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A Rehabilitation Program in Children With Sickle Cell Disease and Cognitive Deficits: a Pilot Study

2019年4月23日 更新者:Allison King、Washington University School of Medicine
The overall goal of this project is to determine the feasibility of conducting a cognitive intervention for children with sickle cell disease.



The primary aims of this clinical trial are:

  1. Determine the effectiveness of targeted learning and memory strategy remediation in students with sickle cell disease and cognitive deficits.
  2. Determine if there is improvement in academic achievement after targeted memory strategy remediation.



入学 (実際)



  • 適用できない




    • Missouri
      • Saint Louis、Missouri、アメリカ、63110
        • Washington University School of Medicine/St. Louis Children's Hospital





8年~18年 (子、大人)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • Sickle cell disease that is confirmed by hemoglobin analysis
  • Has a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) document reading by a neuroradiologist
  • Cognitive deficits, which are defined by one standard deviation lower than the normal ranges of an age-based standard score in cognitive tests that are evaluated by a psychologist
  • Must be a student who will remain in school for at least 2 years
  • Must provide informed consent with assent in accordance with the institutional policies (institutional review board approval)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Known developmental delays (these participants are ineligible because their learning potential may be biased from a prior insult)
  • Intelligent quotient is less than 50 (may have impaired learning potential)
  • Aphasic (i.e., unable to produce intelligible speech)





  • 主な目的:処理
  • 割り当て:ランダム化
  • 介入モデル:並列代入
  • マスキング:なし(オープンラベル)


参加者グループ / アーム
アクティブコンパレータ:General Tutoring Group
Participants will receive general tutoring in the subject of his/her choice.
Participants will be tutored for approximately 8-10 hours per month during the school year.
実験的:Tutoring + Memory Training Group
Participants will receive tutoring and memory training.
Participants will be tutored for approximately 8-10 hours per month during the school year.
Participants will receive memory training for approximately 8-10 hours per month during the school year.



Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) (WASI)
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
The WASI is a brief, reliable measure of intelligence. Participants engage in 4 subtests: Block Design, Vocabulary, Similarities, and Matrix Reasoning. Participants receive a raw score on each of these 4 subtests. This raw score is converted to a T score using a score chart in the WASI manual. The T scores from all 4 subtests are summed together to obtain a Full Scale Sum of T Scores. This Full Scale Sum of T Scores is converted to a Full Scale IQ-4 Composite Score using a score chart published in the WASI manual. Higher scores indicate better intelligence. FSIQ-4 Range: 40-160. Average FSIQ-4 =100, standard deviation is +/- 15.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
Verbal IQ (PIQ) (WASI)
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
The VIQ score is comprised from the Vocabulary and Similarities subtests of the WASI-4. The raw scores from these subtests are converted to T scores using score charts in the manual. The T scores are summed together for a Verbal Sum of T Scores. This score is converted to a Composite VIQ score using a score chart in the manual. Higher scores = better Verbal IQ. Range = 45-160. Average = 100; standard deviation +/- 15.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
Performance IQ (PIQ) (WASI)
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
The PIQ score is comprised from the Matrix Reasoning and Block Design subtests of the WASI-4. The raw scores from these subtests are converted to T scores using score charts in the manual. The T scores are summed together for a Performance Sum of T Scores. This score is converted to a Composite PIQ score using a score chart in the manual. Higher scores = better Performance IQ. Range = 45-160. Average = 100; standard deviation +/- 15.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
Letter Word Identification T Score (WJ-III)
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
This sub-test measures a student's word identification skills. A participant's raw score (# of items answered correctly) is converted to a T score using a program (Compuscore for the WJ III, Version 2.1). Higher T scores = better performance. Range: 0-100. Average T score = 50; standard deviation =/- 10.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
Reading Fluency T Score (WJ-III)
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
This sub-test measures a student's ability to read simple sentences quickly. A participant's raw score (# of items answered correctly) is converted to a T score using a program (Compuscore for the WJ III, Version 2.1). Higher T scores = better performance. Range: 0-100. Average T score = 50; standard deviation =/- 10.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
Calculations T Score (WJ-III)
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
This sub-test measures a student's ability to perform paper and pencil math computations.A participant's raw score (# of items answered correctly) is converted to a T score using a program (Compuscore for the WJ III, Version 2.1). Higher T scores = better performance. Range: 0-100. Average T score = 50; standard deviation =/- 10.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
Math Fluency T Score (WJ-III)
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
This sub-test measures a student's ability to solve simple addition, subtraction and multiplication facts quickly. A participant's raw score (# of items answered correctly) is converted to a T score using a program (Compuscore for the WJ III, Version 2.1). Higher T scores = better performance. Range: 0-100. Average T score = 50; standard deviation =/- 10.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
Spelling T Score (WJ-III)
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
This sub-test measures a student's ability to write orally presented words correctly. A participant's raw score (# of items answered correctly) is converted to a T score using a program (Compuscore for the WJ III, Version 2.1). Higher T scores = better performance. Range: 0-100. Average T score = 50; standard deviation =/- 10.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
California Verbal Learning Test-Children's Version (CVLT-C) List A Trials 1-5 Immediate Recall T Score
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
The CVLT®-C measures multi-trial learning and long-term recall abilities for verbal information. The Raw scores from all trials (1-5) are summed to calculate a Total Raw Score for Trials 1-5. This Raw score is converted to a T score using the CVLT-II Comprehensive Scoring System (computer system). A higher T score indicates better performance. Range = 0-100. Average =50 with a standard deviation of =/- 10 points.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
CVLT-C Trials 1-5 Semantic Clustering T Score
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
The CVLT®-C measures multi-trial learning and long-term recall abilities for verbal information. The CVLT-C consists of five learning trials of 15 words which can be organized into three semantic categories. The Raw scores from all trials (1-5) are summed to calculate a Total Raw Score for Trials 1-5. This Raw score is converted to a T score using the CVLT-II Comprehensive Scoring System (computer system). A higher T score indicates better performance. Range = 0-100. Average =50 with a standard deviation of =/- 10 points.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
CVLT-C Trials 1-5 Short Delay Recall T Score
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
The CVLT®-C measures multi-trial learning and long-term recall abilities for verbal information. The Raw scores from all trials (1-5) are summed to calculate a Total Raw Score for Trials 1-5. This Raw score is converted to a T score using the CVLT-II Comprehensive Scoring System (computer system). A higher T score indicates better performance. Range = 0-100. Average =50 with a standard deviation of =/- 10 points.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
CVLT-C Trials 1-5 Long Delay Recall T Score
時間枠:T scores were obtained at baseline and again at follow-up (after partcipant completed 50 hours of tutoring)
The CVLT®-C measures multi-trial learning and long-term recall abilities for verbal information. The Raw scores from all trials (1-5) are summed to calculate a Total Raw Score for Trials 1-5. This Raw score is converted to a T score using the CVLT-II Comprehensive Scoring System (computer system). A higher T score indicates better performance. Range = 0-100. Average =50 with a standard deviation of =/- 10 points.
T scores were obtained at baseline and again at follow-up (after partcipant completed 50 hours of tutoring)
CVLT-C Trials 1-5 Recognition Discriminability T Score
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
TThe CVLT®-C measures multi-trial learning and long-term recall abilities for verbal information. The Raw scores from all trials (1-5) are summed to calculate a Total Raw Score for Trials 1-5. This Raw score is converted to a T score using the CVLT-II Comprehensive Scoring System (computer system). A higher T score indicates better performance. Range = 0-100. Average =50 with a standard deviation of =/- 10 points.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
Delis Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS) Number/Letter Switching T Score
時間枠:After >/= 50 hours of tutoring
The D-KEFS allows for the assessment of executive functions. There are 9 stand alone tests that can be individually or group administered. The Number-Letter Switching condition of the Trails Making sub-test specifically assesses flexibility of thinking on a visual-motor sequencing task. A participant's raw score (# of items answered correctly) is converted to a T score using tables provided in the manual. Higher T scores = better performance. Range: 0-100. Average T score = 50; standard deviation =/- 10.
After >/= 50 hours of tutoring




