The clinical trial of the high dose risankizumab for psoriasis

The trial officially began on the March 2022 and is planned to complete on December 2023.

This is a pilot study that explores whether higher initial doses of risankizumab (300 mg and 600 mg, 2 times and 4 times the standard initial doses for plaque psoriasis) can more effectively target resident memory T cells, a type of immune cell within psoriatic lesions, and whether this results in higher levels of completely clear skin and for longer periods of time following withdrawal of drug. It is believed that resident memory T cells in psoriatic skin contribute to the persistence of psoriasis. It is believed that if the study drug can more effectively eliminate these cells, better clearance of psoriasis may be achieved (when compared to standard initial doses of study drug).

AbbVie is the collaborator in this clinical trial.

The link to the complete study profile:

Clinical Research News

Kommende kliniske studier
