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Kliniska prövningar sponsrade av Army Research Laboratory
Totalt 660 resultat
United States Army Aeromedical Research LaboratoryAvslutadTranskraniell likströmsstimuleringFörenta staterna
United States Army Aeromedical Research LaboratoryAvslutadPrestandaförbättringFörenta staterna
United States Army Aeromedical Research LaboratoryOkändKognitionFörenta staterna
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Army Research LaboratoryAvslutadIlska | Aggression | Påfrestning | Känsloreglering | SjälvkontrollFörenta staterna
United States Army Aeromedical Research LaboratoryCongressionally Directed Medical Research ProgramsOkänd
United States Army Research Institute of Environmental...United States Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center och andra samarbetspartnersRekryteringStressfysiologiFörenta staterna
United States Army Aeromedical Research LaboratoryAlabama College of Osteopathic Medicine; Department of Aviation Medicine...Avslutad
Sports Medicine Research and Testing LaboratoryRekrytering
Changping LaboratoryChina Rehabilitation Research CenterRekrytering
Sports Medicine Research and Testing LaboratoryAvslutad
Changping LaboratoryChina Rehabilitation Research CenterRekrytering
Sports Medicine Research and Testing LaboratoryAvslutad
Tripler Army Medical CenterU.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition ActivityOkändMild, Moderate and Severe Persistent Asthma as Defined by NHLBI-2 GuidelinesFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)RekryteringVaccinreaktionFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadHIV-infektionerFörenta staterna
Madigan Army Medical CenterU.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command; William Beaumont Army...AvslutadLändryggssmärtaFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition ActivityOkänd
Madigan Army Medical CenterU.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandAvslutad
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadMalariaFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Avslutad
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadKutan LeishmaniasisFrankrike, Tunisien
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadBiomarkörer, farmakologiskaFörenta staterna
Besins HealthcareClinical Research Laboratory, CRO, RussiaAvslutad
University Hospital, BordeauxTransitionnal Research International LaboratoryOkändKronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdomFrankrike
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)RekryteringVaccinreaktionFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)RekryteringSömnbrist | Mental kompetensFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Anmälan via inbjudanSova | Prestandahöjande produktanvändning
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadMalariaFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadMeningit, meningokocker, serogrupp BFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadCampylobacter infektionFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Avslutad
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Medical CenterAvslutadKutan LeishmaniasisFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandGlaxoSmithKline; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadPlasmodium FalciparumKenya
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandGlaxoSmithKline; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Avslutad
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandUS Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious DiseasesIndragen
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandGlaxoSmithKline; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Avslutad
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandGlaxoSmithKline; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Avslutad
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandGlaxoSmithKline; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Indragen
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command; U.S. Army Training...AvslutadSmärta | Påfrestning | Hälsa, subjektivt | Sova | Ångest | Depressiva symtom | Humör | Ledarskap | Känsloreglering | Yoga | Mindfulness | Muskuloskeletal skada | Militära operationer | Sammanhållning, socialFörenta staterna
Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation...Rekrytering
Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation...Har inte rekryterat ännuRivning eller bristning av rotatorkuffen, inte specificerad som traumatisk | Rotator Cuff Revor | Rotator Cuff Tendinosis | Rotator Cuff Syndrome | Rotator Cuff Impingement
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandWalter Reed Army Medical CenterAvslutadLeishmaniasisFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandUS Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious DiseasesAktiv, inte rekryterandeVenezuelansk hästencefalomyelitvirussjukdomFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandUS Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious DiseasesIndragenRicinförgiftningFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandGlaxoSmithKline; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Avslutad
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandUS Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious DiseasesIndragen
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandUS Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious DiseasesAvslutadRicinFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandUS Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious DiseasesIndragenRicinförgiftningFörenta staterna
U.S. Army Medical Research and Development CommandGlaxoSmithKline; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)Avslutad
United States Army Research Institute of Environmental...Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)AvslutadDiarre | MalariaFörenta staterna, Kenya