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Adherence and Health Effects of Video Dance in Postmenopausal Women

27. September 2017 aktualisiert von: Stephanie Studenski, University of Pittsburgh

Phase 2 Trial of Video Dance Versus Walking in Postmenopausal Sedentary Overweight Women

This is a 6 month randomized clinical trial comparing video dance, brisk walking and delayed entry controls. The interventions have two phases; a 12 week initiation phase with substantial structure and supervision, followed by a 12 week transition phase, with reduced structure and supervision. Participants are 168 overweight or obese, sedentary postmenopausal women aged 50 to 65; 60 in each exercise arm and 48 in the wait list control group.

The following research questions will be assessed:

  1. Is exercise adherence at 6 months better with video dance games compared to brisk walking?
  2. Does video dance game exercise compared to wait list controls, induce beneficial changes in physical and mental health?
  3. Does video dance game exercise compared to brisk walking better promote balance, attention and visual spatial skills, without loss of benefit to cardiovascular fitness?
  4. Is video dance preferred to brisk walking for exercise among postmenopausal women? If so, who and why?




Einschreibung (Tatsächlich)



  • Unzutreffend

Kontakte und Standorte

Dieser Abschnitt enthält die Kontaktdaten derjenigen, die die Studie durchführen, und Informationen darüber, wo diese Studie durchgeführt wird.


    • Pennsylvania
      • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten, 15213
        • University of Pittsburgh


Forscher suchen nach Personen, die einer bestimmten Beschreibung entsprechen, die als Auswahlkriterien bezeichnet werden. Einige Beispiele für diese Kriterien sind der allgemeine Gesundheitszustand einer Person oder frühere Behandlungen.


Studienberechtigtes Alter

50 Jahre bis 65 Jahre (Erwachsene, Älterer Erwachsener)

Akzeptiert gesunde Freiwillige


Studienberechtigte Geschlechter



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Participants must be female
  • age 50-65
  • not currently exercising at least 20 minutes
  • three times per week
  • a BMI of 25 or higher

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Exclusions are largely related to medical safety and include history of osteoporosis, osteoporotic fractures, active cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled hypertension, weight bearing pain that would limit exercise, seizure disorder or any medical condition or medication that would limit the safety of the study.


Dieser Abschnitt enthält Einzelheiten zum Studienplan, einschließlich des Studiendesigns und der Messung der Studieninhalte.

Wie ist die Studie aufgebaut?


  • Hauptzweck: Behandlung
  • Zuteilung: Zufällig
  • Interventionsmodell: Parallele Zuordnung
  • Maskierung: Single

Waffen und Interventionen

Teilnehmergruppe / Arm
Intervention / Behandlung
Experimental: VideoDance
Using a commercially available product called Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) this video-game based dancing system uses a game player, force sensing pad and software. The step sequences are set to a wide range of music and become more complex and frequent as the dancer gains skill. Participants are oriented over 2 weeks. For the rest of the first 3 months, the participant attends at least one supervised session per week. Participants may use the center for additional, unsupervised sessions and/or they can take a dance system home. They also receive brief behavioral intervention sessions for safety orientation, exercise education and adherence promotion. For the following 3 months, the participant enters the transition phase in which she is encouraged to continue to exercise but no formal supervision is provided.
Andere Namen:
  • Konami
Aktiver Komparator: Brisk Walking
The overall goal is to increase the duration and speed of walking, using structure and supervision for the first three months, followed by reduced support in the second three months. For the first two weeks, each participant comes to the center at least twice a week to walk.They are encouraged to gradually increase effort and duration to a target of 150 minutes per week of brisk walking.Participants are taught to use Borg's ratings of perceived exertion and self-monitored heart rate to target their level of activity. The next 10 weeks include once weekly supervised sessions and additional sessions either at the center or in preferred community settings. The recommended goal is a minimum of 150 minutes per week of exercise in sessions of at least 10 -15 minutes duration.Participants are given pedometers in order to help them monitor their progress. After 12 weeks, the participant enters a transition phase for a further 3 months.
Sonstiges: Delayed entry control
Participants who are randomized to the delayed entry non-exercise control group receive the American Heart Association pamphlet, but no direct support for exercise implementation. After they have completed six months of follow up, they are invited to select any combination of dancing and walking that they prefer and then receive support and instruction according to the protocols described above.

