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Effect of Exercise Mode in Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema (Lymphedema)

8 settembre 2021 aggiornato da: Maged Basha, Qassim University

Effect of Exercise Mode on Physical Function and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Gaining a greater understanding of how each exercise mode affects lymphedema, as well as other health-related outcomes will improve exercise prescription guidelines relevant to this specific lymphedema. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to compare the effects of Xbox kinect rehabilitation and resistance exercises on limb volume, symptoms severity, physical function, and quality of life in women with Breast cancer-related lymphedema.

Panoramica dello studio

Descrizione dettagliata

Breast cancer-related lymphedema is a common and debilitating side effect of cancer treatment. This study compared the effect of Xbox kinect rehabilitation and resistance exercises on breast cancer-related lymphedema volume and severity, as well as participant's physical function and quality of life. Women diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer related lymphedema were randomly divided into two groups: the kinect based rehabilitation group KBRG and resistance exercise group REG. woman in The KBRG received virtual reality therapy using Xbox Kinect-based games, the REG received resistance training in addition both groups received complex decongestive physiotherapy. The intervention was five sessions per week for 8 weeks. The outcome measures included limb volume, symptoms severity, physical function (muscle strength and range of motion) and quality of life. All these outcomes were assessed at pretreatment (baseline) and after the end of treatment at week eight (W8).

Tipo di studio


Iscrizione (Effettivo)



  • Non applicabile

Contatti e Sedi

Questa sezione fornisce i recapiti di coloro che conducono lo studio e informazioni su dove viene condotto lo studio.

Luoghi di studio

      • Cairo, Egitto, 11241
        • Shorook Physical Therapy Centers

Criteri di partecipazione

I ricercatori cercano persone che corrispondano a una certa descrizione, chiamata criteri di ammissibilità. Alcuni esempi di questi criteri sono le condizioni generali di salute di una persona o trattamenti precedenti.

Criteri di ammissibilità

Età idonea allo studio

Da 30 anni a 65 anni (Adulto, Adulto più anziano)

Accetta volontari sani


Sessi ammissibili allo studio



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age more than 30.
  • Histological diagnosis of breast cancer at least 1 year prior to the study.
  • Clinical diagnosis of unilateral Breast cancer-related lymphedema and obtained medical clearance from their medical oncologists or surgeons.
  • Clinical diagnosis of lymphedema was defined as having at least a 5 % inter-limb discrepancy in volume or circumference.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Unstable lymphedema, receiving intensive therapy within the previous 3 months.
  • A musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and/or neurological disorder that could inhibit them from exercising.

Piano di studio

Questa sezione fornisce i dettagli del piano di studio, compreso il modo in cui lo studio è progettato e ciò che lo studio sta misurando.

Come è strutturato lo studio?

Dettagli di progettazione

  • Scopo principale: Trattamento
  • Assegnazione: Randomizzato
  • Modello interventistico: Assegnazione parallela
  • Mascheramento: Separare

Armi e interventi

Gruppo di partecipanti / Arm
Intervento / Trattamento
Sperimentale: Virtual Reality Group
The Kinect based rehabilitation group received virtual reality therapy using Xbox Kinect-based games, in addition to complex decongestive physiotherapy. The intervention was led once per day, five days a week, over 8 weeks. All participants wearing multilayer bandage or compression stocking during training to avoid exacerbation of the lymphedema in the affected limb.
Intervention was led once per day, five days a week, over 8 weeks.
Altri nomi:
  • complex decongestive physiotherapy
Sperimentale: Resistance exercise Group
The resistance exercise group received resistance training, in addition to complex decongestive physiotherapy. The intervention was led once per day, five days a week, over 8 weeks. All participants wearing multilayer bandage or compression stocking during training to avoid exacerbation of the lymphedema in the affected limb.
Intervention was led once per day, five days a week, over 8 weeks.
Altri nomi:
  • complex decongestive physiotherapy

Cosa sta misurando lo studio?

Misure di risultato primarie

Misura del risultato
Misura Descrizione
Lasso di tempo
Limb volume measurement
Lasso di tempo: at baseline
assessed by circumference measurements using a non-elastic tape. Measures started just distal to the metacarpal-phalangeal joints and were taken at 4-cm intervals up the arm until the base of the axilla.
at baseline
Limb volume measurement
Lasso di tempo: after 8 weeks
assessed by circumference measurements using a non-elastic tape. Measures started just distal to the metacarpal-phalangeal joints and were taken at 4-cm intervals up the arm until the base of the axilla.
after 8 weeks
Limb volume measurement
Lasso di tempo: after 12 weeks
assessed by circumference measurements using a non-elastic tape. Measures started just distal to the metacarpal-phalangeal joints and were taken at 4-cm intervals up the arm until the base of the axilla.
after 12 weeks
Health-related quality of life, Medical Outcomes Study short-form (SF-36)
Lasso di tempo: at baseline
assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study short-form (SF-36). Outcomes of physical functioning, role-physical, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role emotional and mental health domains were reported as norm-based scores.
at baseline
Health-related quality of life, Medical Outcomes Study short-form (SF-36)
Lasso di tempo: after 8 weeks
assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study short-form (SF-36). Outcomes of physical functioning, role-physical, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role emotional and mental health domains were reported as norm-based scores.
after 8 weeks
Health-related quality of life, Medical Outcomes Study short-form (SF-36)
Lasso di tempo: after 12 weeks
assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study short-form (SF-36). Outcomes of physical functioning, role-physical, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role emotional and mental health domains were reported as norm-based scores.
after 12 weeks

