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Acute Effects of Coffee on Appetite and Inflammation Markers, Glucose Metabolism and Energy Intake

26 juli 2013 bijgewerkt door: M. Yannakoulia, Harokopio University

Acute Effects of Caffeinated and Decaffeinated Coffee Consumption on Energy Intake, Appetite, Inflammation and Glucose Metabolism

The purpose of the study is to investigate whether caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee consumption has acute effects on subjective appetite feelings, energy intake and biochemical markers related to appetite, inflammation and glucose metabolism compared to water consumption.

Studie Overzicht




Gedetailleerde beschrijving

Coffee is a pharmacologically active, widely consumed beverage. Scientific interest in relation to coffee consumption has been revisited the last decade in the light of new, mainly epidemiological, evidence indicating its potential health benefits. In specific, both cross-sectional and prospective studies indicate that coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk for type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, an inverse association has been found between coffee consumption and markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in healthy and/or diabetic participants, although the opposite effect has also been reported, mainly in relation to inflammation markers. In relation to body weight, epidemiological data suggest that increment in caffeine consumption is associated with lower mean weight gain and energy intake during a 12-y period.

However, information from clinical studies is scarce. Acute caffeine and/or coffee consumption have been associated with impaired glucose metabolism and insulin resistance. In relation to inflammation, animal studies have indicated a beneficial or no effect of coffee consumption, whereas a clinical study in humans found an increase in adiponectin and a decrease in interleukin-18 (IL-18) blood concentrations after a monthly intervention including daily consumption of 8 cups of coffee. As far as energy balance is concerned, there is an early experiment demonstrating that the ingestion of 300 mg of caffeine prior to food intake, compared to the non-caffeine intake, significantly reduced energy intake by 21.7% in men, but not in women. A more recent study has found that the combination of caffeine and red pepper is positively associated with energy expenditure and negatively with energy intake, whereas, it has also been reported a positive association between habitual caffeine intake and body weight loss achieved through a very-low-calorie diet.

Taking into consideration the limited clinical evidence regarding the acute effect of coffee consumption on appetite-related markers, subsequent energy intake and inflammatory markers, we undertook a clinical study of crossover design to investigate the short-term changes on energy intake, subjective appetite ratings, appetite hormones, inflammation markers and glucose metabolism after caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee consumption.



Inschrijving (Werkelijk)



  • Niet toepasbaar

Contacten en locaties

In dit gedeelte vindt u de contactgegevens van degenen die het onderzoek uitvoeren en informatie over waar dit onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd.

Studie Locaties

      • Athens, Griekenland, 17671
        • Metabolic Unit of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University

Deelname Criteria

Onderzoekers zoeken naar mensen die aan een bepaalde beschrijving voldoen, de zogenaamde geschiktheidscriteria. Enkele voorbeelden van deze criteria zijn iemands algemene gezondheidstoestand of eerdere behandelingen.


Leeftijden die in aanmerking komen voor studie

18 jaar tot 40 jaar (Volwassen)

Accepteert gezonde vrijwilligers


Geslachten die in aanmerking komen voor studie



Inclusion Criteria:

  • healthy
  • non-obese

Exclusion Criteria:

  • smokers
  • restrained eaters (as this was evaluated using the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire and a total score > 2.5)
  • those who reported slimming or any other dietary regime
  • abstainers from caffeine sources
  • athletes during competition period
  • participants with a known diagnosis of either hypertension, diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance or a fasting blood glucose concentration above 125 mg/dl
  • subjects on medication for hypertension or on medication known to alter glucose metabolism
  • subjects who were on medication that may have an impact on appetite and sensory functioning or who reported a metabolic or endocrine disease, gastrointestinal disorders, or a history of medical or surgical events that may have affected the study outcomes

Studie plan

Dit gedeelte bevat details van het studieplan, inclusief hoe de studie is opgezet en wat de studie meet.

Hoe is de studie opgezet?


