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여기에서 이 연구와 관련된 사람과 조직을 찾을 수 있습니다.


  • 수석 연구원: Barbara R. Foorman, University of Texas

간행물 및 유용한 링크

연구에 대한 정보 입력을 담당하는 사람이 자발적으로 이러한 간행물을 제공합니다. 이것은 연구와 관련된 모든 것에 관한 것일 수 있습니다.

일반 간행물

  • Foorman BR, Anthony J, Seals L, Mouzaki A. Language development and emergent literacy in preschool. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2002 Sep;9(3):173-84. doi: 10.1053/spen.2002.35497.
  • Fletcher, J.M., Foorman, B.R., Boudousquie, A., Barnes, M., Schatschneider, C., & Francis, D.J. (2002). Assessment of reading and learning disabilities: A research-based, treatment-oriented approach. Journal of School Psychology, 40, 27-63.
  • Rayner K, Foorman BR, Perfetti CA, Pesetsky D, Seidenberg MS. How should reading be taught? Sci Am. 2002 Mar;286(3):84-91. doi: 10.1038/scientificamerican0302-84. No abstract available.
  • Foorman, B.R., Francis, D.J., Fletcher, J.M., Schatschneider, C., & Mehta, P. (1998). The role of instruction in learning to read: Preventing reading failure in at-risk children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 37-55.
  • Fletcher, J.M., Foorman, B.R., Francis, D.J., & Schatschneider, C. (Winter, 1997). Prevention of reading failure. Insight, 22-23.
  • Foorman, B. R. (Ed.) (2003). Preventing and Remediating Reading Difficulities: Bringing Science to Scale. Timonium, MD: York Press.
  • Foorman BR, Breier JI, Fletcher JM. Interventions aimed at improving reading success: an evidence-based approach. Dev Neuropsychol. 2003;24(2-3):613-39. doi: 10.1080/87565641.2003.9651913.
  • Foorman, B.R., Chen, D.T., Carlson, C., Moats, L., Francis, D.J., & Fletcher, J. (2003). The necessity of the alphabetic principle to phonemic awareness instruction. Reading and Writing, 16, 289-324.
  • Foorman, B.R., Fletcher, J.M., & Francis, D.J. (2004). Early reading assessment. In W.M. Evers & H.J. Walberg (Eds.), Testing student learning, evaluating teaching effectiveness (pp. 81-125). Stanford, CA: The Hoover Institution.
  • Foorman, B.R., Fletcher, J.M., & Francis, D.J. (1999). Beginning reading is strategic and by design multi-level. Issues in Education: Contributions from Educational Psychology, 5, 65-75.
  • Foorman, B.R., Fletcher, J.M., & Francis, D.J. (1998). Preventing reading failure by ensuring effective reading instruction. In S. Patton & M. Holmes (Eds.), The keys to literacy. Washington, D.C.: Council for Basic Education.
  • Foorman, B.R., Francis, D.J., Beeler, T., Winikates, D., & Fletcher, J.M. (1997). Early interventions for children with reading problems: Study designs and preliminary findings. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 8, 63-71.
  • Foorman, B.R., Francis, D.J., Davidson, K., Harm, M., & Griffin, J. (2004). Variability in text features in six grade 1 basal reading programs. Scientific Studies in Reading, 8(2), 167-197.
  • Foorman, B.R., Francis, D.J., Fletcher, J.M., & Schatschneider, C. (2000). Misrepresentation of research by other researchers. Educational Researcher, 29, 27-37.
  • Foorman, B.R., Francis, D.J., Fletcher, J.M., Schatschneider, C., & Mehta, P. (1998). The role of instruction in learning to read: Preventing reading failure in at-risk children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 37-55. [Reprinted in Wray, D. (Ed.) (2004). Major Themes in Education. London, UK: Routledge.]
  • Foorman, B.R., Francis, D.J., Fletcher, J.M., Winikates, D., & Mehta, P. (1997). Early interventions for children with reading problems. Scientific Studies of Reading, 1(3), 255-276. (Special issue on reading interventions)
  • Foorman, B.R., Francis, D.J, Shaywitz, S.E., Shaywitz, B.A., & Fletcher, J.M. (1997). The case for early reading interventions. In B. Blachman (Ed.), Foundations of reading acquisition and dyslexia: Implications for early intervention (pp. 243-264). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Foorman, B.R., & Moats, L.C. (2004). Conditions for sustaining research-based practices in early reading instruction. Remedial and Special Education, 25(1), 51-60.
