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Effects of Three Warm-up Interventions at the Workplace Among Vineyard Workers - a Protocol Study

2022年6月16日 更新者:Opti'Mouv

Comparison of the Effects of Three Warm-up Interventions at the Workplace on Pain, Heart Rate, Work Performance and Physical Capacities Among Vineyard Workers - a Protocol Study


Physical activity programs at the workplace have shown positive results on physical capacities and pain for several years. Due to the duration of the training session, the need of instructor, and the need of a place to practice, these programs are commonly complex to implement. For this reason, many of companies, especially companies in manual sectors are turning to another solution, i.e warm-up intervention before work shift. These interventions present on paper numerous advantages such as short duration, no need to specifically allocate a place in companies and the possibility to perform exercises in working clothes… Surprisingly, while positive effects of warm-up interventions on pain, performance physical and psychological capacities, are expansively reported in sport context, effects of workplace warm-up intervention are lacking. Therefore, the aims of this study are (1) to implement such intervention among vineyard-workers, workers highly exposed to heavy physical workload and pain and (2) to assess their effects on physical (pain, strength, flexibility) and psychological (workload) functions and also on work-related outcomes (work performance, readiness to work)


A cluster randomized study will be implemented among French vineyard workers. Four groups of 30 participants will be constituted; corresponding to four different conditions: (1) hybrid warm-up intervention (HWU); (2) dynamic warm-up intervention (DWU); (3) stretching warm-up intervention (SWU); (4) no warm-up intervention (NWU). A total of 120 vineyard-workers will be recruited to participate in the study.


The results will provide more evidence about the short-term effects of warm-up interventions at the workplace, and will provide more evidence on which warm-up modality is the most effective on pain, performance, physical and psychological capacities among vineyard workers.




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    • Gironde
      • Pauillac、Gironde、法国、33250
        • OptiMouv





18年 至 60年 (成人)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • working full time
  • having at least 1 year of employment in the company

Exclusion Criteria:

- not to present previous surgery in the low back region in the last 12 months





  • 主要用途:预防
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:双倍的


实验性的:Hybrid warm-up intervention
Dynamic + stretching exercises
实验性的:Dynamic warm-up intervention
Dynamic exercises
实验性的:Stretching warm-up intervention
Stretching exercises
无干预:No warm-up intervention



Perceived pain intensity
大体时间:Pain intensity will be rated for the last 3 months
Participants will be asked to rate their pain intensity over 15 anatomical locations using a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS), where 0 is used to indicate "no pain" while 10 indicate the "worst possible pain".
Pain intensity will be rated for the last 3 months
Perceived pain intensity
大体时间:Pain intensity will be rated before the warm-up intervention (Time 0)
Participants will be asked to rate their pain intensity over 15 anatomical locations using a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS), where 0 is used to indicate "no pain" while 10 indicate the "worst possible pain".
Pain intensity will be rated before the warm-up intervention (Time 0)
Perceived pain intensity
大体时间:Pain intensity will be rated after the warm-up intervention (Time 1)
Participants will be asked to rate their pain intensity over 15 anatomical locations using a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS), where 0 is used to indicate "no pain" while 10 indicate the "worst possible pain".
Pain intensity will be rated after the warm-up intervention (Time 1)
Perceived pain intensity
大体时间:Pain intensity will be rated at the beginning of the working activity (Time 2)
Participants will be asked to rate their pain intensity over 15 anatomical locations using a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS), where 0 is used to indicate "no pain" while 10 indicate the "worst possible pain".
Pain intensity will be rated at the beginning of the working activity (Time 2)
Perceived pain intensity
大体时间:Pain intensity will be rated after the first hour of work (Time 3)
Participants will be asked to rate their pain intensity over 15 anatomical locations using a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS), where 0 is used to indicate "no pain" while 10 indicate the "worst possible pain".
Pain intensity will be rated after the first hour of work (Time 3)
Perceived pain intensity
大体时间:Pain intensity will be rated after the second hour of work (Time 4)
Participants will be asked to rate their pain intensity over 15 anatomical locations using a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS), where 0 is used to indicate "no pain" while 10 indicate the "worst possible pain".
Pain intensity will be rated after the second hour of work (Time 4)
Perceived pain intensity
大体时间:Pain intensity will be rated after three hour of work (Time 5)
Participants will be asked to rate their pain intensity over 15 anatomical locations using a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS), where 0 is used to indicate "no pain" while 10 indicate the "worst possible pain".
Pain intensity will be rated after three hour of work (Time 5)
Work performance
大体时间:After one hour of work (Time 3)
number of grapevine pruned
After one hour of work (Time 3)
Work performance
大体时间:After two hours of work (Time 4)
number of grapevine pruned
After two hours of work (Time 4)
Work performance
大体时间:After three hours of work (Time 5)
number of grapevine pruned
After three hours of work (Time 5)


