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Clinical Study 3MESPE Crowns

10 september 2019 uppdaterad av: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Clinical Pilot Study of: Astringent Retraction Paste, Imprint™ 4 VPS, Imprint 4™ Preliminary, Intra-oral Syringes, 3M ESPE New Temporary Restoration (SuPro 100 and Temporary Cement), RelyX™ Unicem™ 2 Automix Cement, Lava™ Plus Zirconia Crowns

This clinical study seeks to address four independent questions that are all part of the delivery of care associated with the provision of a single item of treatment; an indirect restoration (known as a 'crown') to restore and cover a damaged tooth. The provision of a crown requires a series of sequential clinical and laboratory stages stages:

  1. Stage 1 - Preliminary impression. Taking a pre-operative impression of the tooth to be crowned. This will be used to enable the fabrication of the temporary crown after the tooth has been prepared. This is standard care and follows established clinical protocols.
  2. Stage 2 - Preparation of the tooth. This involves cutting the tooth back to make space for the crown that will be fabricated to replace the missing structure.
  3. Stage 3 - Taking an impression of the prepared tooth. From this a duplicate model will be made to fabricate the crown. To take the impression, the dentist will need to gently push the gums away from the tooth by fractions of a millimeter so that the margins of the preparation are clearly discernible.
  4. Stage 4 - Provision of a temporary restoration that will provide satisfactory function for a limited period of time, until the definitive crown can be fitted. This temporary crown is designed to have a finite short-term durability and have an ease of manufacture and subsequent removal; hence the use of a specific cement that will enable this.
  5. Stage 5 - Fitting of the definitive restoration. This is designed to be a durable restoration, with a mean life expectancy measured in years, but which is ultimately determined by a number of clinical, biological and patient specific parameters. Definitive restorations are fitted with cement designed to retain the crown in permanent manner.





Intervention / Behandling



Inskrivning (Faktisk)



  • Inte tillämpbar

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18 år och äldre (Vuxen, Äldre vuxen)

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Inclusion Criteria:

  • Patients in need of at least one full-coverage posterior restoration (crown) in a permanent premolar or molar.
  • If two teeth in opposing arches are in need of a full-coverage posterior restoration (crown) only the tooth or teeth in one arch will be included in the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patients who are unable to give informed consent or vulnerable population as defined in ISO 14155 will not be enrolled.
  • Patients with contraindications as described in the 'Instructions for Use' of the study materials


Det här avsnittet ger detaljer om studieplanen, inklusive hur studien är utformad och vad studien mäter.

Hur är studien utformad?


  • Primärt syfte: Övrig
  • Tilldelning: Randomiserad
  • Interventionsmodell: Crossover tilldelning
  • Maskning: Ingen (Open Label)

Vapen och interventioner

Deltagargrupp / Arm
Intervention / Behandling
Övrig: Innovation treatment 3M ESPE materials

The Innovation treatment arm will receive the innovation treatment first and then crossover to receive the standard clinical practice treatment during the Impression intervention.

Materials to be used all 3M ESPE - Astringent Retraction Paste, Imprint™ 4 Preliminary, Imprint™4 VPS, Imprint™ 4 Bite, Intra-oral syringes, Impression Tray,

The 1st intervention will compare two clinical impression techniques The Innovation treatment arm will receive the innovation treatment first and then crossover to receive the standard clinical practice treatment. The standard clinical practice treatment will receive the standard clinical practice treatment first and then crossover to receive the innovation treatment.
Övrig: standard clinical practice treatment

The standard clinical practice treatment will receive the standard clinical practice treatment first and then crossover to receive the innovation treatment during the Impression intervention

Materials as per the operating dentist's choice to be recorded on CRF

The 1st intervention will compare two clinical impression techniques The Innovation treatment arm will receive the innovation treatment first and then crossover to receive the standard clinical practice treatment. The standard clinical practice treatment will receive the standard clinical practice treatment first and then crossover to receive the innovation treatment.

Vad mäter studien?

Primära resultatmått

Assessment of the predictability
Tidsram: 48 months
Assessment of the predictability of results as a function of accuracy of the resulting model, the dentist's judgment on the quality of impression and the accuracy of fit of the definitive restoration (Lava™ Plus Zirconia crown). Predictability is defined as the frequency in which an adequate result is obtained in a consistent manner
48 months

Samarbetspartners och utredare

Det är här du hittar personer och organisationer som är involverade i denna studie.


Dessa datum spårar framstegen för inlämningar av studieposter och sammanfattande resultat till Studieposter och rapporterade resultat granskas av National Library of Medicine (NLM) för att säkerställa att de uppfyller specifika kvalitetskontrollstandarder innan de publiceras på den offentliga webbplatsen.

Studera stora datum


1 oktober 2016

Primärt slutförande (Förväntat)

1 april 2021

Avslutad studie (Förväntat)

1 juli 2021


Först inskickad

1 mars 2016

Först inskickad som uppfyllde QC-kriterierna

11 april 2016

Första postat (Uppskatta)

12 april 2016

Uppdateringar av studier

Senaste uppdatering publicerad (Faktisk)

11 september 2019

Senaste inskickade uppdateringen som uppfyllde QC-kriterierna

10 september 2019

Senast verifierad

1 september 2019

Mer information

Termer relaterade till denna studie

Ytterligare relevanta MeSH-villkor

Andra studie-ID-nummer

  • CR15/02 STH 18492

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Kliniska prövningar på Karies

Kliniska prövningar på Impression intervention
