이 페이지는 자동 번역되었으며 번역의 정확성을 보장하지 않습니다. 참조하십시오 영문판 원본 텍스트의 경우.

Effect of Transversus Abdominis Plane Block With Compound Lidocaine on Pain After Gynecological Surgery

2022년 2월 21일 업데이트: Guolin Wang, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital

Effect of Ultrasound-guided Transversus Abdominis Plane Block With Compound Lidocaine on Postoperative Pain in Patients Undergoing Gynecological Laparotomy:a Randomized Double-blind Controlled Trial


To explore effects of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block with compound lidocaine on postoperative pain after gynecological laparotomy.

연구 개요

상세 설명

Poor post-surgical pain control is a leading factor that hinders the physical rehabilitation, and causes acute cognitive impairment and chronic pain syndrome. Recently, the multimodal analgesia strategies to minimise opioid-related side effects are highly desirable in open surgical procedures. The transversus abdominis plane block is a novel technique involving injection of local anaesthetic between the internal oblique and the transversus abdominis muscles of the abdominal wall. Although ropivacaine is most commonly used for this technique, the analgesic duration remains not dissatisfied. Compared with ropivacaine, compound lidocaine injection has a better and longer analgesic activity since it contains menthol and ethanol with appropriate concentrations. However, whether compound lidocaine injection is efficiency in the transversus abdominis plane block for abdominal open sugery lacks investigations. Herein, we will evaluate the efficacy of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane (USG-TAP) block with compound lidocaine injection for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing gynecological laparotomy.

연구 유형


등록 (실제)



  • 해당 없음

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연구 장소

      • Tianjin, 중국, 300052
        • Tianjin Medical University General Hospital


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자격 기준

공부할 수 있는 나이

20년 (성인)

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연구 대상 성별



Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Subject is scheduled to undergo gynecological laparotomy under general anesthesia
  2. Subject's American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status is I-II.
  3. The subject's parent/legally authorized guardian has given written informed consent to participate.

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Subject has a diagnosis of bronchial asthma, coronary heart disease, severe hypertension, renal failure or liver failure.
  2. Subject has a diagnosis of Insulin dependent diabetes.
  3. Subject is allergy and contraindication to local anesthetics or any components of local anesthetics.
  4. Subject has a history of chronic pain, a history of alcohol or opioid abuse, pre- existing therapy with opioids, intake of any analgesic drug within 48 hours before surgery.
  5. Subject has any contraindication for the use of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA).
  6. Subject is pregnant or breast-feeding.
  7. Subject is obese (body mass index >30kg/m^2).
  8. Subject is incapacity to comprehend pain assessment and cognitive assessment.

공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

연구는 어떻게 설계됩니까?

디자인 세부사항

  • 주 목적: 방지
  • 할당: 무작위
  • 중재 모델: 병렬 할당
  • 마스킹: 더블

무기와 개입

참가자 그룹 / 팔
개입 / 치료
위약 비교기: Normal saline in transversus abdominis plane block
Before the induction of anesthesia, normal saline is used for bilateral transversus abdominis plane block in a volume of 20 mL of each side
마취유도 전 양측 횡복부평면차단에 생리식염수를 각 20mL씩 사용한다.
다른 이름들:
  • 0. 9% 염화나트륨 주입
활성 비교기: Ropivacaine in transversus abdominis plane block
Before the induction of anesthesia, 0.375% ropivacaine is used for bilateral transversus abdominis plane block in a volume of 20 mL of each side
Before the induction of anesthesia, 0.375% ropivacaine is used for bilateral transversus abdominis plane block in a volume of 20 mL of each side
다른 이름들:
  • Ropivacaine 염산염 주사
활성 비교기: Compound lidocaine at low-concentration in transversus abdominis plane block
Before the induction of anesthesia, 0.4% compound lidocaine is used for bilateral transversus abdominis plane block in a volume of 20 mL of each side
Before the induction of anesthesia, 0.4% compound lidocaine is used for bilateral transversus abdominis plane block in a volume of 20 mL of each side
다른 이름들:
  • Compound Hydrochloride Lidocaine Injection
활성 비교기: Compound lidocaine at high-concentration in transversus abdominis plane block
Before the induction of anesthesia, 0.6% compound lidocaine is used for bilateral transversus abdominis plane block in a volume of 20 mL of each side
Before the induction of anesthesia, 0.6% compound lidocaine is used for bilateral transversus abdominis plane block in a volume of 20 mL of each side
다른 이름들:
  • Compound Hydrochloride Lidocaine Injection

연구는 무엇을 측정합니까?

