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Developing a Method to Objectively Measure Opioid Analgesia

31 stycznia 2023 zaktualizowane przez: Julia Finkel

Developing a Method to Objectively Measure Opioid Analgesia: A Pilot Study

Inappropriate prescribing is the fundamental upstream driver of the opioid epidemic. Objective measures to determine the appropriateness of an opioid intervention, provide monitoring of the therapy for adequacy of dose and detection of tolerance or hyperalgesia would eliminate the subjective nature of opioid mediated pain management and obviate iatrogenic facilitation of opioid abuse. The present study is designed to objectively determine whether our device can pain type and determine analgesic efficacy thereby optimizing treatment selection and opioid management.

Przegląd badań

Szczegółowy opis

It is generally recognized that pain assessment and management in newborns and children is an unmet need. The Center for Disease Control found that in 2012, healthcare providers wrote 259 million prescriptions for opioid painkillers contributing to an epidemic of over prescription. At the same time, medical professionals still see large amounts of pain left untreated, particularly in pediatric populations. Children are often given minimal or no analgesia for procedures that are treated much more aggressively in adults. This issue stems from the lack of an effective method of assessing and monitoring patient analgesia. Recently attempts have been made to objectively quantify pain but as of now, no effective standard exists. This pilot study utilizes pupillary reflexes to characterize opioid analgesia in pediatrics with the purpose of synthesizing the data into algorithms that detect specific conditions and provide decision support.

Pupillometry is a useful, non-invasive clinical and research tool that can provide valuable insights into the autonomic nervous system. Pupillary tests provide a convenient and simple method for evaluation of autonomic function4. In normal pupillary responsiveness, pupils should be equal in size, approximately 3-4mm in size under average light conditions, and reactive to light at >1mm of movement. The sympathetic nervous system is activated during periods of pain and stress and creates relaxation of the ciliary muscles resulting in pupillary dilation, or mydriasis. In accommodation, the parasympathetic axons that innervate the iris muscle produce constriction, or miosis. This reflex is known as the pupillary reflex dilation (PRD) and has been shown in previous studies to occur in both awake and anesthetized participants following a noxious stimulus5. This protocol will utilize these known reactions to track the response to specific neurostimulation in participants receiving opioids to determine the effect and effectiveness of the treatment.

All mu opioid agonists cause miosis (constriction of the pupil) thus reducing the constriction amplitude and constriction velocity of the pupillary light reflex (PLR). This is the one opioid side effect to which tolerance does not occur. However, the pharmacologic impact is not consistent and will vary with different drugs in the class and duration of exposure. For example, morphine and Dilaudid (hydromorphone) each produce a neuro-excitatory metabolite that causes mydriasis or dilation of the pupil and also antagonizes the parent drug, producing the clinical appearance of tolerance, requiring more drug to achieve the same effect. With other drugs of this class such as fentanyl, which is commonly administered in ICUs, mydriasis may occur due to a phenomenon called opioid induced hyperalgesia (OIH) where there is an increased sensitivity to pain, often leading to an increased dose of drug. Increasing the dosing in this situation can potentially exacerbate the issue, having a method to monitor for OIH would provide decision support to physicians and allow them to recognize and properly reconcile this issue. Evaluation of PRD in response to a 5 Hz neuro-stimulus can differentiate between these drug-related issues and disease progression. This works because opioid receptors populate the C fibers, which are stimulated with a 5 Hz frequency6,7, allowing the investigators to determine dose response relationships as well as the optimized analgesic dose and precisely determine dosing with opioid rotation. This occurs empirically during standard of care based on a trial and error approach that risks under or overdosing patients and having tolerance, dependence and OIH occur.

This pilot study is part of an ongoing effort to develop a method to objectively assess pain and its response to specific interventions. It specifically aims to develop profiles of the impact of a variety of opioids under a variety of conditions in a diverse patient population. It will allow researchers to understand better the specific impact of drugs in this class on the PLR and PRD. Data collected herein will help will evaluate the feasibility of using this approach to detect and monitor opioid analgesia and open new avenues for future research in this area.

  1. Pain assessment and baseline testing
  2. Standardized care where patient receives opioid dose per clinical team.
  3. Testing pupillary reflexes at regular intervals and repeated pain assessments

Typ studiów


Zapisy (Oczekiwany)


Kontakty i lokalizacje

Ta sekcja zawiera dane kontaktowe osób prowadzących badanie oraz informacje o tym, gdzie badanie jest przeprowadzane.

Kontakt w sprawie studiów

Lokalizacje studiów

    • District of Columbia
      • Washington, District of Columbia, Stany Zjednoczone, 20010
        • Rekrutacyjny
        • Children's National Health System
        • Kontakt:

Kryteria uczestnictwa

Badacze szukają osób, które pasują do określonego opisu, zwanego kryteriami kwalifikacyjnymi. Niektóre przykłady tych kryteriów to ogólny stan zdrowia danej osoby lub wcześniejsze leczenie.

