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Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Protector for Minimally Invasive Thyroidectomy

2017年11月12日 更新者:Georgios Kotsovolis、424 General Military Hospital

Study of the Laryngopharyngeal Symptoms After Minimally Invasive Thyroidectomy: Comparison Between the Protector Laryngeal Mask Airway and the Endotracheal Tube.

The patients will be allocated to 2 groups: the LMA group and the endotracheal tube (ET) group. Airway management will be done with the LMA Protector for the patients of the LMA group and with the classic endotracheal tube for the patients of the ET group. The main purpose of the study is to determine if the application of the LMA Protector causes less laryngopharyngeal symptoms than the endotracheal tube after minimally invasive thyroidectomy. The secondary purpose is to confirm that the LMA Protector is a safe alternative airway management device for minimally invasive thyroidectomy.




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  • 不适用




      • Thessaloniki、希腊、54636
        • Ahepa University Hospital





18年 至 80年 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Total thyroidectomy with the minimally invasive method.
  • American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification 1-3

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Clinical conditions which cause any kind of airway obstruction or compromise.
  • Tracheal displacement greater than 2cm from midline.
  • History of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • Expected difficult airway.
  • History of impossible intubation.
  • BMI>35
  • Reoperation within 24hours.





  • 主要用途:支持治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:双倍的


实验性的:LMA Protector
After induction of general anesthesia, the LMA Protector will be applied for airway management. The size of the laryngeal mask will be chosen according to the manufacturer's instructions. Lubricant gel will be applied to the dorsal side of the mask to ease the insertion to the oropharynx. The cuff of the mask will be filled with air by syringe until the indication of the integrated cuff pressure indicator is appropriate according to the manufacturer (green indication). If the indication changes during surgery, air will be added or removed accordingly. If the ventilation of the patient is inadequate at the beginning or anytime during the operation, the mask will be removed and the patient will be intubated
After induction of general anesthesia, the LMA Protector will be applied for airway management. The size of the laryngeal mask will be chosen according to the manufacturer's instructions. Lubricant gel will be applied to the dorsal side of the mask to ease the insertion to the oropharynx. The cuff of the mask will be filled with air by syringe until the indication of the integrated cuff pressure indicator is appropriate according to the manufacturer (green indication). If the indication changes during surgery, air will be added or removed accordingly. If the ventilation of the patient is inadequate at the beginning or anytime during the operation, the mask will be removed and the patient will be intubated.
有源比较器:Endotracheal tube
After induction of general anesthesia, the endotracheal tube be applied for airway management. The size of the tube will be 7.5 for female and 8.5 for male patients. The cuff of of the tube will be filled with 10ml air.
After induction of general anesthesia, the endotracheal tube be applied for airway management. The size of the tube will be 7.5 for female and 8.5 for male patients. The cuff of of the tube will be filled with 10ml air.



Postoperative sore throat.
大体时间:Within 20 minutes from the end of the procedure.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative constant pharyngeal pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
Within 20 minutes from the end of the procedure.
Postoperative sore throat.
大体时间:1 hour after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative constant pharyngeal pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
1 hour after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative sore throat.
大体时间:6 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative constant pharyngeal pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
6 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative sore throat.
大体时间:12 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative constant pharyngeal pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
12 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative sore throat.
大体时间:24 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative constant pharyngeal pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
24 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative surgical site pain.
大体时间:Within 20 minutes from the end of the procedure.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative surgical trauma pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
Within 20 minutes from the end of the procedure.
Postoperative surgical site pain.
大体时间:1 hour after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative surgical trauma pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
1 hour after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative surgical site pain.
大体时间:6 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative surgical trauma pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
6 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative surgical site pain.
大体时间:12 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative surgical trauma pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
12 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative surgical site pain.
大体时间:24 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative surgical trauma pain by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
24 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative dysphagia.
大体时间:Within 20 minutes from the end of the procedure.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative pharyngeal pain caused after swallowing one sip of water by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
Within 20 minutes from the end of the procedure.
Postoperative dysphagia.
大体时间:1 hour after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative pharyngeal pain caused after swallowing one sip of water by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
1 hour after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative dysphagia.
大体时间:6 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative pharyngeal pain caused after swallowing one sip of water by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
6 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative dysphagia.
大体时间:12 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative pharyngeal pain caused after swallowing one sip of water by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
12 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
Postoperative dysphagia.
大体时间:24 hours after the exit from the recovery room.
The patients will be asked to evaluate their postoperative pharyngeal pain caused after swallowing one sip of water by using the 11grade Numerical Rating Scale (0 no pain, 10 maximum possible pain).
24 hours after the exit from the recovery room.


Airway management difficulty.
大体时间:3 minutes after induction of general anesthesia.
The efforts required to establish a secure airway and manage adequate patient ventilation will be recorded.
3 minutes after induction of general anesthesia.
Airway management complications.
大体时间:Within 5 minutes from induction of general anesthesia.
Any complication from airway management will be recorded like bleeding from the stomatopharynx or the larynx, tooth trauma, lip trauma, etc.
Within 5 minutes from induction of general anesthesia.
Emergence coughing.
大体时间:Within 10 minutes from the end of the surgery.
The incidence of cough upon emergence from general anesthesia will be recorded.
Within 10 minutes from the end of the surgery.
Postoperative paracetamol consumption.
大体时间:1, 6, 12 and 24 hours after emergence from general anesthesia.
The patients will be instructed to ask for analgesics as needed. When rescue analgesia is required 1000mg paracetamol will be administered. The frequency of paracetamol administration will be documented.
1, 6, 12 and 24 hours after emergence from general anesthesia.
Postoperative hoarseness.
大体时间:Within 20 minutes from the end of the procedure and after 1, 6, 12 and 24 hours.
The patients postoperative hoarseness will be evaluated according to the GRBAS scale.
Within 20 minutes from the end of the procedure and after 1, 6, 12 and 24 hours.







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LMA Protector的临床试验
