이 페이지는 자동 번역되었으며 번역의 정확성을 보장하지 않습니다. 참조하십시오 영문판 원본 텍스트의 경우.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy +/- Armodafinil for Insomnia and Fatigue Following Chemotherapy

2016년 12월 16일 업데이트: Joseph Roscoe, University of Rochester
This is a four-arm, randomized, controlled, clinical trial examining the efficacy of of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-I and armodafinil in reducing insomnia in 226 female breast cancer patients who report sleep disturbances following completion of chemotherapy.

연구 개요

상세 설명

Treatment Protocol: CBT-I and armodafinil are being studied in a four-arm, randomized, controlled, clinical trial of 226 cancer survivors with chronic insomnia who are at least one month post treatment. The seven-week intervention is designed to determine the efficacy and acceptability of these treatment strategies in reducing insomnia in cancer survivors. Assessments will be made by questionnaires before, during, and two weeks following the study intervention. All ancillary treatments, as appropriate for control of symptoms caused by the cancer or its treatment may be administered as clinically indicated.

Withdrawal of Sleep Medications: All participants, prior to beginning the baseline data collection phase of the study, must have withdrawn from all sleep medications, including: prescription, over-the-counter, CAM and herbal remedies for at least one week prior to beginning the study.

CBT-I (Arms 3 & 4): CBT-I will be provided on an individual basis to all patients in study Arms 3 & 4 by a licensed clinical psychologist trained in CBT-I by Dr. Perlis. Subjects in these two study arms will receive 7 weeks of CBT-I, using a structured research grade protocol developed at the UR-SNRL. This manualized intervention, which exists as a published text: Perlis et al., 2005, includes four essential components: Sleep Restriction Therapy, Stimulus Control Instruction, Sleep Hygiene Guidelines, and a session of cognitive therapy.

Data Collection: Patients will complete the Insomnia Severity (ISI) at the time of consent and every Friday during weeks 3-11 of the study. A follow-up call by study personnel will be made to each participant not currently receiving CBT-I on each of these Fridays to promote compliance, prompt completion, assess potential side effects of study medication, and answer patient questions.

연구 유형


등록 (실제)



  • 2 단계

연락처 및 위치

이 섹션에서는 연구를 수행하는 사람들의 연락처 정보와 이 연구가 수행되는 장소에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.

연구 장소

    • New York
      • Rochester, New York, 미국, 14642
        • University of Rochester James P. Wilmot Cancer Center
    • Pennsylvania
      • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 미국, 19104
        • Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania


연구원은 적격성 기준이라는 특정 설명에 맞는 사람을 찾습니다. 이러한 기준의 몇 가지 예는 개인의 일반적인 건강 상태 또는 이전 치료입니다.

자격 기준

공부할 수 있는 나이

21년 (성인, 고령자)

건강한 자원 봉사자를 받아들입니다


연구 대상 성별



Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Have a diagnosis of cancer.
  2. Be able to understand written and spoken English
  3. Be able to swallow medication
  4. Have preferred sleep phase between 7:30 pm and 11:00 am
  5. Be willing to discontinue any medications/OTCs/Herbals for sleep for the 11-week study period
  6. Be presumed to be in a state of cancer remission; use of tamoxifen, an aromatase inhibitor, and/or Herceptin is permitted
  7. Self-report problems with insomnia for at least three months and that the insomnia began or got worse with the onset of cancer or treatment
  8. Have completed chemotherapy and or radiation not less than one month ago. Note: Both types of treatment must be completed at least one month ago if patient receives chemotherapy and radiation therapy and there is no outer limit to how long ago treatments were completed.)
  9. Report insomnia on the SDS-CL at a frequency of at least 3 days a week

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Have ever taken modafinil or had CBT-I therapy. CBT-I therapy for the sake of this protocol will be defined as any cognitive behavioral-based treatment for insomnia that includes a sleep restriction component.
  2. Have an unstable medical or psychiatric illness (Axis I-current or within the last 5 years)
  3. Have a history of seizures or severe headaches, or uncontrolled cardiac disease or hypertension
  4. Be presently taking an anticoagulant or a corticosteroid
  5. Have taken amphetamines (e.g., methylphenidate, pemoline [Cylert®] or similar psycho stimulants) within the past 30 days
  6. Be currently pregnant or nursing
  7. Have a history of substance abuse, or meet criteria for current alcohol abuse or dependence as assessed by a CAGE test score >=2 or an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) score >=13
  8. Have surgery planned within the study period
  9. Have have ever been diagnosed with sleep apnea or have sleep apnea as indicated by endorsing either question 11 (I wake up choking or gasping for air) or question 12 (My bed partner has noticed that I seem to stop breathing) on the Sleep Disorders Symptom Check at the "Often" or "Frequently" level.