Kryteria kwalifikacji

Wiek uprawniający do nauki

7 lat do 21 lat (Dziecko, Dorosły)

Akceptuje zdrowych ochotników


Płeć kwalifikująca się do nauki


Metoda próbkowania

Próbka bez prawdopodobieństwa

Badana populacja

Participants who are receiving opioid as part of their standard care will be recruited from the Inpatient Pain at Children's National Medical Center (CNMC).


Inclusion Criteria:

  1. The subject is 7 to 21 years of age
  2. The subject is receiving an opioid via bolus or a patient controlled analgesia (PCA) apparatus as part of treatment or fentanyl infusion in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) (generally postoperative patients).
  3. The subject is willing and able to provide written informed assent/parental consent to study participation

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Eye pathology precluding pupillometry
  2. For patients in the PICU, patients who are hemodynamically unstable

Plan studiów

Ta sekcja zawiera szczegółowe informacje na temat planu badania, w tym sposób zaprojektowania badania i jego pomiary.

Jak projektuje się badanie?

Szczegóły projektu

Co mierzy badanie?

Podstawowe miary wyniku

Miara wyniku
Opis środka
Ramy czasowe
Changes in Pupillary Dilation Reflex AUC
Ramy czasowe: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
The primary measurable outcomes for this study are the changes in the PRD area under the curve (AUC) that occur as a response to an opioid exposure. The differences are calculated by comparing the parameters from before the opioid dose to various time points after the opioid dose.
0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes

Miary wyników drugorzędnych

Miara wyniku
Opis środka
Ramy czasowe
Pain Assessment by Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
Ramy czasowe: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
Collection of the standard Visual Analog Scale (VAS) with scores of of 1-10. A score of 10 signifies maximal pain and a score of 1 signifies no pain.
0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
Pupillary Dilation Reflex Amplitude
Ramy czasowe: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
A secondary measurable outcome for this study are the changes in the PRD amplitude that occur as a response to an opioid exposure. The differences are calculated by comparing the parameters from before the opioid dose to various time points after the opioid dose.
0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
Changes in Pupillary Light Reflex Amplitude
Ramy czasowe: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
A secondary measurable outcome for this study are the changes in the PLR amplitude that occur as a response to an opioid exposure. The differences are calculated by comparing the parameters from before the opioid dose to various time points after the opioid dose.
0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
Changes in Pupillary Light Reflex Latency
Ramy czasowe: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
A secondary measurable outcome for this study are the changes in the PLR latency that occur as a response to an opioid exposure. The differences are calculated by comparing the parameters from before the opioid dose to various time points after the opioid dose.
0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
Changes in Pupillary Light Reflex Constriction Velocity
Ramy czasowe: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes
A secondary measurable outcome for this study are the changes in the PLR constriction velocity that occur as a response to an opioid exposure. The differences are calculated by comparing the parameters from before the opioid dose to various time points after the opioid dose.
0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes

Współpracownicy i badacze

Tutaj znajdziesz osoby i organizacje zaangażowane w to badanie.


Daty zapisu na studia

Daty te śledzą postęp w przesyłaniu rekordów badań i podsumowań wyników do ClinicalTrials.gov. Zapisy badań i zgłoszone wyniki są przeglądane przez National Library of Medicine (NLM), aby upewnić się, że spełniają określone standardy kontroli jakości, zanim zostaną opublikowane na publicznej stronie internetowej.

Główne daty studiów

Rozpoczęcie studiów (Rzeczywisty)

1 lipca 2018

Zakończenie podstawowe (Oczekiwany)

1 września 2023

Ukończenie studiów (Oczekiwany)

1 grudnia 2023

Daty rejestracji na studia

Pierwszy przesłany

10 lipca 2018

Pierwszy przesłany, który spełnia kryteria kontroli jakości

27 lipca 2018

Pierwszy wysłany (Rzeczywisty)

30 lipca 2018

Aktualizacje rekordów badań

Ostatnia wysłana aktualizacja (Rzeczywisty)

1 lutego 2023

Ostatnia przesłana aktualizacja, która spełniała kryteria kontroli jakości

31 stycznia 2023

Ostatnia weryfikacja

1 stycznia 2023

Więcej informacji

Terminy związane z tym badaniem

Inne numery identyfikacyjne badania

  • 6825 (CTEP)

Te informacje zostały pobrane bezpośrednio ze strony internetowej clinicaltrials.gov bez żadnych zmian. Jeśli chcesz zmienić, usunąć lub zaktualizować dane swojego badania, skontaktuj się z register@clinicaltrials.gov. Gdy tylko zmiana zostanie wprowadzona na stronie clinicaltrials.gov, zostanie ona automatycznie zaktualizowana również na naszej stronie internetowej .
