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Retraining Attention to Treat Alcohol Dependence and Social Anxiety (AMP)

15 de diciembre de 2016 actualizado por: Joshua Magee, University of Cincinnati

Cognitive Bias Modification: A Novel Intervention for Alcohol Dependence and Social Anxiety

The purpose of this research is to test a computerized intervention for people with co-occurring social anxiety and alcohol dependence. The intervention seeks to reduce symptoms by shifting attention away from alcohol-relevant and/or socially threatening cues. The investigators expect that participants receiving alcohol or anxiety training will experience reductions in those specific symptoms compared to participants in a control condition. The investigators also expect that participants receiving combined alcohol and anxiety training will show the largest reductions in alcohol and anxiety symptoms, relative to participants in any other condition.

Descripción general del estudio

Descripción detallada

Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) and Social Anxiety Disorder are disabling and chronic conditions. In spite of these common and significantly overlapping problems, insight into the mechanisms linking alcohol dependence and social anxiety symptoms is minimal, and there are not well established treatment guidelines for this population. In this study, the investigators seek to develop a computerized intervention for individuals with symptoms of social anxiety and alcohol dependence. The intervention attempts to reduce symptoms by shifting attention away from alcohol-relevant and/or socially threatening cues. The investigators expect that participants receiving alcohol or anxiety training will experience reductions in those specific symptoms compared to participants in a control condition. The investigators also expect that participants receiving combined alcohol and anxiety training will show the largest reductions in alcohol and anxiety symptoms, relative to participants in any other condition.

Tipo de estudio


Inscripción (Actual)



  • No aplica

Contactos y Ubicaciones

Esta sección proporciona los datos de contacto de quienes realizan el estudio e información sobre dónde se lleva a cabo este estudio.

Ubicaciones de estudio

    • Ohio
      • Cincinnati, Ohio, Estados Unidos, 45206
        • University of Cincinnati Department of Family and Community Medicine

Criterios de participación

Los investigadores buscan personas que se ajusten a una determinada descripción, denominada criterio de elegibilidad. Algunos ejemplos de estos criterios son el estado de salud general de una persona o tratamientos previos.

Criterio de elegibilidad

Edades elegibles para estudiar

18 años y mayores (Adulto, Adulto Mayor)

Acepta Voluntarios Saludables


Géneros elegibles para el estudio



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Current alcohol dependence
  • Elevated social anxiety symptoms
  • Willingness to consider cutting down on drinking

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Current psychosis
  • Unmanaged manic symptoms
  • Significant cognitive impairment
  • Other drug use in past month
  • Receiving cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol use disorder or social anxiety
  • Unable to read

Plan de estudios

Esta sección proporciona detalles del plan de estudio, incluido cómo está diseñado el estudio y qué mide el estudio.

¿Cómo está diseñado el estudio?

Detalles de diseño

  • Propósito principal: Tratamiento
  • Asignación: Aleatorizado
  • Modelo Intervencionista: Asignación paralela
  • Enmascaramiento: Doble

Armas e Intervenciones

Grupo de participantes/brazo
Intervención / Tratamiento
Experimental: Anxiety Attention Training only
Participants will receive Anxiety Attention Training and placebo Alcohol training.
Anxiety Attention Training will preferentially direct participants' attention away from reminders of anxiety.
Experimental: Alcohol Attention Training only
Participants will receive Alcohol Attention Training and placebo Anxiety training.
Alcohol Attention Training will preferentially direct participants' attention away from reminders of alcohol.
Experimental: Anxiety + Alcohol Attention Training
Participants will receive both Anxiety Attention Training and Alcohol Attention Training.
Anxiety Attention Training will preferentially direct participants' attention away from reminders of anxiety.
Alcohol Attention Training will preferentially direct participants' attention away from reminders of alcohol.
Comparador de placebos: Control Training
Participants will receive placebo Anxiety Training and placebo Alcohol training.
Placebo Anxiety Training and Placebo Alcohol Training will not preferentially direct participants' attention away from reminders of anxiety or alcohol.

¿Qué mide el estudio?

Medidas de resultado primarias

Medida de resultado
Medida Descripción
Periodo de tiempo
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale
Periodo de tiempo: Baseline, weekly throughout the 4-week trial, and in the follow-up sessions (1 week and 1 month follow-ups)
The experimenter-administered Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (Liebowitz, 1987) was the primary measure to assess social anxiety symptoms. This well-validated instrument assesses fear and avoidance across a range of 24 social and performance situations during the course of the previous week. A total LSAS score was computed, ranging from 0 (no fear or avoidance) to 144 (the greatest level of fear and avoidance).
Baseline, weekly throughout the 4-week trial, and in the follow-up sessions (1 week and 1 month follow-ups)
The Daily Drinking Questionnaire
Periodo de tiempo: Baseline, weekly throughout the 4-week trial, and in the follow-up sessions (1 week and 1 month follow-ups)
The Daily Drinking Questionnaire (Collins, Parks, & Marlatt, 1985) was the primary measure used to assess weekly alcohol consumption. This calendar-based measure was administered by the experimenter once per week to monitor changes in symptoms. The measure assessed the total number of drinks in the past week.
Baseline, weekly throughout the 4-week trial, and in the follow-up sessions (1 week and 1 month follow-ups)

Colaboradores e Investigadores

Aquí es donde encontrará personas y organizaciones involucradas en este estudio.


  • Investigador principal: Joshua C Magee, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati

Fechas de registro del estudio

Estas fechas rastrean el progreso del registro del estudio y los envíos de resultados resumidos a Los registros del estudio y los resultados informados son revisados ​​por la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (NLM) para asegurarse de que cumplan con los estándares de control de calidad específicos antes de publicarlos en el sitio web público.

Fechas importantes del estudio

Inicio del estudio

1 de julio de 2013

Finalización primaria (Actual)

1 de diciembre de 2014

Finalización del estudio (Actual)

1 de diciembre de 2014

Fechas de registro del estudio

Enviado por primera vez

17 de junio de 2013

Primero enviado que cumplió con los criterios de control de calidad

21 de junio de 2013

Publicado por primera vez (Estimar)

26 de junio de 2013

Actualizaciones de registros de estudio

Última actualización publicada (Estimar)

28 de diciembre de 2016

Última actualización enviada que cumplió con los criterios de control de calidad

15 de diciembre de 2016

Última verificación

1 de diciembre de 2016

Más información

Términos relacionados con este estudio

Plan de datos de participantes individuales (IPD)

¿Planea compartir datos de participantes individuales (IPD)?


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Ensayos clínicos sobre Consumo de alcohol

Ensayos clínicos sobre Anxiety Attention Training