Participants who are randomized to the delayed entry non-exercise control group receive the American Heart Association pamphlet, but no direct support for exercise implementation. After they have completed six months of follow up, they are invited to select any combination of dancing and walking that they prefer and then receive support and instruction according to the protocols described above.


Was misst die Studie?

Primäre Ergebnismessungen

Ergebnis Maßnahme
Zeitfenster: six months after randomization
minutes per week of moderate or greater physical exercise activity assessed using accelerometers and activity diaries
six months after randomization

Sekundäre Ergebnismessungen

Ergebnis Maßnahme
Zeitfenster: 3 and 6 months
timed 2 km walk
3 and 6 months
body composition
Zeitfenster: 6 months
Lunar Prodigy DXA scanner for lean body mass and total fat mass
6 months
vascular health
Zeitfenster: 6 months
blood pressure, pulse, lipid levels, fasting glucose, fasting insulin and C reactive protein
6 months
Zeitfenster: 3 and 6 months
timed one foot stand and timed narrow walk
3 and 6 months
Zeitfenster: baseline
NEO Personality Inventory
sleep quality
Zeitfenster: 3 and 6 monhts
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
3 and 6 monhts
visuospatial/constructional function
Zeitfenster: 3 and 6 monhts
domain of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
3 and 6 monhts
attention domain
Zeitfenster: 3 and 6 monhts
subtests of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
3 and 6 monhts
Useful Field of View
Zeitfenster: 3 and 6 monhts
Useful Field of View test
3 and 6 monhts
step reaction time
Zeitfenster: 3 and 6 months
Step Reaction Tasks
3 and 6 months

Mitarbeiter und Ermittler

Hier finden Sie Personen und Organisationen, die an dieser Studie beteiligt sind.


  • Hauptermittler: Stephanie A Studenski, MD MPH, University of Pittsburgh

Publikationen und hilfreiche Links

Die Bereitstellung dieser Publikationen erfolgt freiwillig durch die für die Eingabe von Informationen über die Studie verantwortliche Person. Diese können sich auf alles beziehen, was mit dem Studium zu tun hat.


Diese Daten verfolgen den Fortschritt der Übermittlung von Studienaufzeichnungen und zusammenfassenden Ergebnissen an ClinicalTrials.gov. Studienaufzeichnungen und gemeldete Ergebnisse werden von der National Library of Medicine (NLM) überprüft, um sicherzustellen, dass sie bestimmten Qualitätskontrollstandards entsprechen, bevor sie auf der öffentlichen Website veröffentlicht werden.

Haupttermine studieren

Studienbeginn (Tatsächlich)

1. Januar 2010

Primärer Abschluss (Tatsächlich)

31. Juli 2012

Studienabschluss (Tatsächlich)

30. September 2012


Zuerst eingereicht

27. September 2011

Zuerst eingereicht, das die QC-Kriterien erfüllt hat

28. September 2011

Zuerst gepostet (Schätzen)

29. September 2011


Letztes Update gepostet (Tatsächlich)

2. Oktober 2017

Letztes eingereichtes Update, das die QC-Kriterien erfüllt

27. September 2017

Zuletzt verifiziert

1. September 2017

Mehr Informationen

Begriffe im Zusammenhang mit dieser Studie


Andere Studien-ID-Nummern

  • PRO08080012
  • P30AG024827 (US NIH Stipendium/Vertrag)
  • T32AG021885 (US NIH Stipendium/Vertrag)

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Klinische Studien zur Postmenopause
