Czech University started clinical trial of Circulatory Coherence in COVID and Non-COVID Patients With Sepsis

Photo by Julia Solonina

University Hospital Hradec Kralove is recruiting patients for the clinical trial of Circulatory Coherence in COVID and Non-COVID Patients With Sepsis.

This study investigates circulatory coherence in patients with COVID and non-COVID sepsis by comparison of microcirculation (sublingual area video recordings and biochemical parameters of endothelial cells activation and damage) endothelial glycocalyx (sublingual area video recordings and biochemical parameter of glycocalyx degradation), and clinical course.

Among primary outcome measures are drop in Proportion of Perfused Vessels (PPV) parameter and rise in Syndecan-1 serum concentration.

The study will take place at the University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Hradec Králové, Třebeš, Czech Republic.

Adult patients admitted to the ICU with signs of circulatory instability with any method of organ support can be enrolde into this study. Patients expected to have a particular method of organ support for at least 3 days.

University of Hradec Králové was founded on June 21, 2000 by renaming the University College of Education (Vysoká škola pedagogická), which itself traces its roots back to 1959. It is attended by around 8,500 students. It belongs to one of the most important education and research institutions in the Eastern Bohemia.

The page dedicated to this clinical trial can be found here:

Clinical Research News

Kommende kliniske studier
