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Kliniske forsøg sponsoreret af Methodist Homes for the Aged
I alt 112 resultater
Methodist Homes for the AgedAfsluttetDemensDet Forenede Kongerige
Middlesex UniversityMethodist Homes for the AgedAfsluttetKognitiv svækkelse | Kognitiv tilbagegangDet Forenede Kongerige
Central Union for the Welfare of the AgedUniversity of Eastern FinlandUkendtDepression | Psykologisk velværeFinland
Anglia Ruskin UniversityUniversity of Melbourne; Alzheimer's Society; Norwegian Academy of Music; Cambridgeshire... og andre samarbejdspartnereAfsluttetDepression | Livskvalitet | Demens | Demens, Vaskulær | Demens, blandet | Demens med Lewy Bodies | Alzheimers demens | Adfærdsmæssige og psykiatriske symptomer på demensDet Forenede Kongerige, Australien, Tyskland, Norge, Polen
The Methodist Hospital Research InstituteCollaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign...RekrutteringOveraktiv blære | Nedre urinvejssymptomer | Neurogen blære | Neurogen Detrusor Overaktivitet | Neuro: Neurogen blæreForenede Stater
The Methodist Hospital Research InstituteCenter for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of MedicineRekrutteringMesenkymale stamceller | NyretransplantationForenede Stater
William Marsh Rice UniversityNational Endowment for the Arts, United States; Methodist Research Institute... og andre samarbejdspartnereUkendtKognitiv svækkelse | KreativitetForenede Stater
David Baskin MDThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...RekrutteringGlioblastoma Multiforme | Astrocytom, grad IIIForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Ikke rekrutterer endnuBrystkræft | Neoplasma, bryst | Ondartet neoplasma i brystet | Brysttumor | Brystkræft | Mammary neoplasmer, menneske | Tumor, bryst | Mammary NeoplasmaForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...RekrutteringAkut myeloid leukæmiForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeHodgkins lymfom | Non-Hodgkins lymfomForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeNasopharyngealt karcinom | Hodgkins sygdom | Non-Hodgkin lymfom | Svær kronisk aktiv Epstein Barr-virus | T/NK-lymfoproliferativ sygdom | Glat muskelsvulstForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeLymfom | Lymfom, Non-Hodgkin | Tilbagefald | Hodgkins sygdomForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeNon-Hodgkins lymfom | Akut lymfatisk leukæmi | Kronisk myeloid leukæmi | Myelodysplastisk syndromForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeAkut myeloid leukæmi | Akut lymfatisk leukæmi | Non Hodgkin lymfom | Myelodysplastisk syndrom | Kronisk myelogen leukæmi | Hæmofagocytisk lymfohistiocytose | Epstein Barr virusinfektion | X-bundet lymfoproliferativ sygdom | Hæmofagocytisk syndrom | Familiær hæmofagocytisk lymfohistiocytoseForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetEpstein-Barr-virusinfektionerForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetLymfoproliferative lidelser | Epstein-Barr-virusinfektionerForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Afsluttet
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetGlioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)Forenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetLymfom | Hodgkins sygdomForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetHER2 positive maligniteterForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetFanconi Anæmi | Alvorlig aplastisk anæmiForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetNasopharyngealt karcinomForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetLymfoproliferative lidelser | Hæmatologiske sygdomme | Myelomatose | Akut lymfatisk leukæmi | Akut myelogen leukæmi | Kronisk myelogen leukæmi | Plasmacelledyskrasi | Myelodysplastic and Myeloproliferative DisordersForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetEpstein-Barr-virusinfektionerForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetHjernekræft | Glioblastoma Multiforme | GBMForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Trukket tilbageNASOFARYNGEAL CARCINOMA
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Ikke rekrutterer endnuGraft-versus-værtssygdom (GVHD)Forenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...RekrutteringSolid tumor | Liposarkom | Rhabdomyosarkom | Wilms Tumor | Ondartet rhabdoid tumor | Æggesækketumor | Levercellekarcinom | Embryonalt sarkom i leverenForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...RekrutteringRefraktær B-celle non-Hodgkin lymfom | Recidiverende non-hodgkin lymfom | Tilbagefaldende Voksen ALLE | Tilbagefaldende CLL | Refraktær B-celle lille lymfocytisk lymfomForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...RekrutteringKronisk lymfatisk leukæmi | Non-Hodgkin lymfom | Akut lymfatisk leukæmiForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...RekrutteringStamcelletransplantation | AllogenForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...RekrutteringLymfom | Leukæmi | MyelomForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetMyelomatoseForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetMyelodysplastiske syndromer | Primære immundefektsygdomme | Hæmoglobinopatier | Kronisk myeloid leukæmi | Cytopeni | Alvorlig aplastisk anæmi | Knoglemarvsfejlsyndrom | Akut myeloid leukæmi i remission | Hæmofagocytiske lymfohistiocytoser | Akut lymfatisk leukæmi i remission | Alvorlig kronisk aktiv Epstein-Barr-virusinfektionForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetLeukæmi, lymfoblastisk (akut)Forenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeHPV-16/18 E6/E7-specifikke T-lymfocytter, recidiverende HPV-associerede kræftformer, HESTIA (HESTIA)Humant papillomavirus-relateret karcinom | Humant papillomavirus positivt orofaryngealt karcinom | Humant papillomavirus positivt cervikal karcinom | Human Papillomavirus Positivt Anal Carcinom | Humant papillomavirus positivt vulvarcarcinom | Humant papillomavirus positivt peniscarcinomForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Aktiv, ikke rekrutterendeNon-Hodgkins lymfom | B-celle ALLE | B-celle CLLForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetCOVID-19 | Acute respiratory distress syndrom | SARS-CoV-2Forenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetLymfoproliferative lidelser | Hodgkin lymfom | EBV-relateret non-Hodgkins lymfom | NonHodgkin lymfom | EBV-relateret PTLD | EBV-relateret lymfom | EBV-relateret Hodgkins lymfomForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetLeukæmi | Leukæmi, B-celle, kroniskForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetT-celledepletion for modtagere af HLA-haploidentiske relaterede donorstamcelletransplantater (MOHEL)Akut myeloid leukæmi | Akut lymfatisk leukæmi | Myelodysplastisk syndrom | Kronisk myelogen leukæmi | Hæmofagocytisk lymfohistiocytose (HLH) | Non Hodgkins lymfom | Familiær hæmofagocytisk lymfohistiocytose (FLH) | Viral-associeret hæmofagocytisk syndrom (VAHS) | X-bundet lymfoproliferativ sygdom (XLP)Forenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetLeukæmiForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Afsluttet
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetSeglcelleanæmi | Thalassæmi | HæmoglobinopatiForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...Afsluttet
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetB-celle kronisk lymfatisk leukæmiForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetCytomegalovirus infektion | Adenovirus infektionForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetEpstein-Barr-virusinfektioner | Stamcelletransplantation | Cytomegalovirus infektioner | Adenovirus infektionForenede Stater
Baylor College of MedicineThe Methodist Hospital Research Institute; Center for Cell and Gene Therapy...AfsluttetKronisk lymfatisk leukæmi (CLL)Forenede Stater