Medtronic Surgical Technologies赞助的临床试验
Medtronic Surgical Technologies完全的
Medtronic Surgical Technologies终止
Sound Surgical Technologies, LLC.完全的Females Scheduled to be Treated Using the MC1.美国
Sarah Blair, M.D.Medtronic Surgical Technologies完全的
The Cleveland ClinicSalient Surgical Technologies完全的
Medtronic Corporate Technologies and New Ventures完全的
Medtronic Corporate Technologies and New Ventures完全的
Medtronic Corporate Technologies and New Ventures完全的
Commons Aesthetic Plastic SurgerySound Surgical Technologies, LLC.完全的
Owen Drive Surgical Clinic of FayettevilleMedtronic - MITG未知
Matthias PairederMedtronic - MITG未知
Medtronic EndovascularVNUS Medical Technologies, A Covidien Company完全的
Medtronic EndovascularMerck Sharp & Dohme LLC; FoxHollow Technologies完全的
The Griffin InstituteMedtronic; Wellcome/EPSRC for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS)招聘中
University of HelsinkiHelsinki University Central Hospital; Olympus Surgical Technologies Europe, Celon Ag Medical...完全的
Ottawa Heart Institute Research CorporationFar Eastern Memorial Hospital; London Health Sciences Centre; Medtronic; The Methodist Hospital... 和其他合作者招聘中
Folkhälsan Researech CenterLund University; University of Padova; University of Pavia; Medtronic; Universidad Politecnica de... 和其他合作者完全的