2 Weeks
Prazo: At conclusion of study, up to 24 weeks
To determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of cetuximab given every 2 weeks in patients with lung adenocarcinoma receiving erlotinib that have developed acquired resistance to erlotinib (phase I portion)
At conclusion of study, up to 24 weeks

Colaboradores e Investigadores

É aqui que você encontrará pessoas e organizações envolvidas com este estudo.



  • Investigador principal: Gregory Riely, PhD, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Publicações e links úteis

A pessoa responsável por inserir informações sobre o estudo fornece voluntariamente essas publicações. Estes podem ser sobre qualquer coisa relacionada ao estudo.

Datas de registro do estudo

Essas datas acompanham o progresso do registro do estudo e os envios de resumo dos resultados para Os registros do estudo e os resultados relatados são revisados ​​pela National Library of Medicine (NLM) para garantir que atendam aos padrões específicos de controle de qualidade antes de serem publicados no site público.

Datas Principais do Estudo

Início do estudo

1 de julho de 2008

Conclusão Primária (Real)

1 de maio de 2011

Conclusão do estudo (Real)

1 de maio de 2011

Datas de inscrição no estudo

Enviado pela primeira vez

15 de julho de 2008

Enviado pela primeira vez que atendeu aos critérios de CQ

15 de julho de 2008

Primeira postagem (Estimativa)

16 de julho de 2008

Atualizações de registro de estudo

Última Atualização Postada (Estimativa)

30 de abril de 2015

Última atualização enviada que atendeu aos critérios de controle de qualidade

13 de abril de 2015

Última verificação

1 de abril de 2015

Mais Informações

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Ensaios clínicos em Adenocarcinoma pulmonar

Ensaios clínicos em erlotinib with cetuximab

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