주요 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Pain Score (NRS)
기간: 72 hours after surgery
The pain score at rest or after movement was evaluated by pain 11-point numerical rating scale (NRS): 0 = no pain, 10 = greatest imaginable pain.
72 hours after surgery

2차 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
방귀가 나올 때까지의 평균 시간
기간: 수술 후 72시간
위장관 운동성은 방귀가 나올 때까지의 평균 시간을 기록하여 평가했습니다.
수술 후 72시간
첫 번째 수술 후 진통제 요구 시간
기간: 수술 1시간 후
첫 번째 수술 후 통증(NRS≥5)은 초기에 sufentanyl 적정으로 조절됩니다.
수술 1시간 후
첫 번째 수술 후 진통제 요구량의 총 용량
기간: 수술 1시간 후
첫 번째 수술 후 통증(NRS≥5)은 초기에 sufentanyl 적정으로 조절됩니다.
수술 1시간 후
Cumulative Sufentanyl Consumption
기간: 72 hours after surgery
Each patient was administered analgesics using a PCA (Patient-controlled analgesia) pump containing sufentanil (200μg) in normal saline at a total volume of 200 ml after leaving PACU (Postanesthesia care unit). This device was set to deliver a basal infusion of 2 ml/h and bolus doses of 0.5 ml with a 15-min lockout period. Sufentanyl cumulative consumption is recorded 72 hours postoperatively
72 hours after surgery
Occurrence of Side Effects
기간: 72 hours after surgery
Occurrence of side effects: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, shivering, pruritus
72 hours after surgery
절개부 주변 통각과민의 정상화된 영역
기간: 수술 후 72시간
절개부 주변의 피부를 절개 방향으로 통각과민 영역 외부에서 시작하여 1초 간격으로 5mm 간격으로 자극합니다. 절개에서 '아프다', '아프다' 또는 '날카롭다' 느낌이 발생한 첫 번째 지점까지의 거리를 측정하고 기록합니다. 이 측정은 절개부 주변의 사전 정의된 방사형 선에서 반복됩니다. 다양한 길이의 절개를 없애기 위해 이 길이를 더 긴 직경에서 빼서 절개의 끝과 중간에서 4개의 방사상 거리를 남깁니다. 통각과민의 정규화된 면적은 Von Frey 필라멘트에 의해 측정된 나머지 4개의 삼각형의 면적을 합산하여 계산됩니다.
수술 후 72시간
The onset time of sensory block
기간: 30 minutes after transversus abdominis plane block
Sensory block was assessed using a cold test (2 = normal sensation, 1 = decreased cold sensation compared, 0 = loss of cold sensation) on the bilateral anterior abdomen between the median line and linea semiluminaris from T7-T12. The sensation was compared with the sensation to cold at ipsilateral lateral thoracic region of T4-T5.
30 minutes after transversus abdominis plane block
Diffusion area of local anesthetics after transversus abdominis plane block
기간: 30 minutes after transversus abdominis plane block
Diffusion area of local anesthetics after transversus abdominis plane block was calculated under ultrasound assistance .
30 minutes after transversus abdominis plane block
Apfel score
기간: The day before the surgery
The Apfel score was recorded for evaluating risk for developing postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV).
The day before the surgery

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연구 기록 날짜

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연구 주요 날짜

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연구 기록 업데이트

마지막 업데이트 게시됨 (실제)

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추가 정보

이 연구와 관련된 용어

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약물 및 장치 정보, 연구 문서

미국 FDA 규제 의약품 연구


미국 FDA 규제 기기 제품 연구


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