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Targeted eHealth Intervention to Reduce Fear of Recurrence Among Breast Cancer Survivors (FoRtitude)

27. april 2018 oppdatert av: Wake Forest University Health Sciences

Targeted eHealth Intervention to Reduce Fear of Recurrence Among Breast Cancer Survivors: The FoRtitude Trial

The FoRtitude trial aims to evaluate an eHealth intervention designed to teach breast cancer survivors strategies to manage anxiety about cancer recurrence. The eHealth intervention includes educational content and interactive tools, designed to teach coping strategies and/or inert content, depending on the study participant's randomization assignment. The FoRtitude study will examine whether three coping strategies (relaxation training, cognitive restructuring, worry practice) are more effective than general health-related content in reducing fear of cancer recurrence.


Detaljert beskrivelse

The purpose of the FoRtitude trial is to develop and evaluate a targeted eHealth intervention designed to teach breast cancer survivors (BCS) coping strategies to manage fear about cancer recurrence (FoR). FoRtitude, a web-based program with interactive text messaging capabilities, was created to deliver a targeted intervention for BCS with moderate to severe FoR. FoRtitude consists of didactic content presented in written and video-based formats and interactive tools, designed to teach coping strategies. Commonly used cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) techniques were tailored to the management of FoR and included diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation, cognitive restructuring, and scheduled worry practice. Participants are encouraged to use the FoRtitude site several times per week over a period of 4 weeks. The investigators employed principles of user-centered design to create the FoRtitude website and incorporated feedback from 17 BCS to refine site content and improve FoRtitude usability.

After refining the FoRtitude site, the investigators will conduct a randomized controlled trial using the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) to individually evaluate three coping strategies; each coping strategy will be compared to health management content. Inert content includes general health information and managing comorbid illnesses, information on general nutrition, and information on nutritional topics of interest to BCS. Half of the participants will be randomized to receive telecoaching, which included 3-4 telephone-based brief sessions with a motivational interviewer, aimed at improving adherence to use of the FoRtitude site. Participants will complete questionnaires at baseline, 4 weeks (immediately after completing the FoRtitude site) and at 8 weeks.

Study hypotheses:

  1. BCS randomized to Relaxation training will report a greater reduction in fear of cancer recurrence from pre-post intervention than BCS randomized to inert (health management) content
  2. BCS randomized to Cognitive restructuring will report a greater reduction in fear of cancer recurrence from pre-post intervention than BCS randomized to inert (health management) content
  3. BCS randomized to Scheduled Worry practice will report a greater reduction in fear of cancer recurrence from pre-post intervention than BCS randomized to inert (health management) content
  4. BCS randomized to receive Telecoaching will demonstrate higher adherence to using the FoRtitude site and will report a greater reduction in fear of cancer recurrence from pre-post intervention compared to BCS randomized to no Telecoaching
  5. BCS randomized to a higher number of coping strategies will report a greater reduction in fear of cancer recurrence from pre-post intervention than BCS randomized to receive all inert content or fewer coping strategies (dose-response effect)



Registrering (Faktiske)



  • Ikke aktuelt


Forskere ser etter personer som passer til en bestemt beskrivelse, kalt kvalifikasjonskriterier. Noen eksempler på disse kriteriene er en persons generelle helsetilstand eller tidligere behandlinger.


Alder som er kvalifisert for studier

18 år og eldre (Voksen, Eldre voksen)

Tar imot friske frivillige


Kjønn som er kvalifisert for studier



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Female
  • Diagnosis of breast cancer, non-metastatic, stage I-III
  • Completed primary treatment for breast cancer (surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, current hormonal treatment allowable)
  • No current evidence of disease

    1. Greater than 1 year post treatment (for phase I interviews and usability testing)
    2. Between 1 and 10 years post-treatment (for Phase I field testing and Phase II)
  • Good overall functional status as evidenced by ECOG Performance Status < 3
  • At least 18 years of age (for Phase I only)
  • At least 19 years of age (for Phase 2 only)
  • Able to speak and read English
  • Able to provide informed consent
  • Clinically significant FoR, measured by the 9-item FCRI severity scale using established cut-off

    a. Patients may be eligible for Phase I and Phase IV of the study regardless of their FCRI score

  • Cellular telephone with SMS messaging capability and access to a computer with broadband Internet access
  • Self-reported familiarity with the Internet per Internet Usage Patterns Measure
  • For Phase III, participants must have participated in Phase II
  • For Phase IV, participants must be a self-identified African American breast cancer survivor that is willing to review site content and provide feedback in addition to meeting inclusion criteria above (with exception of FCRI severity scale score)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Visual, hearing, voice, or motor impairment that would prevent completion of study procedures
  • Diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, dissociative disorder, or other diagnosis for which participation in this trial is either inappropriate or dangerous
  • Hazardous substance or alcohol use
  • Suicidal ideation, plan, intent
  • Dementia
  • Or if the participant is deemed ineligible by the investigators for reasons not otherwise specified.