  • Primair doel: Behandeling
  • Toewijzing: Gerandomiseerd
  • Interventioneel model: Crossover-opdracht
  • Masker: Enkel

Wapens en interventies

Deelnemersgroep / Arm
Interventie / Behandeling
Experimenteel: caffeinated coffee
200 mL caffeinated coffee with 3 mg caffeine per kg body weight
3 treatments on separate days, i.e. a standard breakfast with oral ingestion of 200 ml of either caffeinated coffee (3mg caffeine/kg body weight), decaffeinated coffee or water
Experimenteel: decaffeinated coffee
200 mL decaffeinated coffee, same amount as caffeinated coffee
3 treatments on separate days, i.e. a standard breakfast with oral ingestion of 200 ml of either caffeinated coffee (3mg caffeine/kg body weight), decaffeinated coffee or water
Experimenteel: Water
200 mL, control intervention
3 treatments on separate days, i.e. a standard breakfast with oral ingestion of 200 ml of either caffeinated coffee (3mg caffeine/kg body weight), decaffeinated coffee or water

Wat meet het onderzoek?

Primaire uitkomstmaten

Maatregel Beschrijving
Ghrelin Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Peptide Tyrosine Tyrosine (PYY) Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Adiponectin Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 h post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 h post ingestion
Inteleukin-6 Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Interleukin-18 Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Glucose Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Insulin Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Cortisol Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min postconsumption.
15 min before ingestion to 3 hr post ingestion
Energy ad Libitum Meal
Tijdsspanne: 3 hr post ingestion
The energy of first meal 3 hr after ingestion
3 hr post ingestion
Total Energy Intake
Tijdsspanne: 1 d
the energy consumed at breakfast, ad libitum meal and rest of the experimental day
1 d

Secundaire uitkomstmaten

Maatregel Beschrijving
Serum Antioxidant Capacity Total Area Under the Curve
Tijdsspanne: 15 min before ingestion to 21/2 hr post ingestion

Serum samples, collected 15 min before ingestion, immediately after ingestion, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min, 120 min and 150 min after ingestion were analyzed for the ex vivo serum resistance to oxidative stress, that was induced by copper sulfate (CuSO4). The analysis of all collected samples was performed by the measurement of conjugated diene formation, which was monitored for every sample of all time points every 2 min for a 3.5 h period at 234 nm in a microplate spectrophotometer.

Total area under the curve was defined as the sum of the areas under and over the baseline using the trapezoidal rule. The time points for the calculations were 15 min before beverage consumption, immediately after beverage consumption, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 min postconsumption.

15 min before ingestion to 21/2 hr post ingestion

Medewerkers en onderzoekers

Hier vindt u mensen en organisaties die betrokken zijn bij dit onderzoek.


  • Studie directeur: Mary Yannakoulia, PhD, Harokopio University

Publicaties en nuttige links

De persoon die verantwoordelijk is voor het invoeren van informatie over het onderzoek stelt deze publicaties vrijwillig ter beschikking. Dit kan gaan over alles wat met het onderzoek te maken heeft.

Studie record data

Deze datums volgen de voortgang van het onderzoeksdossier en de samenvatting van de ingediende resultaten bij Studieverslagen en gerapporteerde resultaten worden beoordeeld door de National Library of Medicine (NLM) om er zeker van te zijn dat ze voldoen aan specifieke kwaliteitscontrolenormen voordat ze op de openbare website worden geplaatst.

Bestudeer belangrijke data

Studie start

1 februari 2009

Primaire voltooiing (Werkelijk)

1 mei 2009

Studie voltooiing (Werkelijk)

1 mei 2009


Eerst ingediend

26 juli 2010

Eerst ingediend dat voldeed aan de QC-criteria

2 augustus 2010

Eerst geplaatst (Schatting)

3 augustus 2010

Updates van studierecords

Laatste update geplaatst (Schatting)

30 september 2013

Laatste update ingediend die voldeed aan QC-criteria

26 juli 2013

Laatst geverifieerd

1 juli 2013

Meer informatie

Termen gerelateerd aan deze studie

Aanvullende relevante MeSH-voorwaarden

Andere studie-ID-nummers

  • CofSt

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