공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

연구는 어떻게 설계됩니까?

디자인 세부사항

  • 주 목적: 지지 요법
  • 할당: 무작위
  • 중재 모델: 병렬 할당
  • 마스킹: 네 배로

무기와 개입

참가자 그룹 / 팔
개입 / 치료
실험적: 1 - CBT-I + placebo
CBT-I and placebo
Placebo for 47 days
Seven weekly sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)
실험적: 2 - CBT-I + Armodafinil
CBT-I + Armodafinil
Seven weekly sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)
Armodafinil P.O. daily/47 days (3-days at 50mg, then 40 days at 100mg, then 4 days at 50mg)
위약 비교기: 3 - Placebo only
Placebo only
Placebo for 47 days
실험적: 4 - Armodafinil only
Armodafinil only
Armodafinil P.O. daily/47 days (3-days at 50mg, then 40 days at 100mg, then 4 days at 50mg)

연구는 무엇을 측정합니까?

주요 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Change in Insomnia Severity Index From Baseline to Post-intervention
기간: ANCOVA was employed with multiple imputation on the post-intervention score (average of the two post-intervention weeks), controlling for the score at the time of consent (pre).
The Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) is a commonly used, 7-item psychometrically validated measure used to rate insomnia with 0-7 = absence of insomnia, 8-14 = subthreshold insomnia symptoms, 15-21 = moderate insomnia, and 22-28 = severe insomnia.
ANCOVA was employed with multiple imputation on the post-intervention score (average of the two post-intervention weeks), controlling for the score at the time of consent (pre).

2차 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Fatigue Will be Assessed by the Total Score of the Revised Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) .
기간: ANCOVA was employed with multiple imputation on the post-intervention score (average of the two post-intervention weeks), controlling for the score at the time of consent (pre).
The revised Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) is a 9-item, patient-report instrument with established reliability and validity. The BFI allows for the rapid assessment of fatigue level in cancer patients and identifies those patients with severe fatigue. Three items ask patients to rate their fatigue "now," and fatigue at its "worst" and "usual" for the last 24 hours. The 11-point scales are bounded by 0 = "no fatigue" and 10 = "fatigue as bad as you can imagine." Using the same type of scales, the remaining questions ask patients to rate how their fatigue interferes with several functional domains, including general activity, walking, mood, work, and relations with others. These scales are bounded by 0 = "does not interfere" and 10 = "interferes completely." A global fatigue score (ranging from 0-10) can be obtained by averaging all the items on the BFI.
ANCOVA was employed with multiple imputation on the post-intervention score (average of the two post-intervention weeks), controlling for the score at the time of consent (pre).

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간행물 및 유용한 링크

연구에 대한 정보 입력을 담당하는 사람이 자발적으로 이러한 간행물을 제공합니다. 이것은 연구와 관련된 모든 것에 관한 것일 수 있습니다.

연구 기록 날짜

이 날짜는 ClinicalTrials.gov에 대한 연구 기록 및 요약 결과 제출의 진행 상황을 추적합니다. 연구 기록 및 보고된 결과는 공개 웹사이트에 게시되기 전에 특정 품질 관리 기준을 충족하는지 확인하기 위해 국립 의학 도서관(NLM)에서 검토합니다.

연구 주요 날짜

연구 시작

2008년 2월 1일

기본 완료 (실제)

2013년 4월 1일

연구 완료 (실제)

2013년 4월 1일

연구 등록 날짜

최초 제출

2009년 12월 9일

QC 기준을 충족하는 최초 제출

2010년 3월 22일

처음 게시됨 (추정)

2010년 3월 24일

연구 기록 업데이트

마지막 업데이트 게시됨 (추정)

2017년 2월 9일

QC 기준을 충족하는 마지막 업데이트 제출

2016년 12월 16일

마지막으로 확인됨

2016년 12월 1일

추가 정보

이 정보는 변경 없이 clinicaltrials.gov 웹사이트에서 직접 가져온 것입니다. 귀하의 연구 세부 정보를 변경, 제거 또는 업데이트하도록 요청하는 경우 register@clinicaltrials.gov. 문의하십시오. 변경 사항이 clinicaltrials.gov에 구현되는 즉시 저희 웹사이트에도 자동으로 업데이트됩니다. .

유방암에 대한 임상 시험

Placebo Comparator에 대한 임상 시험