  • Foorman, B.R., & Schatschneider, C. (2003). Measurement of teaching practices during reading/language arts instruction and its relationship to student achievement. In S. Vaughn and K.L. Briggs (Eds.), Reading in the classroom: Systems for observation of teaching and learning (pp. 1-30). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.
  • Foorman, B.R., Schatschneider, C., Fletcher, J.M., Francis, D.J., & Moats, L.C. (2004). The impact of instructional practices in grades 1 and 2 on reading and spelling achievement in high poverty schools. Manuscript under review.
  • Foorman, B., Seals, L., Anthony, J., & Pollard-Durodola, S. (2003). Vocabulary enrichment program for third and fourth grade African American students: Description, implementation, and impact. In B.Foorman (Ed.) Preventing and Remediating Reading Difficulities: Bringing Science to Scale. (pp. 419-441). Timonium, MD: York Press.
  • Foorman, B.R., & Torgesen, J.K. (2001). Critical elements of classroom and small-group instruction promote reading success in all children. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 16(4), 202-211.
  • Francis, D.J., Chen, D.T., Foorman, B.R., Wristers, K., Schatschcneider, C., Carlson, C., & Fletcher, J.M. (2004). Sequencing Approaches to Reading Instruction in Grades 1 and 2: An Application of Segmented Growth Models to Longitudinal Crossover Trials. Manuscript submitted.
  • Mehta, P., Foorman, B.R., Branum-Martin, L., & Taylor, W. P. (in press). Literacy as a unidimensional multilevel construct: Validation, sources of influence, and implications in a longitudinal study in grades 1-4. Scientific Studies of Reading.
  • Moats, L.C., & Foorman, B.R. (2003) Measuring teachers' content knowledge of language and reading. Annals of Dyslexia, 53, 23-45.
  • Moats, L.C., & Foorman, B.R. (2004). How quality of writing instruction impacts fourth graders' writing outcomes. Manuscript in preparation.
  • Pollard-Durodola, S., Seals, L.M., & Foorman, B.R. (in press). Vocabulary enrichment project. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.
  • Rayner K, Foorman BR, Perfetti CA, Pesetsky D, Seidenberg MS. How Psychological Science Informs the Teaching of Reading. Psychol Sci Public Interest. 2001 Nov;2(2):31-74. doi: 10.1111/1529-1006.00004. Epub 2001 Nov 1.
  • Schatschneider, C., Fletcher, J., Francis, D., Carlson, C., & Foorman, B. (2004). Kindergarten prediction of reading skills: A longitudinal comparative study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(2), 265-282.
  • Schatschneider, C., Francis, D.J., Foorman, B.R., & Fletcher, J.M. (1999). The dimensionality of phonological awareness: An application of item response theory. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 439-449.
  • Fletcher, J.M., Foorman, B.R., & Shaywitz, S.E., Shaywitz, B.A. (1999). Conceptual and methodological issues in dyslexia research: A lesson for developmental disorders (pp. 271-306). In H. Tager-Flusberg (Ed.), Neurodevelopmental disorders. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Fletcher, J., Francis, D., Shaywitz, B., Foorman, B., & Shaywitz, S. (1998). Intelligence testing and the discrepancy model for children with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 13, 186-203.
  • Foorman, B.R. (1995). Research on The Great Debate: Code-oriented versus whole-language approaches to reading instruction. School Psychology Review, 24, 376-392. (Invited article for special issue on research on reading instruction.)
  • Foorman, B.R., Francis, D., Fletcher, J., & Lynn, A. (1996). Relation of phonological and orthographic processing to early reading: Comparing two approaches to regression-based, reading-level-match designs. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 639-652.
  • Foorman, B.R., & Schatschneider, C. (1997). Beyond alphabetic reading: Comments on Torgesen's prevention and intervention studies. Journal of Academic Language Therapy, 1(1), 59-65.
  • Schatschneider C, Carlson CD, Francis DJ, Foorman BR, Fletcher JM. Relationship of rapid automatized naming and phonological awareness in early reading development: implications for the double-deficit hypothesis. J Learn Disabil. 2002 May-Jun;35(3):245-56. doi: 10.1177/002221940203500306.

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