Misure di risultato secondarie

Misura del risultato
Misura Descrizione
Lasso di tempo
Shoulder range of motion
Lasso di tempo: at baseline
Active flexion and abduction of the shoulder were assessed with the elbow extended in the supine position. External rotation was measured while the shoulder was adducted and in neutral position with the forearm in neutral supination and pronation while sitting on a chair.
at baseline
Shoulder range of motion
Lasso di tempo: after 8 weeks
Active flexion and abduction of the shoulder were assessed with the elbow extended in the supine position. External rotation was measured while the shoulder was adducted and in neutral position with the forearm in neutral supination and pronation while sitting on a chair.
after 8 weeks
Shoulder range of motion
Lasso di tempo: after 12 weeks
Active flexion and abduction of the shoulder were assessed with the elbow extended in the supine position. External rotation was measured while the shoulder was adducted and in neutral position with the forearm in neutral supination and pronation while sitting on a chair.
after 12 weeks
Visual analogue scale
Lasso di tempo: at baseline
used to quantify the severity of perceived pain, heaviness, and tightness. Participants rated their symptom severity from no pain/no discomfort (score = 0) to very severe pain/worst imaginable discomfort (score = 10)
at baseline
Visual analogue scale
Lasso di tempo: after 8 weeks
used to quantify the severity of perceived pain, heaviness, and tightness. Participants rated their symptom severity from no pain/no discomfort (score = 0) to very severe pain/worst imaginable discomfort (score = 10)
after 8 weeks
Visual analogue scale
Lasso di tempo: after 12 weeks
used to quantify the severity of perceived pain, heaviness, and tightness. Participants rated their symptom severity from no pain/no discomfort (score = 0) to very severe pain/worst imaginable discomfort (score = 10)
after 12 weeks
Muscle strength
Lasso di tempo: at baseline
The affected upper extremity flexion, abduction, and external rotation muscle strength were measured during maximal voluntary isometric muscle contraction with the J Tech Commender Muscle Tester (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) handheld dynamometer according to reported positions.
at baseline
Muscle strength
Lasso di tempo: after 8 weeks
The affected upper extremity flexion, abduction, and external rotation muscle strength were measured during maximal voluntary isometric muscle contraction with the J Tech Commender Muscle Tester (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) handheld dynamometer according to reported positions.
after 8 weeks
Muscle strength
Lasso di tempo: after 12 weeks
The affected upper extremity flexion, abduction, and external rotation muscle strength were measured during maximal voluntary isometric muscle contraction with the J Tech Commender Muscle Tester (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) handheld dynamometer according to reported positions.
after 12 weeks

Collaboratori e investigatori

Qui è dove troverai le persone e le organizzazioni coinvolte in questo studio.



  • Investigatore principale: Maged Basha, PhD, College of medical rehabilitation, Qassim University
  • Direttore dello studio: Fatma Alzahraa Kamel, PhD, Cairo University

Pubblicazioni e link utili

La persona responsabile dell'inserimento delle informazioni sullo studio fornisce volontariamente queste pubblicazioni. Questi possono riguardare qualsiasi cosa relativa allo studio.

Studiare le date dei record

Queste date tengono traccia dell'avanzamento della registrazione dello studio e dell'invio dei risultati di sintesi a I record degli studi e i risultati riportati vengono esaminati dalla National Library of Medicine (NLM) per assicurarsi che soddisfino specifici standard di controllo della qualità prima di essere pubblicati sul sito Web pubblico.

Studia le date principali

Inizio studio (Effettivo)

15 gennaio 2019

Completamento primario (Effettivo)

20 aprile 2020

Completamento dello studio (Effettivo)

5 maggio 2020

Date di iscrizione allo studio

Primo inviato

21 gennaio 2021

Primo inviato che soddisfa i criteri di controllo qualità

21 gennaio 2021

Primo Inserito (Effettivo)

26 gennaio 2021

Aggiornamenti dei record di studio

Ultimo aggiornamento pubblicato (Effettivo)

16 settembre 2021

Ultimo aggiornamento inviato che soddisfa i criteri QC

8 settembre 2021

Ultimo verificato

1 settembre 2021

Maggiori informazioni

Termini relativi a questo studio

Piano per i dati dei singoli partecipanti (IPD)

Hai intenzione di condividere i dati dei singoli partecipanti (IPD)?

Descrizione del piano IPD

The data sets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Periodo di condivisione IPD

6 months after publication

Criteri di accesso alla condivisione IPD

relevance to the topic of the study and approval of all co-authors within 1 month of receiving the request.

Tipo di informazioni di supporto alla condivisione IPD


Informazioni su farmaci e dispositivi, documenti di studio

Studia un prodotto farmaceutico regolamentato dalla FDA degli Stati Uniti


Studia un dispositivo regolamentato dalla FDA degli Stati Uniti


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Prove cliniche su Qualità della vita

Prove cliniche su Virtual Reality
