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Behavioral Management of Phosphorus in Hemodialysis Patients

30 maggio 2018 aggiornato da: NYU Langone Health

Behavioral Management of Phosphorus in Hemodialysis

The purpose of this randomized clinical trial is to evaluate alternative technology-supported behavioral approaches to engaging 42 maintenance hemodialysis (HD) patients with persistent hyperphosphatemia in phosphorus binder adherence and dietary phosphorus restriction. Participants will be randomized to 1 of 3 intervention groups: (1) Education (Edu); (2) Edu + Self-Monitoring (SM); or (3) Edu + SM + Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)-based training program.

Panoramica dello studio

Descrizione dettagliata

Investigators will evaluate the intervention in terms of feasibility and acceptability, behavior change at 12 and 24 weeks (reported phosphorus binder adherence, reported nutrient intakes, normalized protein catabolic rate), and clinical outcomes (serum phosphorus concentrations, symptoms). In addition, the impact of the different behavioral approaches on self-efficacy at 12 and 24 weeks, and the mediating effects of self-efficacy in facilitating behavioral changes and clinical outcomes will be examined.

Tipo di studio


Iscrizione (Effettivo)



  • Non applicabile

Contatti e Sedi

Questa sezione fornisce i recapiti di coloro che conducono lo studio e informazioni su dove viene condotto lo studio.

Luoghi di studio

    • New York
      • New York, New York, Stati Uniti, 10016
        • New York University School of Medicine

Criteri di partecipazione

I ricercatori cercano persone che corrispondano a una certa descrizione, chiamata criteri di ammissibilità. Alcuni esempi di questi criteri sono le condizioni generali di salute di una persona o trattamenti precedenti.

Criteri di ammissibilità

Età idonea allo studio

Da 19 anni a 89 anni (Adulto, Adulto più anziano)

Accetta volontari sani


Sessi ammissibili allo studio



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Receiving thrice-weekly hemodialysis treatment for at least 3 months
  • 3-month average serum phosphorus concentration >5.5 mg/dL

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Unable to participate meaningfully in the combined Edu + SM + SCT intervention, including:
  • Unable to read and/or speak English
  • Self-monitoring application is currently available in English only (patients will not be excluded from participation on the basis of race/ethnicity)
  • Cognitively-impaired
  • Physically-impaired
  • Institutionalized or otherwise having limited control over diet
  • Life expectancy of <1 year per dialysis center staff
  • Women who are pregnant or become pregnant during the study

Piano di studio

Questa sezione fornisce i dettagli del piano di studio, compreso il modo in cui lo studio è progettato e ciò che lo studio sta misurando.

Come è strutturato lo studio?

Dettagli di progettazione

  • Scopo principale: Trattamento
  • Assegnazione: Randomizzato
  • Modello interventistico: Assegnazione parallela
  • Mascheramento: Nessuno (etichetta aperta)

Armi e interventi

Gruppo di partecipanti / Arm
Intervento / Trattamento
Comparatore attivo: Education (Edu)
This intervention will take place during weeks 1-4 at the dialysis center. Each week, study staff will present participants with a brief educational video on: phosphorus binder adherence (week 1), meeting dietary protein needs (week 2), restricting dietary sources of phosphorus (week 3), and eliminating phosphorus-based food additives (week 4). These videos will be loaded onto tablet (Personal Computers) PCs so that participants can easily view them during regular dialysis treatment.
Comparatore attivo: Edu + Self-Monitoring (SM)
This intervention will take place during weeks 1-4 at the dialysis center. Each week, study staff will present participants with a brief educational video on: phosphorus binder adherence (week 1), meeting dietary protein needs (week 2), restricting dietary sources of phosphorus (week 3), and eliminating phosphorus-based food additives (week 4). These videos will be loaded onto tablet (Personal Computers) PCs so that participants can easily view them during regular dialysis treatment.
During the first 12 weeks of the intervention, a study dietitian will review the participants' records, and provide individualized feedback via a password-protected NYULMC email address. Feedback will be provided twice per week during weeks 1-4, once per week during weeks 5-8, and once every two weeks during weeks 9-12. The email messages will focus on both the importance of self-monitoring and the behavioral targets of the intervention. Feedback will use standardized language rather than specific dietary examples to avoid providing individualized counseling to participants (which is not the purpose of the SM intervention).
Comparatore attivo: Edu + SM + Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)
This intervention will take place during weeks 1-4 at the dialysis center. Each week, study staff will present participants with a brief educational video on: phosphorus binder adherence (week 1), meeting dietary protein needs (week 2), restricting dietary sources of phosphorus (week 3), and eliminating phosphorus-based food additives (week 4). These videos will be loaded onto tablet (Personal Computers) PCs so that participants can easily view them during regular dialysis treatment.
During the first 12 weeks of the intervention, a study dietitian will review the participants' records, and provide individualized feedback via a password-protected NYULMC email address. Feedback will be provided twice per week during weeks 1-4, once per week during weeks 5-8, and once every two weeks during weeks 9-12. The email messages will focus on both the importance of self-monitoring and the behavioral targets of the intervention. Feedback will use standardized language rather than specific dietary examples to avoid providing individualized counseling to participants (which is not the purpose of the SM intervention).
This intervention will be delivered remotely online using the same tablet PCs provided for the SM intervention component of this treatment condition. The behavioral training program will focus on building a sense of self-efficacy with emphasis on mastery experiences that will include emphasizing past successes; setting incremental, easily achievable goals; self-monitoring to stay on track; identifying modifiable barriers to healthy behavior; positive feedback in goal achievement; and developing participant expertise in both the regimen and in problem solving around barriers to adherence.

