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Acoustic Reflection Method and Work of Breathing (MAVAS)

26. december 2011 opdateret af: Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris

Acoustic Reflection Method and Work of Breathing : Two New Methods to Measure Children's Upper Airway Obstruction

Upper airway obstruction (UAO) is very common in children. Presently, the importance of the UAO is evaluated by the physician during an endoscopic evaluation under general anaesthesia.

The aim of the study is to evaluate two new techniques to quantify the importance of the UAO in children; the acoustic reflection method and the measurement of the work of breathing.

80 children will be included in this monocentric, prospective, open labelled study.


Detaljeret beskrivelse

The following evaluations will be performed the day prior to the endoscopic evaluation :1) calculation of a clinical score based on the diurnal and nocturnal respiratory and nutritional tolerance of the UAO, 2) evaluation of the importance and the localisation of the UAO assessed by the acoustic reflection method, 3) measurement of the work of breathing, 4) recording of nocturnal gas exchange during at least 6 hours by s single monitor (Sentec™) which measures pulse oximetry (SaO2) and transcutaneous carbon dioxide (PtcCO2), and evaluation of sleep quality by actigraphy (recording of patient's movements by an Actiwatch™).

All the patients will be re-assessed after 3 months. If no treatment is required, a second clinical evaluation with an acoustic reflection examination will be performed. If a surgical treatment or a noninvasive positive pressure ventilation will be necessary, a second complete evaluation will be performed with an endoscopic examination, the calculation of the clinical score, an acoustic reflection examination, the measurement of the work of breathing, and the recording of the nocturnal gas exchange and sleep quality. This second endoscopic examination will be performed only for medical purpose and not for research only.

The study will last 24 months, comprising 21 months for the inclusion of the patients and 3 months for the analysis of the data.



Tilmelding (Faktiske)



  • Ikke anvendelig

Kontakter og lokationer

Dette afsnit indeholder kontaktoplysninger for dem, der udfører undersøgelsen, og oplysninger om, hvor denne undersøgelse udføres.


      • Paris, Frankrig, 75020
        • Hospital Armand Trousseau, Pediatric Pulmonology department and ENT department


Forskere leder efter personer, der passer til en bestemt beskrivelse, kaldet berettigelseskriterier. Nogle eksempler på disse kriterier er en persons generelle helbredstilstand eller tidligere behandlinger.


Aldre berettiget til at studere

Ikke ældre end 15 år (Barn)

Tager imod sunde frivillige


Køn, der er berettiget til at studere



Inclusion Criteria:

  • children aged 0 to 15 years old,
  • in a stable state,
  • presenting an UAO which requires an endoscopic evaluation under general anaesthesia
  • signed informed consent
  • affiliation to french health benefits

Exclusion Criteria:

  • UAO due solely to a hypertrophy of the adenoids and/or the tonsils,
  • patients with a tracheostomy or a non operated cleft palate


Dette afsnit indeholder detaljer om studieplanen, herunder hvordan undersøgelsen er designet, og hvad undersøgelsen måler.

Hvordan er undersøgelsen tilrettelagt?

Design detaljer

  • Primært formål: Diagnostisk
  • Tildeling: Ikke-randomiseret
  • Interventionel model: Parallel tildeling
  • Maskning: Ingen (Åben etiket)

Våben og indgreb

Deltagergruppe / Arm
Intervention / Behandling
Eksperimentel: 1
Children with upper airway obstruction
Endoscopic evaluation done under general anaesthesia.
Aktiv komparator: 2
Children without upper airway obstruction
Acoustic reflection gives the longitudinal cross-sectional area profile along airway.Based on planar acoustic wave propagating in a rigid duct connected to airway.

Hvad måler undersøgelsen?

Primære resultatmål

To compare the importance and the localisation of the UAO assessed by the acoustic reflection method and by the endoscopic evaluation under general anaesthesia
Tidsramme: At the inclusion visit
At the inclusion visit

Sekundære resultatmål

To evaluate the feasibility of the acoustic method for the evaluation of UAO in children
Tidsramme: At the inclusion visit
At the inclusion visit
To compare the importance and the localisation of the UAO assessed by the acoustic reflection method with the respiratory (during sleep and wakefulness) and nutritional consequences of the UAO
Tidsramme: At the inclusion visit
At the inclusion visit
To compare the importance of the UAO assessed by the acoustic reflection method with the measurements of the work of breathing
Tidsramme: At the inclusion visit
At the inclusion visit
To compare the importance and the localisation of the UAO assessed by the acoustic reflection method with the results of a high resolution computed tomography scan of the upper airways if done for the medical reasons
Tidsramme: At the inclusion visit
At the inclusion visit
To correlate the importance and the localisation of the UAO assessed by the acoustic reflection method with the outcome of surgery if required
Tidsramme: At the inclusion and 3 months visits
At the inclusion and 3 months visits

Samarbejdspartnere og efterforskere

Det er her, du vil finde personer og organisationer, der er involveret i denne undersøgelse.


  • Ledende efterforsker: Nicolas LEBOULANGER, MD, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris

Datoer for undersøgelser

Disse datoer sporer fremskridtene for indsendelser af undersøgelsesrekord og resumeresultater til Studieregistreringer og rapporterede resultater gennemgås af National Library of Medicine (NLM) for at sikre, at de opfylder specifikke kvalitetskontrolstandarder, før de offentliggøres på den offentlige hjemmeside.

Studer store datoer


1. december 2009

Primær færdiggørelse (Faktiske)

1. maj 2011

Studieafslutning (Faktiske)

1. november 2011

Datoer for studieregistrering

Først indsendt

30. juli 2009

Først indsendt, der opfyldte QC-kriterier

30. juli 2009

Først opslået (Skøn)

31. juli 2009

Opdateringer af undersøgelsesjournaler

Sidste opdatering sendt (Skøn)

29. december 2011

Sidste opdatering indsendt, der opfyldte kvalitetskontrolkriterier

26. december 2011

Sidst verificeret

1. august 2011

Mere information

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