Denne delen gir detaljer om studieplanen, inkludert hvordan studien er utformet og hva studien måler.

Hvordan er studiet utformet?


  • Primært formål: Støttende omsorg
  • Tildeling: Randomisert
  • Intervensjonsmodell: Faktoriell oppgave
  • Masking: Trippel

Våpen og intervensjoner

Deltakergruppe / Arm
Intervensjon / Behandling
Eksperimentell: Group 1
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: general health for week 1, diet-general information for week 2, and diet-BCSS information (breast cancer survivor-specific) for week 3. Telephone coaching was given.
BCS will receive 5 TeleCoaching calls over a period of 4 weeks, to include one introductory phone call, followed by 4 calls focused each week on the current CSM; if the participant is not randomized to a CSM, TeleCoaching will provide reflective listening and encouragement.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Eksperimentell: Group 2
Participants were exposed to the one of the following usual care conditions: general health for week 1, diet-general information for week 2, and diet-BCSS information (breast cancer survivor-specific) for week 3.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Eksperimentell: Group 3
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: cognitive restructuring for week 1, general health for week 2, and diet-general information and diet-BCSS information (breast cancer survivor-specific) for week 3. Telephone coaching was given.
BCS will receive 5 TeleCoaching calls over a period of 4 weeks, to include one introductory phone call, followed by 4 calls focused each week on the current CSM; if the participant is not randomized to a CSM, TeleCoaching will provide reflective listening and encouragement.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the thought-emotion connection and exercises designed to better understand cognitions associated with increased anxiety and tools to evaluate and replace anxiety-generating cognitions. Includes an interactive tool (thought record) participants complete to facilitate this process.
Eksperimentell: Group 4
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: cognitive restructuring for week 1, general health for week 2, and diet-general information and diet-BCSS information (breast cancer survivor-specific) for week 3.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the thought-emotion connection and exercises designed to better understand cognitions associated with increased anxiety and tools to evaluate and replace anxiety-generating cognitions. Includes an interactive tool (thought record) participants complete to facilitate this process.
Eksperimentell: Group 5
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: scheduled worry practice for week 1, general health for week 2, and diet-general information and diet-BCSS information (breast cancer survivor-specific) for week 3. Telephone coaching was given.
BCS will receive 5 TeleCoaching calls over a period of 4 weeks, to include one introductory phone call, followed by 4 calls focused each week on the current CSM; if the participant is not randomized to a CSM, TeleCoaching will provide reflective listening and encouragement.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the association between avoidance and increased anxiety, and instructions on actively thinking about feared events to reduce avoidance and engage healthy coping strategies. Interactive tool includes a video-based guided worry practice session and an interactive worksheet and timer.
Eksperimentell: Group 6
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: scheduled worry practice for week 1, general health for week 2, and diet-general information and diet-BCSS information (breast cancer survivor-specific) for week 3.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the association between avoidance and increased anxiety, and instructions on actively thinking about feared events to reduce avoidance and engage healthy coping strategies. Interactive tool includes a video-based guided worry practice session and an interactive worksheet and timer.
Eksperimentell: Group 7
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: cognitive restructuring for week 1, worry practice for week 2, and General Health and Diet (General and BCSS) for week 3. Telephone coaching was given.
BCS will receive 5 TeleCoaching calls over a period of 4 weeks, to include one introductory phone call, followed by 4 calls focused each week on the current CSM; if the participant is not randomized to a CSM, TeleCoaching will provide reflective listening and encouragement.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the thought-emotion connection and exercises designed to better understand cognitions associated with increased anxiety and tools to evaluate and replace anxiety-generating cognitions. Includes an interactive tool (thought record) participants complete to facilitate this process.
Education on the association between avoidance and increased anxiety, and instructions on actively thinking about feared events to reduce avoidance and engage healthy coping strategies. Interactive tool includes a video-based guided worry practice session and an interactive worksheet and timer.
Eksperimentell: Group 8
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: cognitive restructuring for week 1, scheduled worry practice for week 2, and General Health and Diet (General and BCSS) for week 3.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the thought-emotion connection and exercises designed to better understand cognitions associated with increased anxiety and tools to evaluate and replace anxiety-generating cognitions. Includes an interactive tool (thought record) participants complete to facilitate this process.
Education on the association between avoidance and increased anxiety, and instructions on actively thinking about feared events to reduce avoidance and engage healthy coping strategies. Interactive tool includes a video-based guided worry practice session and an interactive worksheet and timer.
Eksperimentell: Group 9
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation for week 1, general health for week 2, and Diet - General and BCSS for week 3. Telephone coaching was given.
BCS will receive 5 TeleCoaching calls over a period of 4 weeks, to include one introductory phone call, followed by 4 calls focused each week on the current CSM; if the participant is not randomized to a CSM, TeleCoaching will provide reflective listening and encouragement.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on physiological effects of anxiety, instructions in diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques, and audio-recordings 5-15 minutes in length that provide guided relaxation exercises (autogenic, imagery-based and progressive muscle relaxation).
