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An Dose Escalation Study of BIBF 1120 Administered in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma

17 juli 2014 uppdaterad av: Boehringer Ingelheim

An Open Label Dose Escalation Study of BIBF 1120 Administered Orally for Four Weeks in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma With Repeated Administration in Patients With Clinical Benefit

Maximum tolerated dose (MTD), safety, pharmacokinetics, efficacy of BIBF 1120, pharmacodynamics





Intervention / Behandling



Inskrivning (Faktisk)



  • Fas 1


Forskare letar efter personer som passar en viss beskrivning, så kallade behörighetskriterier. Några exempel på dessa kriterier är en persons allmänna hälsotillstånd eller tidigare behandlingar.


Åldrar som är berättigade till studier

18 år och äldre (Vuxen, Äldre vuxen)

Tar emot friska volontärer


Kön som är behöriga för studier



Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Patients with confirmed diagnosis of multiple myeloma, who did not respond to or relapsed after either anthracyclines and pulsed glucocorticoids or high-dose therapy and who are currently not eligible for transplant modalities.
  2. Age 18 years or older
  3. Life expectancy of at least six months
  4. Patients have to give written informed consent (which must be consistent with ICH-GCP and local legislation)
  5. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance score <2.
  6. Recovery from all therapy-related toxicities from previous chemo-, immuno- or radiotherapies.

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. History of relevant surgical procedures during the last four weeks prior to treatment with the trial drug, or active ulcers, fractures or injuries with incomplete healing
  2. Active infectious disease
  3. Uncontrolled, severe hypertension
  4. Gastrointestinal disorders anticipated to interfere with the resorption of the study drug
  5. Serious illness or concomitant non-oncological disease considered by the investigator to be incompatible with the protocol
  6. Absolute neutrophil count less than 1000 / mm³.
  7. Platelet count less than 30 000 / mm³
  8. Conjugated Bilirubin greater than 2 mg / dl (> 34 μmol/L, SI unit equivalent)
  9. Aspartate amino transferase (AST) and / or alanine amino transferase (ALT) greater than three times the upper limit of normal
  10. Endogenous creatinine clearance (ECC) <20 ml/min
  11. Women and men who are sexually active and unwilling to use a medically acceptable method of contraception
  12. Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  13. Treatment with other investigational drugs or participation in another clinical trial within the past four weeks before start of therapy or concomitantly with this trial (except for present trial drug)
  14. Patients unable to comply with the protocol
  15. Active alcohol or drug abuse


Det här avsnittet ger detaljer om studieplanen, inklusive hur studien är utformad och vad studien mäter.

Hur är studien utformad?


  • Primärt syfte: Behandling
  • Tilldelning: N/A
  • Interventionsmodell: Enskild gruppuppgift
  • Maskning: Ingen (Open Label)

Vapen och interventioner

Deltagargrupp / Arm
Intervention / Behandling
Experimentell: BIBF 1120

Vad mäter studien?

Primära resultatmått

Maximum tolerated dose (MTD)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months

Sekundära resultatmått

Incidence and intensity of adverse events according to Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) associated with increasing doses of BIBF 1120
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Change from baseline in laboratory parameters
Tidsram: Baseline, up to 11 months
Baseline, up to 11 months
Objective tumor response in surrogate markers
Tidsram: Baseline, up to 11 month
Baseline, up to 11 month
Concentration at 2h (C2,1)
Tidsram: 2 hours after first administration
2 hours after first administration
Change from baseline in cellular protein tyrosine kinase inhibition
Tidsram: Baseline, up to 11 months
Baseline, up to 11 months
Change from baseline in Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance score
Tidsram: Baseline, up to 11 months
Baseline, up to 11 months
Change in vital signs
Tidsram: up to 11 months
up to 11 months
Change from baseline in electrocardiogram (ECG)
Tidsram: Baseline, up to 11 months
Baseline, up to 11 months
Predose concentration immediately before administration of the Nth dose over the dosing interval τ (Cpre,N)
Tidsram: Up to day 28
Up to day 28
Area under the plasma concentration-time curve during the dosing interval τ (24 h) at steady state (AUCτ,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Plasma concentration at the time point immediately before dosing at steady state (Cpre,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Minimum plasma concentration during the dosing interval τ at steady state (Cmin,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Maximum plasma concentration during the dosing interval τ at steady state (Cmax,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Time to reach minimum plasma concentration during the dosing interval τ at steady state (tmin,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Time to reach maximum plasma concentration during the dosing interval τ at steady state (tmax,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Terminal half-life at steady state (t1/2,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Apparent plasma clearance at steady state (CL/F,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Mean residence time at steady state (MRTpo,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Apparent volume of distribution during the terminal phase at steady state (Vz/F,ss)
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months
Tumor response assessed according to the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) criteria
Tidsram: Up to 11 months
Up to 11 months

Samarbetspartners och utredare

Det är här du hittar personer och organisationer som är involverade i denna studie.

Publikationer och användbara länkar

Den som ansvarar för att lägga in information om studien tillhandahåller frivilligt dessa publikationer. Dessa kan handla om allt som har med studien att göra.

Användbara länkar


Dessa datum spårar framstegen för inlämningar av studieposter och sammanfattande resultat till Studieposter och rapporterade resultat granskas av National Library of Medicine (NLM) för att säkerställa att de uppfyller specifika kvalitetskontrollstandarder innan de publiceras på den offentliga webbplatsen.

Studera stora datum


1 april 2003

Primärt slutförande (Faktisk)

1 mars 2005


Först inskickad

2 juli 2014

Först inskickad som uppfyllde QC-kriterierna

7 juli 2014

Första postat (Uppskatta)

8 juli 2014

Uppdateringar av studier

Senaste uppdatering publicerad (Uppskatta)

18 juli 2014

Senaste inskickade uppdateringen som uppfyllde QC-kriterierna

17 juli 2014

Senast verifierad

1 juli 2014

Mer information

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Kliniska prövningar på Multipelt myelom

Kliniska prövningar på BIBF 1120 ES
