Study of MB-102 (Relmapirazin) and MediBeacon transdermal GFR measurement system for the evaluation of kidney function

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The company MediBeacon is enrolling patients into the clinical trial investigating Pharmacokinetics and Safety of MB-102 (Relmapirazin) and the MediBeacon Transdermal GFR Measurement System in Evaluation of Kidney Function in Normal and Renal Compromised Subjects.

This is a multi-center, open-label, pivotal study comparing transdermal glomerular filtration rate (tGFR) to plasma-derived indexed GFR (nGFR) with MB-102 (relmapirazin) as the fluorophore. Participants will span the GFR range of values from normal to stage 4 chronic kidney disease (CKD) and span the entire range of human skin colors as defined by the Fitzpatrick Skin Scale (FSS). The safety and pharmacokinetics of MB-102 and the safety of the MediBeacon Transdermal Glomerular Filtration Rate Measurement System (TGFR) will also be evaluated.

The study start date is June 2022.

This page provides a more detailed overview of this clinical trial: or

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