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재생된 발치와 및 자연골에 식립된 단일 Laser-Lok 임플란트 주위의 임플란트 주변 변연골 및 연조직 상태: RCT의 2년 결과

2018년 9월 25일 업데이트: Renzo Guarnieri, University of Roma La Sapienza
본 연구의 목적은 치조골에 식립된 단일 Laser-Lok 임플란트 주변 임플란트 주변 변연골 손실 및 연조직 상태를 비교하는 것입니다.

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      • Roma, 이탈리아, 00100
        • Università La Sapienza


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일반 간행물

  • 1. Carlsson GE, Bergman B, Hedega ̊rd B. Changes in contour of the maxillary alveolar process under im- mediate dentures. A longitudinal clinical and x-ray cephalometric study covering 5 years. Acta Odontol Scand 1967;25:45-75. 2. Arau ́jo MG, Lindhe J. Dimensional ridge alterations following tooth extraction. An experimental study in the dog. J Clin Periodontol 2005;32:212-218. 3. Pietrokovski J, Massler M. Alveolar ridge resorption following tooth extraction. J Prosthet Dent 1967;17: 21-27. 4. Johnson K. A study of the dimensional changes occurring in the maxilla following tooth extraction. Aust Dent J 1969;14:241-244. 5. Schropp L, Wenzel A, Kostopoulos L, Karring T. Bone healing and soft tissue contour changes following single-tooth extraction: A clinical and radiographic 12- month prospective study. Int J Periodontics Restor- ative Dent 2003;23:313-323. 6. Arau ́jo MG, Carmagnola D, Berglundh T, Thilander B, Lindhe J. Orthodontic movement in bone defects augmented with Bio-Oss. An experimental study in dogs. J Clin Periodontol 2001;28:73-80. 7. Carmagnola D, Berglundh T, Lindhe J. The effect of a fibrin glue on the integration of Bio-Oss with bone tissue. An experimental study in Labrador dogs. J Clin Periodontol 2002;29:377-383. 8. Cardaropoli G, Arau ́jo M, Hayacibara R, Sukekava F, Lindhe J. Healing of extraction sockets and surgically produced - augmented and non-augmented - defects in the alveolar ridge. An experimental study in the dog. J Clin Periodontol 2005;32:435-440. 9. Becker W, Clokie C, Sennerby L, Urist MR, Becker BE. Histologic findings after implantation and evaluation of different grafting materials and titanium micro screws into extraction sockets: Case reports. J Periodontol 1998;69:414-421. 10. Artzi Z, Tal H, Dayan D. Porous bovine bone mineral in healing of human extraction sockets. Part 1: Histo- morphometric evaluations at 9 months. J Periodontol 2000;71:1015-1023. 11. Artzi Z, Tal H, Dayan D. Porous bovine bone mineral in healing of human extraction sockets: 2. Histochemical observations at 9 months. J Periodontol 2001;72:152- 159. 12. Iasella JM, Greenwell H, Miller RL, et al. Ridge preservation with freeze-dried bone allograft and a col- lagen membrane compared to extraction alone for implant site development: A clinical and histologic study in humans. J Periodontol 2003;74:990-999. 13. Carmagnola D, Adriaens P, Berglundh T. Healing of human extraction sockets filled with Bio-Oss. Clin Oral Implants Res 2003;14:137-143. 14. Becker W, Urist M, Becker BE, et al. Clinical and histologic observations of sites implanted with intrao- ral autologous bone grafts or allografts. 15 human case reports. J Periodontol 1996;67:1025-1033. 15. Froum S, Cho SC, Rosenberg E, Rohrer M, Tarnow D. Histological comparison of healing extraction sockets implanted with bioactive glass or demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft: A pilot study. J Periodontol 2002;73:94-102. 16. Barone A, Aldini NN, Fini M, Giardino R, Calvo Guirado JL, Covani U. Xenograft versus extraction alone for ridge preservation after tooth removal: A clinical and histomorphometric study. J Periodontol 2008;79:1370-1377. 17. Lekovic V, Kenney EB, Weinlaender M, et al. A bone regenerative approach to alveolar ridge maintenance following tooth extraction. Report of 10 cases. J Periodontol 1997;68:563-570. 18. Lekovic V, Camargo PM, Klokkevold PR, et al. Pres- ervation of alveolar bone in extraction sockets using bioabsorbable membranes. J Periodontol 1998;69: 1044-1049. 19. Nevins M, Camelo M, De Paoli S, et al. A study of the fate of the buccal wall of extraction sockets of teeth with prominent roots. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006;26:19-29. 20. Albrektsson T, Bra ̊ nemark PI, Hansson HA, Lindstro ̈ m J. Osseointegrated titanium implants. Requirements for ensuring a long-lasting, direct bone-to-implant anchorage in man. Acta Orthop Scand 198

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