Cosa sta misurando lo studio?

Misure di risultato primarie

Misura del risultato
Misura Descrizione
Lasso di tempo
Proportion of Hemodialysis (HD) patients that are eligible for the study
Lasso di tempo: 24 Weeks
Measure of feasibility
24 Weeks
Proportion of eligible patients who agree to participate
Lasso di tempo: 24 Weeks
Measure of feasibility
24 Weeks
Proportion of enrolled participants who complete the study
Lasso di tempo: 24 Weeks
Measure of Acceptability
24 Weeks

Misure di risultato secondarie

Misura del risultato
Misura Descrizione
Lasso di tempo
8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Survey (MMAS-8)
Lasso di tempo: 24 Weeks
Used to measure Binder Adherence, has been shown to be a valid and reliable measure of antihypertensive medication adherence
24 Weeks
Reported dietary energy, protein and phosphorus intake
Lasso di tempo: 2 Weeks
participants will be directed to complete three, non-consecutive food records over the two-week period. Diet record days will include two weekdays (1 dialysis day and 1 non-dialysis day), and one non-dialysis weekend day.
2 Weeks
Normalized protein catabolic rate (nPCR)
Lasso di tempo: 24 Weeks
The nPCR is an objective measure of protein intake in HD patients based on the accumulation of urea nitrogen in blood between dialysis treatments
24 Weeks
Serum phosphorus.
Lasso di tempo: 24 Weeks
Pre-dialysis serum phosphorus concentrations are a key secondary clinical endpoint for this intervention. Serum phosphorus is already being measured in participants as part of the routine monthly laboratory blood work, so this information will be obtained from the participant's medical charts.
24 Weeks
Frequency and severity of participant symptoms assessed via an investigator-developed questionnaire
Lasso di tempo: 24 Weeks
(itching, bone and joint pain, cramping) and phosphorus binders (difficulty defecating, loose or watery stools) will be self-reported via an investigator-developed questionnaire.
24 Weeks
Balance Wise Self-Efficacy for Restricting Dietary Sodium in Hemodialysis Scale
Lasso di tempo: 24 Weeks
be adapted to focus on adherence to phosphorus binders, dietary phosphorus restrictions and adequacy of protein intake. The self-efficacy questionnaire asks participants' to report their confidence in the next month that they will be able to complete various tasked related to the study intervention. An overall scale, and subscale scores for phosphorus binders, dietary phosphorus restriction and adequacy of protein intake will be computed by summing pertinent items for analyses.
24 Weeks

Collaboratori e investigatori

Qui è dove troverai le persone e le organizzazioni coinvolte in questo studio.


  • Investigatore principale: Mary Sevick, MD, New York University Medical School

Studiare le date dei record

Queste date tengono traccia dell'avanzamento della registrazione dello studio e dell'invio dei risultati di sintesi a I record degli studi e i risultati riportati vengono esaminati dalla National Library of Medicine (NLM) per assicurarsi che soddisfino specifici standard di controllo della qualità prima di essere pubblicati sul sito Web pubblico.

Studia le date principali

Inizio studio (Effettivo)

23 aprile 2018

Completamento primario (Effettivo)

1 maggio 2018

Completamento dello studio (Effettivo)

1 maggio 2018

Date di iscrizione allo studio

Primo inviato

17 ottobre 2016

Primo inviato che soddisfa i criteri di controllo qualità

19 ottobre 2016

Primo Inserito (Stima)

21 ottobre 2016

Aggiornamenti dei record di studio

Ultimo aggiornamento pubblicato (Effettivo)

31 maggio 2018

Ultimo aggiornamento inviato che soddisfa i criteri QC

30 maggio 2018

Ultimo verificato

1 maggio 2018

Maggiori informazioni

Termini relativi a questo studio

Parole chiave

Altri numeri di identificazione dello studio

  • 16-00817

Informazioni su farmaci e dispositivi, documenti di studio

Studia un prodotto farmaceutico regolamentato dalla FDA degli Stati Uniti


Studia un dispositivo regolamentato dalla FDA degli Stati Uniti


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Prove cliniche su Education (Edu)