Eksperimentell: Group 10
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation for week 1, general health for week 2, and Diet - General and BCSS for week 3.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on physiological effects of anxiety, instructions in diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques, and audio-recordings 5-15 minutes in length that provide guided relaxation exercises (autogenic, imagery-based and progressive muscle relaxation).
Eksperimentell: Group 11
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation for week 1, cognitive restructuring for week 2, and General health and Diet (General and BCSS) for week 3. Telephone coaching was given.
BCS will receive 5 TeleCoaching calls over a period of 4 weeks, to include one introductory phone call, followed by 4 calls focused each week on the current CSM; if the participant is not randomized to a CSM, TeleCoaching will provide reflective listening and encouragement.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the thought-emotion connection and exercises designed to better understand cognitions associated with increased anxiety and tools to evaluate and replace anxiety-generating cognitions. Includes an interactive tool (thought record) participants complete to facilitate this process.
Education on physiological effects of anxiety, instructions in diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques, and audio-recordings 5-15 minutes in length that provide guided relaxation exercises (autogenic, imagery-based and progressive muscle relaxation).
Eksperimentell: Group 12
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation for week 1, cognitive restructuring for week 2, and General health and Diet (General and BCSS) for week 3.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the thought-emotion connection and exercises designed to better understand cognitions associated with increased anxiety and tools to evaluate and replace anxiety-generating cognitions. Includes an interactive tool (thought record) participants complete to facilitate this process.
Education on physiological effects of anxiety, instructions in diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques, and audio-recordings 5-15 minutes in length that provide guided relaxation exercises (autogenic, imagery-based and progressive muscle relaxation).
Eksperimentell: Group 13
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation for week 1, worry practice for week 2, and General health and Diet (General and BCSS) for week 3. Telephone coaching was given.
BCS will receive 5 TeleCoaching calls over a period of 4 weeks, to include one introductory phone call, followed by 4 calls focused each week on the current CSM; if the participant is not randomized to a CSM, TeleCoaching will provide reflective listening and encouragement.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the association between avoidance and increased anxiety, and instructions on actively thinking about feared events to reduce avoidance and engage healthy coping strategies. Interactive tool includes a video-based guided worry practice session and an interactive worksheet and timer.
Education on physiological effects of anxiety, instructions in diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques, and audio-recordings 5-15 minutes in length that provide guided relaxation exercises (autogenic, imagery-based and progressive muscle relaxation).
Eksperimentell: Group 14
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation for week 1, scheduled worry practice for week 2, and General health and Diet (General and BCSS) for week 3.
Includes general health, diet-general information and diet-BCSS (breast cancer survivor-specific) information.
Education on the association between avoidance and increased anxiety, and instructions on actively thinking about feared events to reduce avoidance and engage healthy coping strategies. Interactive tool includes a video-based guided worry practice session and an interactive worksheet and timer.
Education on physiological effects of anxiety, instructions in diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques, and audio-recordings 5-15 minutes in length that provide guided relaxation exercises (autogenic, imagery-based and progressive muscle relaxation).
Eksperimentell: Group 15
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation for week 1, worry practice for week 2, and cognitive restructuring for week 3. Telephone coaching was given.
BCS will receive 5 TeleCoaching calls over a period of 4 weeks, to include one introductory phone call, followed by 4 calls focused each week on the current CSM; if the participant is not randomized to a CSM, TeleCoaching will provide reflective listening and encouragement.
Education on the thought-emotion connection and exercises designed to better understand cognitions associated with increased anxiety and tools to evaluate and replace anxiety-generating cognitions. Includes an interactive tool (thought record) participants complete to facilitate this process.
Education on the association between avoidance and increased anxiety, and instructions on actively thinking about feared events to reduce avoidance and engage healthy coping strategies. Interactive tool includes a video-based guided worry practice session and an interactive worksheet and timer.
Education on physiological effects of anxiety, instructions in diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques, and audio-recordings 5-15 minutes in length that provide guided relaxation exercises (autogenic, imagery-based and progressive muscle relaxation).
Eksperimentell: Group 16
Participants were exposed to the following conditions: Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation for week 1, scheduled worry practice for week 2, and cognitive restructuring for week 3.
Education on the thought-emotion connection and exercises designed to better understand cognitions associated with increased anxiety and tools to evaluate and replace anxiety-generating cognitions. Includes an interactive tool (thought record) participants complete to facilitate this process.
Education on the association between avoidance and increased anxiety, and instructions on actively thinking about feared events to reduce avoidance and engage healthy coping strategies. Interactive tool includes a video-based guided worry practice session and an interactive worksheet and timer.
Education on physiological effects of anxiety, instructions in diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques, and audio-recordings 5-15 minutes in length that provide guided relaxation exercises (autogenic, imagery-based and progressive muscle relaxation).

