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Improving Knowledge To Efficaciously RAise Level of Contemporary Treatment in Heart Failure ( (INTERACTinHF)

20 de agosto de 2018 atualizado por: Maastricht University Medical Center

Improving Knowledge To Efficaciously RAise Level of Contemporary Treatment in Heart Failure

Heart failure (HF) remains to have a poor outcome. Even though recent advances in HF led to a reduction of morbidity and mortality, improvement in outcome is much less than expected based on large randomized trials. Various reasons may be responsible, such as complexity of disease and comorbidities, inadequate diagnosis and inappropriate treatment. So far, little attention has been paid on patients seen in primary care. Also, HF care mainly focuses on the individual patient-doctor relationship. However, the increasing complexity prevents individual physicians from covering all aspects of care. Consequently, multiple stakeholders are involved, including both general practitioners and specialists. Still, the relative role, the interaction between them and the processes included are hardly defined. These aspects may not only be relevant for patient care, but also for the setup of health care systems. Whereas multidisciplinary team should resemble a seamless system across primary and hospital care, there is a scarcity of research considering how these disease management programs perform, in what form they should be offered, and what care and support patients and caregivers would benefit most.The INTERACT-in HF (Improving kNowldege Transfer to Efficaciously RAise level of Contemporary Treatment in Heart Failure) study is set up to determine and assess relevant factors of the quality of HF care. The study evaluates processes of HF care, role of relevant care givers and interactions between them. It collects data from individual patients to assess characteristics and management of contemporary HF patients. This is performed in different countries (the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany) to analyze decision making with respect to diagnostics and treatment.Cross-sectional mixed-methods are used. Patients and their caregivers are interviewed. The patient is the central starting point. Then, the treating GP, cardiologist and HF nurse are interviewed. In parallel, retrospective data based on records from these patients are reviewed to verify data from interviews and to determine characteristics of them. Retrospective data of additional patients are collected to complete the picture of the current situation. These data will be used to define bottlenecks that prevent best clinical practice to be used in daily care at all levels, comparing practice in different countries.Thus, the proposal aims to better understand HF care, which will lead to a better care and finally to improved outcome.

Visão geral do estudo



Intervenção / Tratamento

Tipo de estudo


Inscrição (Real)


Contactos e Locais

Esta seção fornece os detalhes de contato para aqueles que conduzem o estudo e informações sobre onde este estudo está sendo realizado.

Locais de estudo

      • Maastricht, Holanda, 6229 AZ
        • MUMC

Critérios de participação

Os pesquisadores procuram pessoas que se encaixem em uma determinada descrição, chamada de critérios de elegibilidade. Alguns exemplos desses critérios são a condição geral de saúde de uma pessoa ou tratamentos anteriores.

Critérios de elegibilidade

Idades elegíveis para estudo

18 anos e mais velhos (Adulto, Adulto mais velho)

Aceita Voluntários Saudáveis


Gêneros Elegíveis para o Estudo


Método de amostragem

Amostra de Probabilidade

População do estudo

Patients with the following inclusion criteria are suitable for participation in the study: age ≥18 years, signs, diagnosis or suspicion of heart failure and are contractually capable and mentally able to understand and follow the instructions of the study personnel (i.e. speaking and understanding the local language, being able to have a conversation for about an hour, being able to hear and speak). All subjects have to be able to give informed consent. Patients who had undergone heart transplantation are excluded. Otherwise, no exclusion criteria apply. The health care providers of these patients (cardiologists, GP's and HF-nurses) are also contacted to participate in this study.


Inclusion Criteria:

Patients with the following inclusion criteria are suitable for participation in the study:

  • age ≥18 years,
  • signs, diagnosis or suspicion of heart failure and
  • are contractually capable and mentally able to understand and follow the instructions of the study personnel (i.e. speaking and understanding the local language, being able to have a conversation for about an hour, being able to hear and speak).
  • All subjects have to be able to give informed consent. The health care providers of these patients (cardiologists, GP's and HF-nurses) are also contacted to participate in this study.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • patient who had a heart transplantation

Plano de estudo

Esta seção fornece detalhes do plano de estudo, incluindo como o estudo é projetado e o que o estudo está medindo.

Como o estudo é projetado?

Detalhes do projeto

O que o estudo está medindo?

Medidas de resultados primários

Medida de resultado
Prevalence of heartfailure patients characteristics in primary and secondary care
Prazo: at baseline
at baseline
Baseline descriptives of heart failure patients
Prazo: at baseline
at baseline

Medidas de resultados secundários

Medida de resultado
Questionnairs: Self care behavior scale
Prazo: at baseline
at baseline
Questionaaire: Dutch heart failure knowlegde scale
Prazo: at baseline
at baseline

Colaboradores e Investigadores

É aqui que você encontrará pessoas e organizações envolvidas com este estudo.

Datas de registro do estudo

Essas datas acompanham o progresso do registro do estudo e os envios de resumo dos resultados para Os registros do estudo e os resultados relatados são revisados ​​pela National Library of Medicine (NLM) para garantir que atendam aos padrões específicos de controle de qualidade antes de serem publicados no site público.

Datas Principais do Estudo

Início do estudo (Real)

1 de julho de 2012

Conclusão Primária (Real)

30 de junho de 2017

Conclusão do estudo (Real)

30 de junho de 2017

Datas de inscrição no estudo

Enviado pela primeira vez

16 de março de 2015

Enviado pela primeira vez que atendeu aos critérios de CQ

2 de junho de 2015

Primeira postagem (Estimativa)

4 de junho de 2015

Atualizações de registro de estudo

Última Atualização Postada (Real)

21 de agosto de 2018

Última atualização enviada que atendeu aos critérios de controle de qualidade

20 de agosto de 2018

Última verificação

1 de agosto de 2018

Mais Informações

Termos relacionados a este estudo

Outros números de identificação do estudo

  • METC 12-4-074

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