Handgrip Strength
大体时间:Before the warm-up intervention (Time 0)
Handgrip Strength
Before the warm-up intervention (Time 0)
Handgrip Strength
大体时间:After the warm-up intervention (Time 1)
Handgrip Strength
After the warm-up intervention (Time 1)
Handgrip Strength
大体时间:After three hour of work (Time 5)
Handgrip Strength
After three hour of work (Time 5)
大体时间:Before the warm-up intervention (Time 0)
Flexibility of the trunk and the hamstrings - Finger to floor test
Before the warm-up intervention (Time 0)
大体时间:After the warm-up intervention (Time 1)
Flexibility of the trunk and the hamstrings - Finger to floor test
After the warm-up intervention (Time 1)
大体时间:After three hour of work (Time 5)
Flexibility of the trunk and the hamstrings - Finger to floor test
After three hour of work (Time 5)
大体时间:Before the warm-up intervention (Time 0)
Flexibility of the shoulders - Back scratch test
Before the warm-up intervention (Time 0)
大体时间:After the warm-up intervention (Time 1)
Flexibility of the shoulders - Back scratch test
After the warm-up intervention (Time 1)
大体时间:After three hour of work (Time 5)
Flexibility of the shoulders - Back scratch test
After three hour of work (Time 5)
Heart rate
大体时间:Time 0
Heart rate with a heart rate monitor placed on the wrist
Time 0
Heart rate
大体时间:Time 1
Heart rate with a heart rate monitor placed on the wrist
Time 1
Heart rate
大体时间:Time 2
Heart rate with a heart rate monitor placed on the wrist
Time 2
Heart rate
大体时间:Time 3
Heart rate with a heart rate monitor placed on the wrist
Time 3
Heart rate
大体时间:Time 4
Heart rate with a heart rate monitor placed on the wrist
Time 4
Heart rate
大体时间:Time 5
Heart rate with a heart rate monitor placed on the wrist
Time 5
Readiness to work
大体时间:Time 1
Readiness to work was rated subjectively using a 0-10 numerical rating scale, where 0 was used to indicate "not at all ready" and 10 "perfectly ready to work"
Time 1
Readiness to work
大体时间:Time 2
Readiness to work was rated subjectively using a 0-10 numerical rating scale, where 0 was used to indicate "not at all ready" and 10 "perfectly ready to work"
Time 2
Work quality
大体时间:Time 5
Work quality will be assessed by the workers supervisors, with the same 0-10 scale in every company, developed by the research team and a vineyard growing specialist.
Time 5
大体时间:Time 5
NASA Task Load Index (NASA TLX) is a multi-dimensional scale used to estimate workload from a worker.
Time 5
Visuomotor reaction time
大体时间:Time 0
The FITLIGHT Trainer (FITLIGHT Sports Corp., Ontario, Canada) will be used to measure the visuomotor reaction time (VMRT).
Time 0
Visuomotor reaction time
大体时间:Time 1
The FITLIGHT Trainer (FITLIGHT Sports Corp., Ontario, Canada) will be used to measure the visuomotor reaction time (VMRT).
Time 1
Visuomotor reaction time
大体时间:Time 5
The FITLIGHT Trainer (FITLIGHT Sports Corp., Ontario, Canada) will be used to measure the visuomotor reaction time (VMRT).
Time 5





  • 研究主任:Nicolas Vuillerme, Phd、UniversitéGrenobleAlpes


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Hybrid Warm-up的临床试验