Hva måler studien?

Primære resultatmål

Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory (FCRI) total score (minus Coping and Reassurance subscales)
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questionnaire aims to better understand the experience of worries about cancer recurrence. Scaled from 1-4 with 4 being "all the time" and 1 being "never". The FCRI is the only FoR measure validated using interview to define 'caseness' and has demonstrated reliability and validity with English speaking survivors. FCRI total score to be calculated without including the Coping and Reassurance subscales defined a priori and determined by FoR theoretical model.
Baseline to Week 8 change score

Sekundære resultatmål

Impact of Events Scale - Revised
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questionnaire to assess illness-related distress and post-truamatic type anxiety
Baseline to Week 8 change score
Concerns about Recurrence Scale (CARS) - 4 item severity score
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questionnaire to assess concerns about recurrence among BCS
Baseline to Week 8 change score
PROMIS Anxiety Computer adaptive test
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questions administered using a computer adaptive test-based algorithm to assess overall anxiety
Baseline to Week 8 change score
PROMIS Depression Computer adaptive test
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questions administered using a computer adaptive test-based algorithm to assess depression
Baseline to Week 8 change score
PROMIS Sleep Disturbance Computer adaptive test
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questions administered using a computer adaptive test-based algorithm to assess sleep disturbances
Baseline to Week 8 change score
PROMIS Fatigue Computer adaptive test
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questions administered using a computer adaptive test-based algorithm to assess fatigue
Baseline to Week 8 change score
PROMIS Global Health
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questionnaire to assess overall health and health-related quality of life
Baseline to Week 8 change score
PROMIS Applied Cognition Computer adaptive test
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questions administered using a computer adaptive test-based algorithm to assess patient-reported cognitive impairments
Baseline to Week 8 change score
Breast Cancer Self-Efficacy scale (BCSE)
Tidsramme: Baseline to Week 8 change score
Questionnaire to assess confidence in one's ability to manage breast cancer
Baseline to Week 8 change score

Samarbeidspartnere og etterforskere

Det er her du vil finne personer og organisasjoner som er involvert i denne studien.



  • Hovedetterforsker: Lynne Wagner, Ph.D., Wake Forest University Health Sciences


Disse datoene sporer fremdriften for innsending av studieposter og sammendragsresultater til Studieposter og rapporterte resultater gjennomgås av National Library of Medicine (NLM) for å sikre at de oppfyller spesifikke kvalitetskontrollstandarder før de legges ut på det offentlige nettstedet.

Studer hoveddatoer

Studiestart (Faktiske)

1. mars 2014

Primær fullføring (Faktiske)

5. desember 2015

Studiet fullført (Faktiske)

5. desember 2015

Datoer for studieregistrering

Først innsendt

20. desember 2017

Først innsendt som oppfylte QC-kriteriene

20. desember 2017

Først lagt ut (Faktiske)

28. desember 2017

Oppdateringer av studieposter

Sist oppdatering lagt ut (Faktiske)

30. april 2018

Siste oppdatering sendt inn som oppfylte QC-kriteriene

27. april 2018

Sist bekreftet

1. april 2018

Mer informasjon

Begreper knyttet til denne studien

Andre studie-ID-numre

  • IRB00036679
  • 1R21CA173193-01A1 (U.S. NIH-stipend/kontrakt)

Legemiddel- og utstyrsinformasjon, studiedokumenter

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Studerer et amerikansk FDA-regulert enhetsprodukt


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Kliniske studier på Telephone coaching