  • 主任研究者:Allison King, MD, MPH、Washington University School of Medicine




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一次修了 (実際)


研究の完了 (実際)







最初の投稿 (見積もり)



投稿された最後の更新 (実際)







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  • Adelphi Values LLC
    Blueprint Medicines Corporation
    肥満細胞性白血病 (MCL) | 攻撃的な全身性肥満細胞症 (ASM) | SM w Assoc Clonal Hema Non-mast Cell Lineage Disease (SM-AHNMD) | くすぶり全身性肥満細胞症 (SSM) | 無痛性全身性肥満細胞症 (ISM) ISM サブグループが完全に募集されました
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  • National Cancer Institute (NCI)
    低分化型甲状腺がん | 難治性分化型甲状腺がん | 難治性甲状腺癌 | 濾胞性バリアント甲状腺乳頭がん | Tall Cell Variant 甲状腺乳頭がん | 分化型甲状腺がん | 甲状腺濾胞癌 | 甲状腺乳頭癌 | 甲状腺腫瘍細胞癌
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI)
    再発甲状腺がん | 低分化型甲状腺がん | ステージ I 甲状腺乳頭癌 | II期の甲状腺乳頭癌 | III期の甲状腺乳頭がん | Tall Cell Variant 甲状腺乳頭がん | ステージ I 甲状腺濾胞癌 | II期甲状腺濾胞がん | III期の甲状腺濾胞がん | ステージ IVA 甲状腺濾胞癌 | ステージ IVA 甲状腺乳頭癌 | ステージ IVB 甲状腺濾胞癌 | ステージ IVB 甲状腺乳頭癌 | IVC 期の甲状腺濾胞がん | IVC 期の甲状腺乳頭がん | 甲状腺腫瘍性濾胞癌
  • Academic and Community Cancer Research United
    National Cancer Institute (NCI)
    低分化型甲状腺がん | 再発性分化型甲状腺がん | 円柱状細胞バリアント甲状腺乳頭癌 | 濾胞性バリアント甲状腺乳頭がん | 転移性甲状腺濾胞癌 | 転移性甲状腺乳頭癌 | 再発甲状腺濾胞癌 | 再発甲状腺乳頭癌 | ステージ III 分化型甲状腺がん AJCC v7 | ステージ III 甲状腺濾胞癌 AJCC v7 | ステージ III 甲状腺乳頭がん AJCC v7 | ステージ IV 甲状腺濾胞癌 AJCC v7 | ステージ IV 甲状腺乳頭癌 AJCC v7 | ステージ IVA 分化型甲状腺がん AJCC v7 | ステージ IVA 甲状腺濾胞癌 AJCC v7 | ステージ IVA 甲状腺乳頭癌 AJCC v7 | ステージ IVB 分化型甲状腺がん... およびその他の条件

General Tutoringの臨床試験
