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Sleep, Nutrition and Psychological Functioning in Kindergarten Children

2020年3月10日 更新者:Michal Kahn、Tel Aviv University

Sleep, Nutrition and Psychological Functioning in Kindergarten Children: A Longitudinal Intervention Study

The proposed study has the following aims: (a) to assess the concomitant and longitudinal links between sleep and cognitive, behavioral and emotional functioning in kindergarten children; (b) to assess the immediate and the long-term effects of an intervention to promote healthy sleep habits (HSI) on the child's evolving sleep patterns, as well as on related cognitive, behavioral and health domains; (c) to assess the immediate and the long-term effects of an intervention deigned to promote healthy nutrition (HNI) on the eating habits of children, their weight and BMI measures (the comparison/control group) and (d) to assess the links between eating habits and sleep in kindergarten children.

The main hypotheses of the proposed study are: (a) Shorter and more disrupted sleep would be concomitantly and longitudinally associated with compromised cognitive, emotional and behavioral functioning in kindergarten children; (b) In comparison to the HNI group, children in the HSI group will extend their total sleep time, improve their sleep quality and their sleep schedule will be more stable following the intervention; (c) improvement in sleep habits will be associated with improvement in cognitive, emotional and behavioral functioning; (d) in comparison to the HIS group, children in the HNI group will improve their eating habits, engage in more physical activities and better manage to achieve and maintain an age-appropriate body weight.




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      • Tel Aviv、以色列、69978
        • Tel Aviv University





3年 至 6年 (孩子)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Preschool children (aged 3-6 years) and their parents

Exclusion Criteria:

  • (a) significant health or neurological-developmental problems; (b) severe psychological problems, psychiatric diagnosis or treatment; (c) concurrent psychotherapy or similar interventions; (d) medical sleep problems (e.g., sleep apnea); (e) lack of mastery in Hebrew.





  • 主要用途:预防
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


实验性的:Healthy Nutrition Intervention
Healthy Nutrition Intervention (HNI)
Healthy Nutrition Intervention (HNI)- This online system will include information for parents on the following issues: (a) increasing awareness and making healthy food choices; (b) increasing appeal of healthy food by games, rewards, and child involvement in preparation and cooking; (c) setting rules regarding proper eating environment, family meals and schedules; (d) limiting the presence of unhealthy food and beverage temptations at home; (e) limiting TV and other screen time and increasing physical activities; (f) encouraging parents to be positive role models for all these principles.
实验性的:Healthy Sleep Intervention
Healthy Sleep Intervention (HSI)
Healthy Sleep Intervention (HSI)- This online interactive e-learning system will include information for parents on the following topics: (a) establishing appropriate bedtime, including how to assess the sleep needs of their child, how to establish regular bedtime and overall sleep schedule, how to deal with daytime naps; (b) establishing a regular and enjoyable bedtime routine (e.g. bedtime stories); (c) coping with bedtime resistance, setting limits to excessive demands, rewarding appropriate sleep related behaviors; (d) coping with bedtime and nighttime fears, strategies to deal with separation anxieties, fears of darkness, scary imaginative creatures etc; (e) coping with excessive night-wakings and eliminating potential reinforcing consequences; (f) coping with nightmares, night terrors and other parasomnias (e.g., night-walking).
无干预:Waiting list control
Waiting list control group



Change in actigraphic sleep quality (e.g., number of night-wakings, sleep efficiency) and sleep quantity measures
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post-intervention
Baseline, 1 week post-intervention
Change in actigraphic sleep quality (e.g., number of night-wakings, sleep efficiency) and sleep quantity measures
大体时间:Baseline, 6-month follow up
Baseline, 6-month follow up
Change in actigraphic sleep quality (e.g., number of night-wakings, sleep efficiency) and sleep quantity measures
大体时间:1 week post-intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post-intervention, 6 month follow up
Change in parent reported sleep problems (BCSQ)
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post-intervention
Baseline, 1 week post-intervention
Change in parent reported sleep problems (BCSQ)
大体时间:baseline, 6 month follow up
baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in parent reported sleep problems (BCSQ)
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
Change in parent reported child's sleeping and food consumption (derived from Daily sleep and nutrition logs)
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Change in parent reported child's sleeping and food consumption (derived from Daily sleep and nutrition logs)
大体时间:Baseline, 6 month follow up
Baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in parent reported child's sleeping and food consumption (derived from Daily sleep and nutrition logs)
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
Change in child reported sleep and eating problems
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Change in child reported sleep and eating problems
大体时间:Baseline, 6 month follow up
Baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in child reported sleep and eating problems
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
Change in parent reported nutrition habits of the child and family
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Change in parent reported nutrition habits of the child and family
大体时间:Baseline, 6 month follow up
Baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in parent reported nutrition habits of the child and family
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up


Change in child psychopathological symptoms (SDQ)
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Change in child psychopathological symptoms (SDQ)
大体时间:Baseline, 6 month follow up
Baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in child psychopathological symptoms (SDQ)
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
Change in child attention control abilities (computerized tests)
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Change in child attention control abilities (computerized tests)
大体时间:Baseline, 6 month follow up
Baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in child attention control abilities (computerized tests)
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
Change in child anthropometric measures (height, weight, blood pressure)
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Change in child anthropometric measures (height, weight, blood pressure)
大体时间:Baseline, 6 month follow up
Baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in child anthropometric measures (height, weight, blood pressure)
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
Change in reported parental Authority (PAQ-R)
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Change in reported parental Authority (PAQ-R)
大体时间:Baseline, 6 month follow up
Baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in reported parental Authority (PAQ-R)
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
Change in cry tolerance and limit setting abilities
大体时间:Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Baseline, 1 week post intervention
Change in cry tolerance and limit setting abilities
大体时间:Baseline, 6 month follow up
Baseline, 6 month follow up
Change in cry tolerance and limit setting abilities
大体时间:1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up
1 week post intervention, 6 month follow up




  • 首席研究员:Avi Sadeh, Ds.c.、Tel Aviv University
  • 首席研究员:Geila Rozen, PhD、Rambam Health Care Campus
  • 首席研究员:Ron Shaoul, M.D.、Rambam Health Care Campus


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Healthy Nutrition intervention的临床试验
