
03-29 05:29
Adrenergic dysregulation and pain with and without acute beta-blockade in women with fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorder
03-29 05:29
Development and initial validation of the PEG, a three-item scale assessing pain intensity and interference
03-29 05:29
β2- and β3-adrenergic receptors drive COMT-dependent pain by increasing production of nitric oxide and cytokines
03-29 05:29
Persistent Catechol-O-methyltransferase-dependent Pain Is Initiated by Peripheral β-Adrenergic Receptors
03-29 05:29
Potentiation of Morphine-Induced Antinociception by Propranolol: The Involvement of Dopamine and GABA Systems
03-29 05:29
Clinical Assessment of Fatigability in Multiple Sclerosis: A Shift from Perception to Performance
03-29 05:29
Sodium bicarbonate catheter lock solution reduces hemodialysis catheter loss due to catheter-related thrombosis and blood stream infection: an open-label clinical trial
03-29 05:29
Maternal substance use and HIV status: adolescent risk and resilience
03-29 05:29
"I thought there was no hope for me": a behavioral intervention for urban mothers with problem drinking
03-29 05:29
Contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasound improves detection of liver metastases during surgery for primary colorectal cancer
03-29 05:29
How to operate a liver tumor you cannot see
03-29 05:28
Expanding criteria for resectability of colorectal liver metastases
03-29 05:28
Contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasonography equipped with late Kupffer-phase image obtained by sonazoid in patients with colorectal liver metastases
03-29 05:28
Dysfunctional B-cell activation in cirrhosis resulting from hepatitis C infection associated with disappearance of CD27-positive B-cell population
03-29 05:28
Oral iloprost improves endobronchial dysplasia in former smokers
03-29 05:28
Efficacy and Characteristics of the Stimuli of Action Observation Therapy in Subjects With Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review
03-29 05:28
Mirror Visual Feedback to Improve Bradykinesia in Parkinson's Disease
03-29 05:28
A randomized, double-blind, duloxetine-referenced study comparing efficacy and tolerability of 2 fixed doses of vortioxetine in the acute treatment of adults with MDD
03-29 05:28
Efficacy of vortioxetine in patients with major depressive disorder reporting childhood or recent trauma
03-29 05:28
Nutrition intervention for migraine: a randomized crossover trial
03-29 05:28
The serum angiotensin converting enzyme and lysozyme levels in patients with ocular involvement of autoimmune and infectious diseases
03-29 05:28
Knowledge and practices regarding foot care in diabetic patients visiting diabetic clinic in Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
03-29 05:28
Epidemiology of and Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes in Egypt
03-29 05:28
Romosozumab in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density
03-29 05:28
Upper-limb robot-assisted therapy in rehabilitation of acute stroke patients: focused review and results of new randomized controlled trial

Clinical Research News

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